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绝对的权力导致绝对的腐败 - CAS 调查报告

发表于 2006-12-17 08:31:09 | 只看该作者
刘女士的一个求助贴和安省总审计长的一份审计报告,使得安省儿童援助协会(CHILDREN‘S AID SOCIETY OF ONTARIO,简称CAS)在近期内成了一个热门话题。讨论热闹非凡,各种各样的意见很多,有的还带有很强烈的情绪。这是不常见的,显示出大家对这个机构的关注远远超过其他机构。这也不奇怪。牵涉到孩子的问题,谁不关心?尤其是为人父母者。可是,CAS究竟是一个怎样的机构?它的存在及其所拥有的巨大权力的法理依据何在?它是怎样组织和运作的?什么样的行为构成虐待?家长有哪些责任?这些至为重要的问题,却似乎尚不为人所广泛了解。不了解这些问题,讨论就不会有意义。而家长们更需要这方面的知识,不但是为了避免触犯法律,避免与这个机构产生不必要的麻烦,也是为了自行或利用这个机构增进孩子和家庭的福利。为此,我专门作了一些研究,对以上问题有了一些初浅的了解,拿出来与大家分享,希望能有所助益。需要特别指出的是,这些只是我个人的理解,切勿当作专业意见。热切希望专家们,特别是PEELBOY网友指正。此外,这些都只是资料汇集,不带任何主观评价和结论。




在这一立法的基础上,著名改革家J. J. Kelso 于1891年帮助组建了CAS of Toronto,并且推动通过了一项新的立法(1893年):<<加强保护儿童及防止残酷对待儿童法>>。根据这项法案,CAS成为半官方机构,有法定权力把儿童从家中带走,在市立”避难所”监督和管理这些孩子,并向市政府收取监护费用。从此CAS取得了法定监护人的法律地位和特权。



省府具体负责儿童服务的部门是青少年服务部(the Ministry of Children and Youth Services)。该部与现有的53家CAS订立合约,提供法定的儿童服务。合同要求CAS做到:




这些服务必须及时、到位,不存在等候清单(WAITING LIST)。





















CAS对孩子的看护,主要由”监护家庭(FOSTER HOMES)”或”集体家庭(GROUP HOMES)”承担。这些家庭都在孩子家庭所在社区附近,经挑选能够在家庭危机时期提供看护。这样的安排通常是短期的,均有通过一段时期的定期咨询和访问后将孩子归还自然家庭的计划。如果家庭情况不能恢复到正常状态,作为一个万不得已的最终方案,法庭可判孩子归政府收养。在这种情况下,会制定一个关于孩子的永久性计划。







































发表于 2006-12-17 09:14:25 | 只看该作者
"12岁以下小孩不能单独放在家中" 是没有根据的?
发表于 2006-12-17 10:30:43 | 只看该作者
In the following investigative piece, we learn that:

1) Child protective administrators put pressure on CAS workers to remove children for flimsy or non-existent reasons;

2) That 50% of children in foster care should not have been removed from their homes;

3) That the child welfare system is driven exclusively by money and that children are removed from their homes because
of funding incentives.

4) That the money trail explains why the system descriminates against poor families and families of color

5) Some parents suing for wrongful removal of children who were later abused in foster care.

6) The foster care system makes Charles Dickens' descriptions look flattering."

7) The experts determined more than 50% of the children in
foster care should not have been removed from their homes.

8) That a child protective worker says 50% of the calls investigated by the agency are completely bogus -- the results of disgrunted neighbors and family members calling the hotline with a grudge against the parents.

9) That major, sweeping reform is needed.

It won't be long, now.

关于CAS是否真是按他们所自我表白的那样做,看我转贴的TORONTO STAR的文章即可略知一二。可惜的是我没有时间将文章翻译成中文。
In the last year, Ontario's children's aid societies have provided services to 317,000 children and completed over 82,000 investigations into allegations of abuse or neglect. Nearly 30,000 children were taken into foster or group home care。
 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-17 18:38:17 | 只看该作者




对不起,您给大家的感觉太做,虽然肯定不是peelboy的马甲,但是她肯定也不喜欢你这般的“崇拜”。请be yourself.
发表于 2006-12-17 21:19:01 | 只看该作者
In the following investigative piece, we learn that:

1) Child protective administrators put pressure on CAS workers to remove children for flimsy or non-existent reasons;

2) That 50% of children in foster care should not have been removed from their homes;

3) That the child welfare system is driven exclusively by money and that children are removed from their homes because
of funding incentives.

