网站管理员 发表于 2002-3-24 01:27:30



The following steps are for you and your users to add this feature to your desktop (note: these are instructions for Windows ME, so you may need to adjust the instructions accordingly).

A. Right click on your desktop anywhere but not on an icon.
B. Go to Active Desktop -> Customize My Desktop.
C. Find the "Web" tab at the top.Click it.
D. Check the box next to "Show Web Content on my Active Desktop".
E. Click "New".
F. Type
G. Click "OK" and then "OK" again at any alerts that open.
H. Make sure the box next to the "Latest Topics" page is checked.
I. Click "Apply".
J. Click "OK".
K. Click and drag the top of the little window to change its position.
L. Click and drag the bottom, left, or right borders to resize the window.

网站管理员 发表于 2002-3-24 01:37:49

这是截图 :)

小猪猪 发表于 2002-3-24 09:58:24


潇香剑客 发表于 2002-3-25 22:26:29

我想玩 casino online!!
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