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贝多芬: D小调第17钢琴奏鸣曲 Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 17 in D minor,3rd Movt

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-12 23:54:56 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 estoy1 于 2010-5-10 10:31 编辑
I googled and found some information about Bobby McFerrin. He is pretty famous and amazing.
海船长 发表于 2009-11-11 22:40 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif


Bobby McFerrin的精湛樂技真值得有一個帖子好好介紹, 還應該500先感謝你在這裡首先帖上 “活寶”.
Bob McFerrin 的男士美聲雄渾清析, 悅耳. 以前有看過 McFerrin和 Yo -Yo Ma的那個視頻, 主要是查找 Yo -Yo Ma的演奏看到的.  今次才認真的暸解. 留意到 McFerrin 善長 polyphonic effects, 這個詞語與 Bach 的音樂是雙負雙成. Bach 的音樂是複音音樂的代表作品. 网友可在网上找到複音音樂的資料。

Yo-Yo Ma的音樂奇才, 古典樂壇評估他的天份是与 Chopin, Liszt, and Mendelssohn 相同.( ref from book: Secrets Lives of Great Composers ).

另外一首複音名曲就是 Pachelbel的 Cannon(卡濃)

Pachelbel - Canon In D Major


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-13 00:46:35 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 estoy1 于 2009-11-14 23:48 编辑

只能说贝多芬塑像跟贝多芬石膏面模基本吻合.那是上个世纪的事情一九九六年吧,,当时我没有电脑更别说上网.石膏面模是刚找到的照片对比了一下真的吻合. 艺术就是艺术很难解译

solstice 发表于 2009-11-11 00:18 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

Interesting. Thanks. 真的很高興知道創作過程是這樣. 想貝名芬一定是給你很大的原動力。

Autograph Score of Beethoven



Autograph Score  of Beethoven  



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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-14 23:33:09 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 estoy1 于 2009-12-6 22:37 编辑

“是不是把作品表演得和原作者确定的形式(音量,配器,速度,强弱,同样的情绪)一样就是最好的? ”

Hack2 和麻雷子討論的是古典音樂界一個非常嚴肅而趣味性的話題, 是一門演奏技巧的學問,是每位樂迷都能夠隨時搬出一大堆個人意見的題目。

欣賞古典音樂我個人較著意跟隨原創作品的演繹,因為始中最大的目的是認識作曲家的奇才傑作,而通常只有技術超凡的演奏大師才能天衣無縫地詮釋原創,把作品發揚光大,留傳後世。只要對樂曲熟識, 很容易聽出某些演繹的破塞, 那兒太快、太慢、dynamics太誇張等等. Wilhelm Kempff 的演奏被認為是非常接近貝多芬, 我相信也就是這個意思。當然最重要的是他能很完美的彈出顯演出貝多芬這個人來, 讓人感覺得到這是貝多芬的音樂.

聆聽古典音樂有二种情況 :

1.        錄音:聽光牒。欣賞和注意的除了是作曲家原創的曲韻音符(melody,tune, and theme..)、 節拍 ( tempo) 、情緒(dynamics) 、歌曲的靈性感應、背景、故事、古典音樂的類別( ...Baroque/Classical/Romantic/Contemporary) 外, 相等重要的還有演奏家的個人風格和神韻、技藝和樂器的音質, 樂隊的水準等等。好的演繹我認為一定要忠於原創, 和帶出樂典最唯美的感覺。現今有不少演奏家不斷創新,為求突出自我的創作意念,如Glenn Gould, Vanessa Mae , 都喜歡彈自己的一套, 絕不是我杯茶, 多不收藏

2.        現場演奏: 期望看到的聽到的當然是演奏家行雲流水如同CD的版本。這視乎演奏家的現場水準、心情。

總而言之. ,對我來說, 我聽古典音樂, 喜歡聽出原創, 因為我追尋的是那些偉大作曲家,演奏家的意境、心態、修為、和人類能力的極限.

