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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-6 13:32:26 | 显示全部楼层

Don't imagine if I am angry or not, because you never know. Please focus on points.

Very good suggestion!

For your previous question:

You didn't answer my question. My question is, if your daughter was killed by a bad health care system, how would you repond? Would you still tolerate the system? Would you still keep positive?

I asked Bei Shan similar queation many times. If his family's member was killed in 64, how would he respond? He never answered such question.

No use to argue with people like you and Bei Shan. You are the typical Chinese who can be easily fooled around by GCD.

Sorry for my poor English.

My answer was:

Your English is not bad at all. Don't be too humble.

Well, I believe we are talking about different subjects here. However, I'd like to give your tough questions a try.

What if my family got killed in 64 or what if my daughter got killed by tainted antibiotic.

Honestly, I don't know.

I might become a person like you, keeping cursing and losing faith in my own country. I mean I might. But one thing for sure, if I go that far, I must have already lost my mind.

I don't know what makes you so upset and negative about GCD and even China. But I truly hope your family are all healthy and happy.

In the following posts, I also expressed my concerns:

My intention is not playing a role such like government delegate of China. I hate all of these tainted food and medicines as much as you do. I also feel embarrassed every time when I read such kind of sad stories.

However, let's check the flip side a little bit. I’ve been a loyal subscriber of G&M for couple of years. According to my experience during these two years, the newspaper’s attitude to China has never ever been friendly, or even objective. If you are interested, you can go to G&M’s website and check all its cover page stories regarding China and see what type of news this paper put there. For people who are living in Canada, after reading this newspaper for years, I won’t be surprised that many of them will be influenced and have bias against China or even Chinese people, including ordinary Chinese immigrants in Canada.

I don’t understand why some of the 51ers were so aggressive when I raised my concerns. I even was questioned what if my daughter got killed by tainted antibiotic. Should I be criticized and even offended only because I was questioning the position of G&M and couple of its reports?

I’d really like to know how many 51ers read local newspapers & magazines (G&M, TIME, Star, Sun) and watch TV news on daily basis.

Give me your opinions on the concerns that I've raised please.


In brief, my concern is the intentinal or unintentional bias against China in mainsteam media such as G&M.

Let's read through the following essay before we go further.

How to Detect Bias in the News [/FONT]

At one time or other we all complain about "bias in the news." The fact is, despite the journalistic ideal of "objectivity," every news story is influenced by the attitudes and background of its interviewers, writers, photographers and editors.

Not all bias is deliberate. But you can become a more aware news reader or viewer by watching for the following journalistic techniques that allow bias to "creep in" to the news:

Bias through selection and omission  [/FONT]  

An editor can express a bias by choosing to use or not to use a specific news item. Within a given story, some details can be ignored, and others included, to give readers or viewers a different opinion about the events reported. If, during a speech, a few people boo, the reaction can be described as "remarks greeted by jeers" or they can be ignored as "a handful of dissidents."

Bias through omission is difficult to detect. Only by comparing news reports from a wide variety of outlets can the form of bias be observed.

Bias through placement   [/FONT]  

Readers of papers judge first page stories to be more significant than those buried in the back. Television and radio newscasts run the most important stories first and leave the less significant for later. Where a story is placed, therefore, influences what a reader or viewer thinks about its importance.

Bias by headline   [/FONT]  

Many people read only the headlines of a news item. Most people scan nearly all the headlines in a newspaper. Headlines are the most-read part of a paper. They can summarize as well as present carefully hidden bias and prejudices. They can convey excitement where little exists. They can express approval or condemnation.

Bias by photos, captions and camera angles   [/FONT]  

Some pictures flatter a person, others make the person look unpleasant. A paper can choose photos to influence opinion about, for example, a candidate for election. On television, the choice of which visual images to display is extremely important. The captions newspapers run below photos are also potential sources of bias.

Bias through use of names and titles [/FONT]  

News media often use labels and titles to describe people, places, and events. A person can be called an "ex-con" or be referred to as someone who "served time twenty years ago for a minor offense." Whether a person is described as a "terrorist" or a "freedom fighter" is a clear indication of editorial bias.

Bias through statistics and crowd counts [/FONT]  

To make a disaster seem more spectacular (and therefore worthy of reading about), numbers can be inflated. "A hundred injured in aircrash" can be the same as "only minor injuries in air crash," reflecting the opinion of the person doing the counting.