4) That the money trail explains why the system descriminates against poor families and families of color

5) Some parents suing for wrongful removal of children who were later abused in foster care.

6) The foster care system makes Charles Dickens' descriptions look flattering."

7) The experts determined more than 50% of the children in
foster care should not have been removed from their homes.

8) That a child protective worker says 50% of the calls investigated by the agency are completely bogus -- the results of disgrunted neighbors and family members calling the hotline with a grudge against the parents.

9) That major, sweeping reform is needed.

It won't be long, now.

关于CAS是否真是按他们所自我表白的那样做,看我转贴的TORONTO STAR的文章即可略知一二。可惜的是我没有时间将文章翻译成中文。
In the last year, Ontario's children's aid societies have provided services to 317,000 children and completed over 82,000 investigations into allegations of abuse or neglect. Nearly 30,000 children were taken into foster or group home care。

发表于 2006-12-18 10:00:05 | 只看该作者

What is 马甲?


对不起,您给大家的感觉太做,虽然肯定不是peelboy的马甲,但是她肯定也不喜欢你这般的“崇拜”。请be yourself.

Could somebody tell me what 马甲 is, please and thanks?

2 years ago, I went to Beijing to visit a friend.  (For my vacation.  I never had any "free trip").  Air Canada played a Hong Kong movie.  Guess what!  I had difficulties understanding the language, including the accent, the tone and the "fashionable" terms, and the values and behaviour.  It was like watching a foreign movie.

I bet time has changed, and so have I.
发表于 2006-12-18 10:18:57 | 只看该作者

Social Institution



Child welfare is a social institution, or part of the social infrastructure, like police, school and health care.  When we hear a school teacher sexually abuses his students, are we going to dismantle the education system?

I don't know about you, but I know for sure CAS will live longer than me.  

Without CAS, Ontario will become the first society in an English speaking country including UK, USA, Australia and New Zealand without a child protection system.

Every now and then, we hear Chinese clash with the local child protection agency.  There were 2 in the past 3 months: one in California and the other in New York.  Go to Backchina to check out the details.

The question is why.
发表于 2006-12-18 10:53:51 | 只看该作者

Facts, Numbers and logical Reasoning

In the following investigative piece, we learn that:

1) Child protective administrators put pressure on CAS workers to remove children for flimsy or non-existent reasons;

2) That 50% of children in foster care should not have been removed from their homes;

3) That the child welfare system is driven exclusively by money and that children are removed from their homes because
of funding incentives.

4) That the money trail explains why the system descriminates against poor families and families of color

5) Some parents suing for wrongful removal of children who were later abused in foster care.

6) The foster care system makes Charles Dickens' descriptions look flattering."

7) The experts determined more than 50% of the children in
foster care should not have been removed from their homes.

8) That a child protective worker says 50% of the calls investigated by the agency are completely bogus -- the results of disgrunted neighbors and family members calling the hotline with a grudge against the parents.

9) That major, sweeping reform is needed.

It won't be long, now.

关于CAS是否真是按他们所自我表白的那样做,看我转贴的TORONTO STAR的文章即可略知一二。可惜的是我没有时间将文章翻译成中文。
In the last year, Ontario's children's aid societies have provided services to 317,000 children and completed over 82,000 investigations into allegations of abuse or neglect. Nearly 30,000 children were taken into foster or group home care。

For an intellectual debate, we use facts, numbers and logical reasoning to support our argument.  Let's do that.

1) Child protective administrators put pressure on CAS workers to remove children for flimsy or non-existent reasons;   

As an administrator, I don't know what you mean and where your source of information is from.  To remove a child, CAS must take the case to court.  The judge, the child's lawyer, the parents' lawyer and the child's advocacy office are all watching.  Do you mean all these people are corrupted?  Regardless the number of children coming into care, I will receive a fixed salary, without any bonus whatsoever.

