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楼主: 弄舟
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发表于 2006-12-19 10:58:33 | 只看该作者

回复:回复:落矶山人, 蔡教练等,敬佩你们!

回复:落矶山人, 蔡教练等,敬佩你们!

他还告诉说在CCAS (Catholic CAS)中有gay/lesbian的工作人员来做caseworker,你能期待有什么好结果?

Oh. Boy.  I am speechless.  There are Chinese from China in Canada, 你能期待有什么好结果?

You oppress.

原形毕露。be gentle & be pro, ok? 我的贴里面没有脏话,没有歧视,看看你对华人根深蒂固的看法多极端,其实你上面提到有摆到白人骂华人是猪,我没理由相信你不完全认同,如果反对,也许你起诉那白人的事件应该是华人社区的头条新闻,你就是华人的骄傲。
没有任何其他企图,好奇而已。也许你就是我工作中接触的华人同事中的一个。我会pay more attention.
发表于 2006-12-19 11:16:41 | 只看该作者
他还告诉说在CCAS (Catholic CAS)中有gay/lesbian的工作人员来做caseworker,你能期待有什么好结果?

Oh. Boy. I am speechless. There are Chinese from China in Canada, 你能期待有什么好结果?
发表于 2006-12-19 11:19:55 | 只看该作者
No offense to peelboy.  I have been following your speech since the begining.  I respect in every way of what you do and what you believe.  

I know you are a nice guy (I thought you were a woman).  But for the first time, I agree with 箱根.  

[I]"It takes me like forever to type a few Chinese words, but here I go"[/I]

Just two lines of Chinese peom.   I'm almost certain everyone here knows PINYIN. I don't understand why it would take forever.

Admit it or not, you are trying to differentiate yourself from your fellow Chinese.  Several times, I noticed you saying "what's wrong with our chinese"?

If 落矶山人 is stereotyping some of those who works in CAS, are you doing the same thing to our fellows?
发表于 2006-12-19 11:20:16 | 只看该作者
"没有任何其他企图,好奇而已。也许你就是我工作中接触的华人同事中的一个。我会pay more attention."
很可怕,我看你是在什么恐怖组织服务, 攻击,威胁什么都有了,这就是中国人的劣根性
发表于 2006-12-19 11:54:13 | 只看该作者

I Did It on Purpose

No offense to peelboy.  I have been following your speech since the begining.  I respect in every way of what you do and what you believe.  

I know you are a nice guy (I thought you were a woman).  But for the first time, I agree with 箱根.  

[I]"It takes me like forever to type a few Chinese words, but here I go"[/I]

Just two lines of Chinese peom.   I'm almost certain everyone here knows PINYIN. I don't understand why it would take forever.

Admit it or not, you are trying to differentiate yourself from your fellow Chinese.  Several times, I noticed you saying "what's wrong with our chinese"?

If 落矶山人 is stereotyping some of those who works in CAS, are you doing the same thing to our fellows?

Thanks, I did it on purpose, but definitly it does not represent who I am.  I have said it I have zero tolerance toward discrimination.  Whenever someone uses discriminatory terms against women and LGBTQ, I don't see any reason I have to respect them.  I just used "Chinese pigs" to fit into their logic. Look at their reaction.

Just two lines of Chinese peom.   I'm almost certain everyone here knows PINYIN. I don't understand why it would take forever.

I left China when there was no computer.  Given my age, it took me quite some time to learn English and type it.  Pinyin, and other computer software, is too difficult for an old guy like me.  

The logic using English is keeping a distance from the Chinese community could be segregation (this word may be too strong).  It is like speaking English with an accent (we all do) will exclude us from the mainstream community.  Again, that's oppression.

The debate here has become unprofessional.  However, it is my role to protect those vulnerable, i.e. children, women and LGBTQ.  I have no hesitation confronting anyone, regardless of their background, if they oppress.
发表于 2006-12-19 12:07:01 | 只看该作者

Pro ??????

回复:回复:落矶山人, 蔡教练等,敬佩你们!

原形毕露。be gentle & be pro, ok? 我的贴里面没有脏话,没有歧视,看看你对华人根深蒂固的看法多极端,其实你上面提到有摆到白人骂华人是猪,我没理由相信你不完全认同,如果反对,也许你起诉那白人的事件应该是华人社区的头条新闻,你就是华人的骄傲。
没有任何其他企图,好奇而已。也许你就是我工作中接触的华人同事中的一个。我会pay more attention.

他还告诉说在CCAS (Catholic CAS)中有gay/lesbian的工作人员来做caseworker,你能期待有什么好结果?  

This sentence is absolutely discriminatory and oppressing.


You are not professional.  To engage in a lawsuit, you have to become a legal party first.  You can't sue everyone before you form a relationship and become a legal party.  That's common sense for a professional.