Bias by source control   [/FONT]  

To detect bias, always consider where the news item "comes from." Is the information supplied by a reporter, an eyewitness, police or fire officials, executives, or elected or appointed government officials? Each may have a particular bias that is introduced into the story. Companies and public relations directors supply news outlets with puffpieces through news releases, photos or videos. Often news outlets depend on pseudo-events (demonstrations, sit-ins, ribbon cuttings, speeches and ceremonies) that take place mainly to gain news coverage.

Word choice and tone   [/FONT]  

Showing the same kind of bias that appears in headlines, the use of positive or negative words or words with a particular connotation can strongly influence the reader or viewer.


http://www.media-awareness.ca/en ... ias_in_the_news.cfm

The Media Awareness Network [/FONT]  

Now, tell me what do you think other than labelling me as "Nu Cai"?
 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-6 14:02:10 | 显示全部楼层

Whick one of the following is more important:

1. The reputation of China and Chinese people
2. The suffering of Chiense people(some) through different ways in China due to the lack of sound social system.

You claimed read a lot. Why don't you throw your books away and go to China to learn from that society? In China, reading too much means you have more chance to get head problems.

Here, your problem is linking "negative reports" to China's reputation. Which one is more important, your reputation or other's life?

You didn’t get my point at all.

My concern is the bias against China and Chinese in G&M reports, whereas you are only interested in and keep talking about regardless of context is cursing the Chinese government and GCD.

Again, is this the best you can do?
 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-6 23:12:22 | 显示全部楼层
地点:夜狼国.时间:某日, 四个夜狼国民和另外几个外国人同乘一部电梯. 门关上后, 其中一个夜狼国民放了一个闷屁. 顿时满电梯里都臭不可闻. 这四个互夜狼国民相互大声指责:"是你放的.". 那几位外国人当然也受不了这其臭无比的屁,认为电梯里放屁不文明. 有碍斯文.有的皱皱眉,有的耸耸肩,看着那几位夜狼国民,脸上表露出不满. 他们的表情恰好被夜狼国民到了. 于是乎,四个夜狼国民停止"内战", 一致冲着外国人:"怎么的? 你们不放屁吗?" . "你们这些外国人对俺们就是充满敌意". "放屁乃人身之气,看来你们这些口口声声讲人权的家伙们,太虚伪了". "哼.谁能证明屁不是你们放的?"  眼看一场捍卫"尊严"的大战就要爆发了. 这时候电梯门开了,几个外国人"仓慌逃"出电梯. 身后留下的夜狼国民嘲笑......


 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-8 12:19:14 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-8 20:12:04 | 显示全部楼层

这次《环球邮报》关于中国制造的报道有着比较特殊的风格,尤其是近一个多星期的报道。具体的讲,我个人觉得就是没有在深层次上讨论这个问题,而是简单的报道相关的事件和重复一些之前的观点,在其最近的文章里FIVE THINGS: MADE IN CHINA,更是把中国的器官移植都当MADE IN CHINA扯上了(For around $50,000, a new Chinese kidney would help many a Canadian patient to bypass those pesky wait times back home)。

相比之下,美国的某些媒体报道得更加深入一些。在最近的时代周刊上有一篇文章:The Growing Dangers of China Trade。文章里除了指出目前的中国制造以及对华贸易中存在的问题,同时也指出了美国FDA等机构在检测方面力不从心的事实,以及美方进口商的责任问题,通过引用很多在华工作的美方人士的观点以及在华做质量监控比较成功的一些企业的案例,文章比较清晰和客观地向读者展示了一个中国制造的目前状况。


The real test of China's progress won't be whether it can produce more rules or testing labs, lawsuits or tracking systems. It's whether Chinese consumers will demand--and receive--the same assurance of safety that Western consumers do.


 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-8 20:40:04 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢.知俺者FFGG123也. 也许玩笑开大了,不是每个人都能接受的. 向XPXPXP同志道个歉.


 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-15 17:50:23 | 显示全部楼层
I bet this "China Free" label will become quite “popular” in the near future. The popularity doesn't necessarily be defined by how many companies and their products start using it. More likely, tt could also be determined by the media coverage and how often people like to bring that up. What still remain unclear to me are the impact to Chinese community and the image of China.

I don't know what I would feel if I hear some jokes on this regard. I don't know neither if there is anything that I can do to help.

Usually, people feel offended when they get labeled. And when they find out being labeled is almost unavoidable, they will feel more stressed, frustrated and even outraged. This might be how will I feel when "China Free" eventually becomes some kind of new slang.

But what we really can do? Play the silent lamb role again?

Anyway, just some thoughts.
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