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楼主: 实话-实说
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发表于 2007-5-28 13:44:47 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


我的一位女性朋友,已经入加籍(当然枫叶卡已经没有),但是还有有效的中国护照,上个月回国了,回国前,有一些蠢友说回国可以不用办中国签证,出加拿大时用加拿大护照,进入中国境内使用中国护照,然后出中国时再使 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2007-5-28
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-29 08:41:23 | 显示全部楼层
I have said it before.  See this link:

http://www.51.ca/bbs/showthread. ... y=&pagenumber=2

Below is what I said:

Tina, if you are using the method above, I wish you would not be locked up by the US Customer.

In my humble opinion, none of the above answered the question. Let me try.

1. To renew your Chinese passport, you have to produce a letter from Immigration Canada that you do not have any Canadian citizenship. When you are applying for Canadian citizenship, you don't have any problem obtaining such a letter and eventually renewing your Chinese passport.

2. To leave Canada, you don't need any documents to satisfy CBSA. The airline may ask for your proof though.

3. To enter Canada, you need a PR card if you do not have status. For Canadians, you need proof of Canadian status, e.g. passport, birth certificate or nothing, if the CBSA officer trusts you are a Canadian.

4. To enter China, you need a passport and a visa where applicable. If you have a Chinese passport, you don't need a visa.

5. To leave China, you need a passport, and in your case, a Chinese passport. The key is if you don't have any proof of Canadian immigrant status, the Chinese government will not allow you to leave.

In the old days, the landed paper will be sufficient, but now, the Chinese customer will check if you have a PR card. Once you become a Canadian citizen, you don't have the PR Card or the landed paper in your possession.

Where do you have proof to show the Chinese custom to leave China? We all know a Chinese passport doesn't mean freedom to leave China.

In a nutshell, once we don't have a PR card, we need a Canadian passport and a visa to return to China. You can continue to use your Chinese passport to go to other countries though.

这个世界上还有你这样的傻瓜, 真他妈丢中国人, 你在加拿大办美国签证, 一般可给十年签证, 但你要仔细看清楚你的签证是有条件的, 签证上面写有(LANDED IMMIGRANT INCANADA),这个签证要和枫叶卡一起才可从中国处境, 你不是 IMMIGRANT INCANADA
怎么那么容易的到美国签证的. stupid!
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-29 08:49:17 | 显示全部楼层
I have said it before.  See this link:

http://www.51.ca/bbs/showthread. ... y=&pagenumber=2

Below is what I said:

Tina, if you are using the method above, I wish you would not be locked up by the US Customer.

In my humble opinion, none of the above answered the question. Let me try.

1. To renew your Chinese passport, you have to produce a letter from Immigration Canada that you do not have any Canadian citizenship. When you are applying for Canadian citizenship, you don't have any problem obtaining such a letter and eventually renewing your Chinese passport.

2. To leave Canada, you don't need any documents to satisfy CBSA. The airline may ask for your proof though.

3. To enter Canada, you need a PR card if you do not have status. For Canadians, you need proof of Canadian status, e.g. passport, birth certificate or nothing, if the CBSA officer trusts you are a Canadian.

4. To enter China, you need a passport and a visa where applicable. If you have a Chinese passport, you don't need a visa.

5. To leave China, you need a passport, and in your case, a Chinese passport. The key is if you don't have any proof of Canadian immigrant status, the Chinese government will not allow you to leave.

In the old days, the landed paper will be sufficient, but now, the Chinese customer will check if you have a PR card. Once you become a Canadian citizen, you don't have the PR Card or the landed paper in your possession.

Where do you have proof to show the Chinese custom to leave China? We all know a Chinese passport doesn't mean freedom to leave China.

In a nutshell, once we don't have a PR card, we need a Canadian passport and a visa to return to China. You can continue to use your Chinese passport to go to other countries though.

这个世界上还有你这样的傻瓜, 真他妈丢中国人, 你在加拿大办美国签证, 一般可给十年签证, 但你要仔细看清楚你的签证, 上面写有(LANDED IMMIGRANT INCANADA),这个签证要和枫叶卡一起才可从中国处境, 你不是 IMMIGRANT INCANADA
怎么那么容易的到美国签证的. stupid!
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-29 09:10:09 | 显示全部楼层
有人可能想,在入籍前,换本新的中国护照, 办个美国签证, 一般可的到10-15年的美国签证,碍然后在入籍, 入籍后申请一本加拿大护照, 这样一来, 有一本加拿大护照, 又有一本中国护照(含有10-15年美国签证), 回国从美国走(加美出入自由,一般不留痕迹), 出入中国用中国护照(因有美国签证). 真聪明, 把别人都当傻瓜. 你仔细看看你的美国签证, 上写有(LANDED  IMMIGTANT IN CANADA),
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-31 07:58:52 | 显示全部楼层

回复:To Tailand with chinese passport

To Tailand with chinese passport

It is smart idea to Tailand with Chinese passport. Because you can go to Hongkong and then go to Tailand with chinese passport only using plane ticket instead of Tailand visa. Then you come back to Canada with Canadian passport and don't need explain to CIA anything.

居留期不足 持枫叶卡香港女子被取消居民资格

香港移民朱洁媚(Kit Mei Ann Chu,音译)于2004年1月9日申请到枫叶卡,前些时朱洁媚到加拿大驻香港签证办事处申请一次性使用的旅游文件时,移民官认为朱洁媚在申请旅游文件前5年未在加拿大住满2年,朱的申请遭到拒绝。朱不服移民官的决定,向移民上诉部门(IAD)提出上诉申请,聆讯时朱洁媚表示,她与已是加拿大公民的4岁女儿在香港居住期间,也能计算在实际于加拿大居住时间内,根据她的算法,她实际居住超过900多天。但移民部代表不同意朱洁媚的算法,指法令只说与具有公民资格的配偶在海外居住才算数,与具公民资格的子女居住,并不能计算在居住时间内。


出入境都是有记录的, 没有进, 哪有出, 没有出, 哪有进,即使港人也不例外, 持一种护照进,在持另一种护照出, 对大多数国家来说都是不可能的(加美除外), 出入境章是成对出现在你的护照同一页上的.

上面那位港妇,有枫叶卡, 因离境时间太长, 按说她换本新香港护照,上边什么出入境记录都没有, 拿着新护照和枫叶卡就回加来了, 可惜当你人为你很聪明时, 也就把别人当傻瓜了.
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