jan_ai Zhang 发表于 2006-3-29 22:20:40

I and dirty words

From Mr. :
" 赞成。在加拿大在个民主国家,可以相互发表自己的见解,这个世界上,没有什么绝对的对或是不对。今天不对的,明天可能会得到修改,今天对的,也许明天就被废除了。大多数人认为是对,那就是对。就象是政府制定法律一样。一旦BILL被通过,那就是法律。人人都要遵守。但漫骂和人生攻击,只能是低能和愚蠢的表现。应该百花齐放和百家争鸣。让大家畅所欲言,有个地方可以发泄以下,也许可以使你减轻一下你的新移民综合症,并可缓解自身的压力。


I agree:
(1) "应该百花齐放和百家争鸣。
(2) "但漫骂和人生攻击,只能是低能和愚蠢的表现。"

               I and dirty words (swearwords)

   When I was an attendant in a gas station a few years ago, I automatically learned a sequence of daily dirty words (swearwords). Almost half of customers use them in the gas station. My skills and services were not bad in that gas station, but I only got very few tips.A new learner who, also a Chinese, stayed in USA for a few years before moved to Toronto, always got much more tips than I. He told me that I used dirty words so often. Sometimes I wanted to use the same dirty words to build good relationship with some drivers, especially taxi drivers. Sometimes I say it by accident. But the customers do not like it even though he or she sometimes uses dirty words.

    Later I understood that I could not open my own gas station because I did not have the good skills to deal with police for prostitution, counterfeit bills (banknote), disposal of stolen goods, credit card crime ….

    One aftermath (side-effect):

    one day I walked to ESL school with a Chinese female schoolmate by chance, she found I understood some argument with dirty words between 2 foreigners. Then she stopped me going home in the area of school lockers until I told her some dirty words. Her reasons were that she had to understand them though she will never use them.

    One after-effect (aftermath):

    After that, I tried to get rid of dirty words but it is really difficult. Even now I have to remind myself whenever I talk with someone in our office.
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