Hyacinthy 发表于 2023-6-18 10:50:03

阿省省长Danielle Smith不是才刚在一个月前, 因为一起备受瞩目的 COVID-19 案件, 与阿省司法部长进行了私人谈话, 而违反了利益冲突守則, 而被道德专员判定她违反了利益冲突法!! 结果是阿省省长仍旧连任了, 仍旧被支持她的许多51选民所爱戴, 所以说加拿大的政治其实就是一本笑话剧集, 不要太认真, 完全只看哪位政治人物的路线是与你所喜欢的一样, 与加拿大国家本身利益好坏无关!!

易径 发表于 2023-6-18 09:45:37


Suntoront 发表于 2023-6-18 12:33:26


The picture is for "picture" purpose only and that is why she can wear slippers in the kitchen. I really doubt she worked as dishwasher that week-end.I worked at more than 10 restaurants and I know what are wrong with the picture.
1. Dishwasher use gloves to protect their hands.
2. Dishwasher use plastic aprons so they won't get wet that easy.
3. No one work at kitchen can wear slippers because of safety concern. The owner and manager will get into big trouble if the health department find out.

lifeisfun 发表于 2023-6-18 08:13:46



LilacsSensation 发表于 2023-6-18 08:36:51


blackbirdnk 发表于 2023-6-18 10:04:17


trt2022 发表于 2023-6-18 13:06:34

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查看完整版本: 阿省省长晒在自家餐馆刷碗引爆网络!如今竟然准备要抛售了?