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发表于 2009-12-3 13:30:59 | 显示全部楼层
回复 1# Cmajor

Thank you.

I enjoy watching this video.  F. Gulda is a genius. His playing is powerful , partly because he is physically strong. He is in total control of the piano. I like, for example, at 2:20 and 2:54 , how he can change so fluidly and technically his dynamics and moods . However, at 2:37, he seems to be a little rough and ruthless in banging  the instrument. Anyway, little flaws  do not obscure the fact that he is a great master.

I love the Emperor Concerto. It is a piece of mastermind in which one can see how immensely deep and beautiful Beethoven is. Perfection.

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发表于 2009-12-4 22:32:50 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 estoy1 于 2009-12-4 23:19 编辑

Thanks for your reply.

I would like to make two comments :

1. Even though Beethoven believed in God, the message conveyed by the conclusion of his music , Symphony No 9 ‘Ode to Joy’ , is that : the ultimate freedom and will rest in mankind, not God. We , human beings , are our own saviour, and only through searching from within ourselves and in the harmony of mankind that we can liberate our pain and sufferings – This is the wisdom and ultimate insight of Beethoven. Beethoven was torn by pains and tolerated all his sufferings, and  eventully he realized he could only find peace  in his own music. This is not to say that he did not seek the help of God, he did, but the final answer rest in himself – his sanctuary was in his own music.

2. What I was saying about 2:39 was that Gulda handled the chord too roughly than what some other pianists would tend to play and interpret. The chord was  played fortissimo, I supposed, but if it were played with subtlety, not  big bangs, it would sound much better, and would have more classical sense.  

The person putting up this video in Youtube called it “funny”, well, think about why one would describe the performance of a very classical and grand Emperor Concerto “funny” ! Again, where is this classical sensitivity ?!

By the second music stage of Beethoven, i.e. after 1800, he was already maturing into a composer with more inner intensity and classical logic, and was thus producing music with more dramatic subtlety. The Emperor Concerto was composed around 1811, I don’t think  Beethoven would want a ferocious bang at the chord for such a majestic piece.  Rather, it should sound like an energetic and GRAND fortissimo exclamation, at least this is  what the  interpretations of other pianists tell me.

Anyway,  listening to Classical music is about listening and comparing performances of different interpretations. Not necessarily we have to find every piece perfect.

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发表于 2009-12-5 14:32:37 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 estoy1 于 2009-12-5 14:38 编辑

回复 14# Cmajor
我想你可能看不明白別人的帖子的意思。“滑稽,可笑” 並不是我說的,是你帖上Gulda 的視頻的那位 Youtube owner 寫的, 至於那位 Youtube owner 用這些字眼形容Gulda尊不尊重他, 你得要問這位 owner 了。這也是我的質疑, 用 “funny” 來形容 Emperor Concerto and Gulda 是不是很奇怪,耐人尋味 ! 再說, 是你 CMajor 很支持吧, 因為發這個視頻的是你閣下!

至於 Beethoven 對 God和宗教的看法, 是研究貝多芬音樂史的學者一概的認為. 可能那個見解与你的不同. 又或許你從未讀個, 所以不瞭解以為是我個人的見解. 我有那么豐富原創的見識真求之不得啊!

願神保佑您. C Major 的調子 對一些音樂愛好者可能已經非常足夠. Goodbye.

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