聯想起一個有關連的題目: 即興演奏(Improvisation ) 本身是一巨大的學問, 可參巧
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musical_improvisationhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Musical_improvisation [/url]

如對這方面有更深入興趣, 可參巧關於古典音樂的定義和介紹, 可參考  

(如果有网友找到中文鏈接, 請帖上)


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发表于 2009-11-16 10:19:33 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 海船长 于 2009-11-16 10:20 编辑

謝謝 estoy1 介紹 polyphonic 方面的知識,這些對我來說還很新鮮呢。看來巴哈的作品的確很有意思。

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-19 12:45:33 | 只看该作者

貝多芬晚年的作品 – Grosse Fuge ( Great Fugue ) String Quartet opus 133

本帖最后由 estoy1 于 2009-11-19 13:02 编辑


貝多芬受盡各种疾病和耳深深折磨, 樂曲毫無補留地表達晚期的內喊和情緒. 樂章是一首處於巔峰狀態的 polyphonic and counterpoint 的偉大作品.



Wikipedia :

B大調絃樂四重奏大賦格Gro?e Fuge),作品篇號133,是貝多芬?的單樂章絃樂四重奏作品,原本打算用作Op130的終曲樂章。樂章以技術上難度及其內省性格(即使是貝多芬晚期作品之中)出名。樂曲寫於1825-1826之間,当时貝多芬?已全聾.貝多芬起初作此曲作為第十三絃樂四重奏的結尾,但由於樂章对於當時樂手的演奏技术要求太高,聽衆亦不受落,因而出版者請他另寫一段新的終曲。一向不理會觀眾意見及口味的貝多芬卻同意了,於是以作品編號133出版此賦格。

大多數19世紀樂評都不看好此大賦格。批評此曲使人很「反感」(repellent。但自從20世紀初,人們對其評價逐渐好轉,現在大賦格被認為是貝多芬最出色的作品之一。史特拉汶斯基( Stravinsky)說:「這絶對是首當代音樂,而且永遠都會是當代。」


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发表于 2009-11-19 16:09:47 | 只看该作者

貝多芬受盡各种疾病和耳聾深深折磨, 樂曲毫無補留地表達晚期的 ...
estoy1 发表于 2009-11-19 12:45

够级别, 够深度,不愧为大师级的作品!

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-20 12:45:29 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 estoy1 于 2009-11-20 13:59 编辑



Grosse  Fuge是貝多芬於患病逝世之前幾個月才寫成的。可以想象那時他忍受的痛苦和煎熬。


貝多芬成熟的情感, 始於“悲愴” 鋼琴奏鳴曲( Sonata No 8 “Pathetique”),於1799 出現, 是貝多芬開始用比較濃烈的感性方式傳達自我強烈的感覺的作品之一(之前是 Haydn and Mozart 的混合作風, 如 Symphony No 1 and the first two piano concertos)。

Beethoven Sonata No. 8 ‘Pathetique’ Mov 2- Wilhelm Kempff


Beethoven sonata No. 8 ‘Pathetique’Movt 3 – Wilhelm Kempff


( Movt I, Wilhelm Kempff’s version is missing on Youtube. Pls find any Movt I by any pianist on Youtube for  viewing)


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发表于 2009-11-20 16:40:32 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 涛声依旧 于 2009-11-20 16:57 编辑

不知道還有那一首樂曲更強烈、真實的顯示貝多芬的悲傷、 ...
estoy1 发表于 2009-11-20 12:45

被海船长逮回来, 好好学习, 天天向上。

電影"Copying.Beethoven"的片段 Beethoven Symphony 9 (Movt.4)


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-20 21:20:32 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 estoy1 于 2010-1-1 23:33 编辑

回复 38# 涛声依旧

Thank you, thank you , 萬二分 thank you. 海船長對文藝沙龍無時無刻都很有心.

涛声依旧网友的視頻正是我想找的. 這個片段最感人最精彩. 。好像不可以 download 整戲, 可惜. 。

“Ode to Joy” 是貝多芬為自己奏出的答案. He now finds freedom within himself and in Mankind:

“ I am the  Bacchus( Greek God of Wine) who presses out the glorious wine for mankind. Whoever truly understands my music is freed thereby from the miseries that others carry about in them. “

– It’s a personal and spiritual triumph , and a reclaiming of joy by Beethoven.

There is another epic piece of work similar in purpose to Symphony No 9, Missa Solemnis, which Beethoven regarded as the crown of his music.  The Catholic Mass was composed around the same time as Symphony No . 9 but finished a little later than No 9. . Through Missa Solemnis , Beethoven was praying to God for strength and for an answer  to all his sufferings .

Missa Solemnis is not as popular as the No. 9 to be a performance piece because the size of the orchestra would be so big, it would oftern be difficult for staging in a church.  A performance would take up four very highly trained vocals , a full chorus, and a complete orchestra. This is not always possible in a church setting.

