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发表于 2008-4-21 21:10:24 | 只看该作者



发表于 2008-4-21 21:17:21 | 只看该作者








完全同意梦工的看法。 :smile:
发表于 2008-4-21 21:25:03 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2008-4-21 21:35:36 | 只看该作者




我本人希望和他有沟通。我觉得我可以让他得到一点东西([email protected])。

我觉得唯一没充分回答的问题是: 为什么海外留学生能自觉自愿地组织这样大的游行?难道有政府支持?
发表于 2008-4-21 21:39:35 | 只看该作者



The Western Media and Politicians are Nourishing a New Generation of Chinese Patriotism

The Chinese young people, or the "ME Generation" as TIME once put, are not particularly interested in politics, rather, they mainly mind their own business and enjoy life. To some extent they appreciate Western democracy and freedom, human rights concern and candid media. They could be the generation of transforming China, making her join the the world smoothly.

The Chinese young people are expecting to celebrate the coming Beijing Olympic Games as a giant international party held at home town.

Suddenly, in the middle of March, there were a group of well organized Tibetan extremists emerged in Lhasa streets. Their new strategy is to use violence to catch world attention and internationalize the Tibet issue. Taking advantage of the Chinese government, which was reluctant to use force at the beginning (the riot police were ordered not to fight back even being hit), these rioters succeeded in smashing and looting hundreds of shops, burning vehicles and buildings and even attacking and killing innocent civilians until the laws were enforced once again. After 17 years of peace and development in Tibet, the whole Chinese nation got a shock by the violent riots in Lhasa.

The Chinese young people are even more shocked when overnight almost all Western media had the same headline: "China Crackdown Peaceful Tibetan Protests..."; major TV stations repeatedly played video clips with police clashed with monk protests in India and Nepal, but the Western audience were informed its Chinese police attacking peaceful Tibetans; pictures of Chinese police recurring civilians from mobs were explained as arresting innocent Tibetans...so and so, repeat and repeat...

The whole world were shocked by the new crimes of the Chinese government over Tibetan human rights. Fooled by the repeated messages,  motivated by their sacred responsibilities for human rights, waked up by their cold war mind, Western politicians started to talk about supporting Dalai Lama, challenging Chinese sovereignty and boycott of Beijing Olympics...

One Western politician even said he was afraid of athletes going to Beijing could have blood in their shoes... (only he had not realized its innocent Chinese blood shed for the Tibetan extremists to trigger an anti-China concert...)

The Chinese young people got shocked, confused and angered by all these farces performed by Tibetan extremists cooperated with Western media and politicians. Their respects or illusions to the Western democracy and freedom, to the Western media have been crushed. They have started to re-think about the real meaning of the "human rights", for which the West always holds the banner and uses it to criticize many regimes they don't like.  For those innocent Chinese who were attacked or killed by Tibetan mobs in Lhasa, where are their human rights? Why their attackers are not condemned by a single Western politician? By wrongfully condemn China for the riots, the West is encouraging violence, since the extremists now believe their new strategy is working...

Yes, it's working. After the recent "uprising" in Tibet, the Western media and leaders acted quickly in condemning China for her occupation of Tibet, for her human rights records and Dalai Lama has been even hailed as a hero and the symbol of peace and justice...

The master-minders of the recent riots in Tibet and sabotages of Olympic torch relays everywhere have many reasons to grin; however, probably they feel happy too soon.

Let's look at the reality. First, China's sovereignty over Tibet has existed for 700 years and recognized internationally. As a matter of fact, the current 14th Dalai Lama was authorized by the President Chiang Kai Sheik of then The Republic of China. That's why when CNN live broadcasting the San Francisco torch relay event, they only repeatedly saying the protests were against China's human rights records including some of China's international partners rather than the "Chinese occupation". Therefore, the dream of splitting China goes nowhere.

Second, the human rights issue: Beijing won the bid of 2008 Olympic Games in 2001. It must have considered many aspects of China including the human rights situation at that time. Now after seven years, objectively speaking, China's human rights situation is better. China is more open than seven years ago; Chinese people's living standard has been improving continuously. Especially the living standard of Tibetan people is unprecedentedly improved than seven years ago.  In the other hand, before 1950s' social reform, Tibetan social system was darker than the Middle Ages in Europe, when lower class Tibetan people had no minimum human rights and were treated as animals (at that time, Dalai was also the head of the Tibetan Administration). Therefore, when the West condemns China over the human rights records in Tibet, their arguments are groundless and hypocritical.

