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楼主: 大中华
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发表于 2007-10-22 12:37:35 | 显示全部楼层 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


我是北大毕业的,读完硕士就回国了,现在在北京工作。因为在美国呆过几年,所以偶尔也来这版上逛逛。说实话,这个BBS上几乎每天都是唉声叹气的,所以我谈几点想法吧。 出国留学的很多人都属于曾经在中国的应试教育 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2007-10-21
Go to aboard, most of people want to look for a short way than in china, it is true. It is better way for most of people.

Not everybody is suitable to stay out of china, it is depending on the people's capability.

For someone who can not speak english or fluently, it is better stay in china. Li Yang can make a crazy english storm in china, but he can not make it in another country.

Someone who can make or have relationship in chinese commuinity, should not be out of china. If not, go aboard may be better.

Someone is very honest or loyal, better is not in china. Because he will get a lot of trouble when he think sb is stupid or crappy.

Someone is very stupid or do not feel wasting time is killing himself, should stay in china. Because china gave this kind of people a lot of opportunities. He could become a big leader after 10 years, because he is stupid enough, has good patience to wait for old leader left, hear of old leader's words, very "loyal" to the old leader etc.... or he knew sb who is "stupid" before.

For this guy who wrote this article, he is too simple too naive. It shows his graduated university is nothing, he has no points at all. So cheap, he can not stay out of china based on his capability.

To be self and to be a man, do not hear of anybody, will be happy.
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