Missa Solemnis:


Beethoven - Missa Solemnis (D-Dur, opus 123) Gloria I
Conductor: Leonard Berstein   Concertgebouw Orchestra

Beethoven - Missa Solemnis (D-Dur, opus 123) Gloria II
( A full scale Mass consists of : Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Agnus Dei )
( I like the part of Gloria )

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发表于 2009-11-21 00:17:38 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2009-11-27 16:36:48 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 涛声依旧 于 2009-11-27 17:13 编辑

哈哈, 星期五又到了,先到你这报到一下。

                     Karajan - Beethoven Symphony No. 5 - Part 1


Oh, my god !It’s so awesome ,amazing, powerful and unforgetable music!
Karajan Conducting Beethoven's 5th Symphony. Part 1 (Movements 1 and 2) is Very old and rare film, no longer in print, recorded in 1966.我听了好多次,这种震撼真的难以言语。她使我想起很早前看的 Fantasia 2000 – Disney,
真的,久久不能忘怀。estoy 1, 这可是珍品,你帮我收藏好了。
Thank you

Fantasia 2000 – Disney


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-29 01:54:51 | 只看该作者

Concerto for Violin, Cello, and Piano in C Major. Op56 金裝收藏版

本帖最后由 estoy1 于 2009-11-29 11:06 编辑

回复 40# Amelia3

David Oistrakh, Mstislav Rostropovich, Sviatoslav Richter with Moscow Philharmonic orchestra, Kyril Kondrachin, conductor.
50' Anniversary of the Moscow State Philarmonic Orchestra, Moscow Great Hall, 1970.

Beethoven Triple Concerto Oistrakh Rostropovich Richter 1/4

Beethoven Triple Concerto Oistrakh Rostropovich Richter 2/4

Beethoven Triple Concerto Oistrakh Rostropovich Richter 3/4

Beethoven Triple Concerto Oistrakh Rostropovich Richter 4/4

(There is an excellent version played by Barenboim, Perlman, and Yo-Yo-Ma on Youtube, but it is not complete.)

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-29 02:04:35 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 estoy1 于 2009-11-29 11:15 编辑

回复 41# 涛声依旧

哎喲, Karajan + Beethoven 兩位超級皇牌. 等你帖上所有樂章啊! 聽夠,充上電 才回覆你的.
(8)(8)(8)(i)  Ta-ta-ta- taaaaa...

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-29 11:37:42 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 estoy1 于 2009-11-29 22:25 编辑

Beethoven Violin Romance-  played by Ann Fontanella


"Ann Fontanella( 師承Jascha Heifetz 的徒弟Erick Friedman) is the last protégé of the "Old Russian School" style of violin play that was popularized by Jascha Heifetz (l) (f) , widely-viewed as the greatest violinist of the 20th century. The Old Russian style emphasizes a warm and rich romantic tone with exacting precision that allows you to hear each note clearly even when playing at tremendous speed.

At age seven, Ann was selected to begin studying under Sherry Kloss, Heifetz's teaching assistant. She debuted with the Philadelphia Orchestra at age 10. For the next five years, Ann was the protégé and final student of Erick Friedman, Heifetz's own protégé. Erick Friedman was the only violinist Heifetz ever recorded with on equal footing.

At the age of 14, Ann was one of the youngest artists ever accepted to Yale University School of Music and she appeared on NPR's From the Top. Ann released her debut album Bach, Schubert, Bruch in 2005.

In addition to being a violinist, Ann is also a commissioned composer. In 1999, 2001, 2004 and 2005 she was an award recipient in the ASCAP Morton Gould Young Composers Competition. The song "Rondo" (in the playlist above) was one of the award-winning compositions.

Ann plays on a 320-year-old Grancino violin with Heifetz's own custom-engineered mute that he used for four decades. (y)(*)  Ann is supported by Pennsylvania Performing Arts on Tour (PennPAT), which pays for half of costs in: DE, DC, MD, NJ, NY, OH, PA, VA and WV.

21-year old Ann is currently writing and developing a new album and studies musicology at the University of Pennsylvania. She is engaged :-S   and lives in Philadelphia, PA. "


Beethoven Violin Romance No.2
Conductor : Abbado - Berliner Philarmoniker,
Violin -  Blacher

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-29 12:12:14 | 只看该作者
solstice 发表于 2009-11-8 20:57 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

Death Mask of Beethoven


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