Finally, the true winner of current anti-China farces will be the Chinese Communist Party, which, after the collapse of USSR and the classical Marxism theory fading away, is struggling to rally the people with patriotism but not very effective so far except the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, which raised the enthusiasm of the entire Chinese nation. Now that there were separatists riots internally, followed by the media manipulation then the anti-China concert internationally that overshadowed the brightness and joy of the Games, the dream of century for Chinese people. The Chinese people, especially the young generation are hurt the most. They are good educated and well informed. They knew what happened in China and they watched what the West media and politicians are saying and doing that smashed their original impression about the West. The Chinese nation is a sort of strange, whenever there are pressures from outside, the whole nation will be mobilized, solidified and their patriotism will become overwhelming. Now the new wounds waked up the old ones, the invasion of 8 Western powers into Beijing in1900 become so fresh, millions upon millions Chinese connected to the Internet fighting for the justice of their country is a good proof.  The Western anti-China propaganda has just given China’s “Me Generation” a large dosage of Patriotic-Boost with extra strength, much more effective than preaches from the Communist Party.

In the Web, there is a picture taken by a Chinese young man during the torch relay in Pairs showing a pretty Chinese young lady in her wheelchair being attacked by a group of pro-Tibetan thugs. A very ugly-faced Tibetan man wrapped with separatism flag was trying to grab the Olympic torch from her while the handicapped young lady fought her best to protect the torch, the symbol of Peace and Harmony, the symbol of dignity of Chinese people. This is another kind of "Beauty and Beast". The Chinese people will remember this image for another generation. The next generation of Chinese leaders, grown out from the current "ME Generation", will remember this image and the show of Western democracy and human rights of today.
发表于 2008-4-25 09:36:54 | 只看该作者




发表于 2008-4-25 14:49:50 | 只看该作者




The Western Media and Politicians are Nourishing a New Generation of Chinese Patriotism

The Chinese young people, or the "ME Generation" as TIME once put, are not particularly interested in politics, rather, they mainly mind their own business and enjoy life. To some extent they appreciate Western democracy and freedom, human rights concern and candid media. They could be the generation of transforming China, making her join the the world smoothly.

The Chinese young people are expecting to celebrate the coming Beijing Olympic Games as a giant international party held at home town.

Suddenly, in the middle of March, there were a group of well organized Tibetan extremists emerged in Lhasa streets. Their new strategy is to use violence to catch world attention and internationalize the Tibet issue. Taking advantage of the Chinese government, which was reluctant to use force at the beginning (the riot police were ordered not to fight back even being hit), these rioters succeeded in smashing and looting hundreds of shops, burning vehicles and buildings and even attacking and killing innocent civilians until the laws were enforced once again. After 17 years of peace and development in Tibet, the whole Chinese nation got a shock by the violent riots in Lhasa.

The Chinese young people are even more shocked when overnight almost all Western media had the same headline: "China Crackdown Peaceful Tibetan Protests..."; major TV stations repeatedly played video clips with police clashed with monk protests in India and Nepal, but the Western audience were informed its Chinese police attacking peaceful Tibetans; pictures of Chinese police recurring civilians from mobs were explained as arresting innocent Tibetans...so and so, repeat and repeat...

The whole world were shocked by the new crimes of the Chinese government over Tibetan human rights. Fooled by the repeated messages,  motivated by their sacred responsibilities for human rights, waked up by their cold war mind, Western politicians started to talk about supporting Dalai Lama, challenging Chinese sovereignty and boycott of Beijing Olympics...

One Western politician even said he was afraid of athletes going to Beijing could have blood in their shoes... (only he had not realized its innocent Chinese blood shed for the Tibetan extremists to trigger an anti-China concert...)