Whatever I say here you can sue me, because you and I have formed a "relationship" and if there is any lawsuit, both of us are legal parties.


May I guess you are a media worker?  How can you disclose your source of information?  Where are the confidentiality rules?


Thus far, you have nothing to base on to conclude my Chinese language capacity.  You can tell I write "Chinese English" though.

也许你就是我工作中接触的华人同事中的一个。我会pay more attention.

This is most interesting.  I don't want to second guess your motive.
发表于 2006-12-19 12:07:18 | 只看该作者
他还告诉说在CCAS (Catholic CAS)中有gay/lesbian的工作人员来做caseworker,你能期待有什么好结果?

Oh. Boy. I am speechless. There are Chinese from China in Canada, 你能期待有什么好结果?

对不起51ers, 让我用一次不敬语。
发表于 2006-12-19 12:30:31 | 只看该作者
对不起51ers, 让我用一次不敬语。"

hahaha终于原形毕露了,这是你家吗,我有骂过你白痴吗,这种素质还要收集证据,好笑,超级白痴,你懂得什么是法制和民主吗? 你以为你是谁!!!
发表于 2006-12-19 12:31:09 | 只看该作者

回复:Pro ??????

Pro ??????

他还告诉说在CCAS (Catholic CAS)中有gay/lesbian的工作人员来做caseworker,你能期待有什么好结果?  

===》This sentence is absolutely discriminatory and oppressing.

对其他论点没任何兴趣,如果我让那位采访过的白人男士告诉你他老婆就是让lesbian也鸡奸虐待过的话,你还有兴趣继续讨论吗?你还要纳税人举多少发生过的悲剧你才能相信阴暗?才能正视问题并解决问题?只有abusing system的女权psycho pro才能培养出abusing sys 的女权psycho.
发表于 2006-12-19 12:58:10 | 只看该作者

Fallacy of Composition

回复:Pro ??????

Pro ??????

他还告诉说在CCAS (Catholic CAS)中有gay/lesbian的工作人员来做caseworker,你能期待有什么好结果?  

===》This sentence is absolutely discriminatory and oppressing.

对其他论点没任何兴趣,如果我让那位采访过的白人男士告诉你他老婆就是让lesbian也鸡奸虐待过的话,你还有兴趣继续讨论吗?你还要纳税人举多少发生过的悲剧你才能相信阴暗?才能正视问题并解决问题?只有abusing system的女权psycho pro才能培养出abusing sys 的女权psycho.

We can't generalize from one case to the population, that's the basic theory of fallacy of composition.

Lesbian can rape.  Heterosexual can rape.  White can rape. Black can rape.  Chinese can rape.  The crime is not acceptable, but the identity of the person is irrelevant.  

A Chinese newspaper today talks about a story how a Shenzhen student becomes a loan shark.  We can't generalize his scenario to all Chinese students in Canada.

Sure send me your client (strike 2.  You said it twice to send your client to me).  Have you discussed with him to obtain his consent before delivering your promise?  There is at least one unprofessional media worker in the professional Chinese media environment.

I won't send you my client though.  That's professionalism.


Because you are so ignorant.  Without the basic knowledge of legal parties, you encouraged me (others) to start a lawsuit.  That's why you don't want to continue the conversation.
发表于 2006-12-19 13:07:03 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-12-19 13:13:51 | 只看该作者

回复:Fallacy of Composition

Fallacy of Composition

We can't generalize from one case to the population, that's the basic theory of fallacy of composition.

Lesbian can rape.  Heterosexual can rape.  White can rape. Black can rape.  Chinese can rape.  The crime is not acceptable, but the identity of the person is irrelevant.  

Sure send me your client.  There is at least one unprofessional media worker in the professional Chinese media environment.

I won't send you my client though.  That's professionalism.

就一个感觉,无耻无赖官僚。无耻到这种事情发生在“崇高的”CAS"天使"身上你还能恬不知耻地推脱。你真老了老失忆,你老记不住前提. You can expect more than clients, not from me, but your authority and public. Be patient.
发表于 2006-12-19 13:22:00 | 只看该作者

Journey for 2

回复:Fallacy of Composition

就一个感觉,无耻无赖官僚。无耻到这种事情发生在“崇高的”CAS"天使"身上你还能恬不知耻地推脱。你真老了老失忆,你老记不住前提. You can expect more than clients, not from me, but your authority and public. Be patient.

Congratulations.  You are on the same boat with ffgg.  Enjoy your journey.

Bad mouthing is useless.  Argue your case.
发表于 2006-12-19 13:38:50 | 只看该作者

回复:Journey for 2

Journey for 2

Congratulations.  You are on the same boat with ffgg.  Enjoy your journey.

Bad mouthing is useless.  Argue your case.

发表于 2006-12-19 13:39:16 | 只看该作者
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