本帖最后由 Fun Guy 于 2023-3-11 14:59 编辑
不是造谣抹黑,而是别有用心,他们在加拿大挑拨离间,让其他加拿大人反对中国人,搞乱加拿大,然后,逼小土豆下台。FOX news 呼吁美国出兵加拿大, 针对的是卡斯特罗之子小土豆。 小土豆在2015年获胜联邦选举后,向全球宣布:加拿大将带领人类走向后国家时代 - postnational state。也就是老土豆,他父亲好友列侬的愿望。
During the 2011 election, John Ibbitson when describing what he describes the fading issues of the "Laurentian Consensus" argued that they were responsible for turning Canada into the first post national state.[9] In 2015, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau while defining Canadian values declared his country to be the world’s first postnational state.[10][11] In 2019, Robert Dutrisac writing in Le Devoir, associated with multiculturalism, which he described as an ideology associated with English Canada.[12] While, John Weissenberger associated the Trudeau description as an argument that Laurentian Elite have" diluted the “Laurentian” nature of the class and boosted their disdain for national character."[13]