The Chinese young people got shocked, confused and angered by all these farces performed by Tibetan extremists cooperated with Western media and politicians. Their respects or illusions to the Western democracy and freedom, to the Western media have been crushed. They have started to re-think about the real meaning of the "human rights", for which the West always holds the banner and uses it to criticize many regimes they don't like.  For those innocent Chinese who were attacked or killed by Tibetan mobs in Lhasa, where are their human rights? Why their attackers are not condemned by a single Western politician? By wrongfully condemn China for the riots, the West is encouraging violence, since the extremists now believe their new strategy is working...

Yes, it's working. After the recent "uprising" in Tibet, the Western media and leaders acted quickly in condemning China for her occupation of Tibet, for her human rights records and Dalai Lama has been even hailed as a hero and the symbol of peace and justice...

The master-minders of the recent riots in Tibet and sabotages of Olympic torch relays everywhere have many reasons to grin; however, probably they feel happy too soon.

Let's look at the reality. First, China's sovereignty over Tibet has existed for 700 years and recognized internationally. As a matter of fact, the current 14th Dalai Lama was authorized by the President Chiang Kai Sheik of then The Republic of China. That's why when CNN live broadcasting the San Francisco torch relay event, they only repeatedly saying the protests were against China's human rights records including some of China's international partners rather than the "Chinese occupation". Therefore, the dream of splitting China goes nowhere.

Second, the human rights issue: Beijing won the bid of 2008 Olympic Games in 2001. It must have considered many aspects of China including the human rights situation at that time. Now after seven years, objectively speaking, China's human rights situation is better. China is more open than seven years ago; Chinese people's living standard has been improving continuously. Especially the living standard of Tibetan people is unprecedentedly improved than seven years ago.  In the other hand, before 1950s' social reform, Tibetan social system was darker than the Middle Ages in Europe, when lower class Tibetan people had no minimum human rights and were treated as animals (at that time, Dalai was also the head of the Tibetan Administration). Therefore, when the West condemns China over the human rights records in Tibet, their arguments are groundless and hypocritical.

Finally, the true winner of current anti-China farces will be the Chinese Communist Party, which, after the collapse of USSR and the classical Marxism theory fading away, is struggling to rally the people with patriotism but not very effective so far except the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, which raised the enthusiasm of the entire Chinese nation. Now that there were separatists riots internally, followed by the media manipulation then the anti-China concert internationally that overshadowed the brightness and joy of the Games, the dream of century for Chinese people. The Chinese people, especially the young generation are hurt the most. They are good educated and well informed. They knew what happened in China and they watched what the West media and politicians are saying and doing that smashed their original impression about the West. The Chinese nation is a sort of strange, whenever there are pressures from outside, the whole nation will be mobilized, solidified and their patriotism will become overwhelming. Now the new wounds waked up the old ones, the invasion of 8 Western powers into Beijing in1900 become so fresh, millions upon millions Chinese connected to the Internet fighting for the justice of their country is a good proof.  The Western anti-China propaganda has just given China’s “Me Generation” a large dosage of Patriotic-Boost with extra strength, much more effective than preaches from the Communist Party.

In the Web, there is a picture taken by a Chinese young man during the torch relay in Pairs showing a pretty Chinese young lady in her wheelchair being attacked by a group of pro-Tibetan thugs. A very ugly-faced Tibetan man wrapped with separatism flag was trying to grab the Olympic torch from her while the handicapped young lady fought her best to protect the torch, the symbol of Peace and Harmony, the symbol of dignity of Chinese people. This is another kind of "Beauty and Beast". The Chinese people will remember this image for another generation. The next generation of Chinese leaders, grown out from the current "ME Generation", will remember this image and the show of Western democracy and human rights of today.

Good point!
发表于 2008-5-2 13:05:22 | 只看该作者


参加电视辩论的新加坡李光耀政治学院校务主任Kishore Mahbubani教授是世界100名有影响的国际政治学者,随着他的新著《新亚洲半球》的广泛传播,其影响深度和广度必将加大,尤其是在西方国家将会产生强烈震动。请大家欣赏他对中国发展模式的充分肯定,指出西方根本看不到自己的逐渐衰落和世界权力中心正移向东方,仍然自以为是,充满无知和傲慢,对中国等指手划脚,干涉阻遏。教授最后那一句,the west just doesn't get it.真可谓语重心长!


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