2) That 50% of children in foster care should not have been removed from their homes;   

Where did you get the statistics, if it is a statistics?  I am aware there was any research done lately on this issue. If there is, the measurement tool needs to be reliable and valid. The issue of so many children coming into our care is the introduction of Ontario Risk Assessment Model and the amended Child and Family Services Act.  Under the old act, CAS will have to proof substantial and imminent risk, but under the new act, to proof imminent risk.  Queens Park made the law; CAS does operation.  Please blame your MPP you voted into power. The ORAM is a deficit based model, with focus on forensic investigation and parental deficit.  Risk assessment is very popular in New York, California, British Columbia and Alberta.  After the few years, all the side effects are showing, which is why states and provinces in North America are trying to switch to a strength based model (the Differential Response in Ontario).

3) That the child welfare system is driven exclusively by money and that children are removed from their homes because
of funding incentives.

The answer is no.  If you have read my posts, you should have tossed in arguments, not an accusation.  Before 1998, CAS was funded by the Ontario government (about 70%), the city government and donation.  Some regions, like those in 905 areas including York and Peel, were severely under-funded that their service was jeopardized.  The Ontario government started funding 100% in 1998, and of course the amount will increase from like 70 cents to a dollar.  Nobody mentioned how much the city government saved.  The other reason is violence against women.  Before 1998, VAW was not considered as a reason for child protection intervention.  The ORAM required CAS intervention to protect the children suffering from domestic violence, and VAW now has become the top reason for opening.  This is new service.  To cut down CAS funding, simply tell CAS to stop intervening when a woman is abused by her husband, while their children are present.  The third reason is children with special needs.  The government under-funds children with chronic health problem, e.g. autistic children and asks CAS to place them in care.  The per diem for these children is like $400 per day.  3 years ago, there was a lawsuit against the Ontario government, because the parents will have to abandon the child to get help the child needs, but there is the only law in Ontario to accommodate their needs.

I have said it many times a child in care means a financial loss.  I argued in the previous post that funding from investigation is used to subsidize children in care.  The first page of Chapter 3 of the Auditor General's report says more than half of the budget ($317.7 million + $334 million in 2005-5) went to per diem to care for children in care.  These numbers do not include other costs, e.g. clothing and medication and staff salary.

Figure 9 to 12 of the same chapter talk about the per diem and funding relationship.  For a child placed in a group home, CAS receives on average $175 per day from the Ministry but has to pay from $217 to $238 per day to the group home operator (a non CAS organization with arm's length approved by the Ministry).  A child in a group home for a day translates into a net loss of $42 to $63.  For a child placed in foster home, CAS on average receives $39.71 but has to pay from $30.65 to $71.04.  That is from a gain of $9.05 to a loss of $71.33.

In a nutshell, for CAS to make a "profit", the best way is to discharge all children from care.  How to cut down on group care days is the hottest topic in CAS?  Any genius who can resolve the issue will become the most senior executive will an SUV for sure.

Such a problem also exists in all child protection jurisdictions in North America.
发表于 2006-12-18 11:41:18 | 只看该作者

Logical Reasoning Part 2

4) That the money trail explains why the system descriminates against poor families and families of color   

I do and I don't agree with you.  Though there is a small number of middle class clients, majority of CAS clients are from poor families and immigrant communities.  However, go to a welfare office, a mental health clinic and a subsidized housing, you will find unreasonably high numbers of poor new immigrants.  In Sociology, they call it the culture of poverty and multi-generations will stay there while education cannot do much.  From a macro statistical perspective, education is linear dependent on family background for social mobility, so the richer will become the richer.  Don't tell me Bill Gates has done something different.  Please compare the number of Bill Gates and the number of those living in poverty.  CAS clientile, like those in social service, represents those struggling with living, and unfortunately, abusing their children becomes part of their "coping" strategies.

5) Some parents suing for wrongful removal of children who were later abused in foster care.

It is a fact that in CAS history, some children were abused in foster homes.  Every societal system, including foster care, represents the society.  When a society is sick, the foster care system is not exempted.  Every year, CAS investigates a number of foster parents, school teachers, police officers, doctors and nurses, and even CAS staff (by peer agency to avoid conflict of interest).  These professionals may lose their licence of practice once abuse is verified.  However, does it mean we don't send our kids to school, don't go to a hospital when we are sick and don't report a crime to a police officer.  Logically, that does not make sense.

6) The foster care system makes Charles Dickens' descriptions look flattering."   

I am not educated, so don't know who Charles Dickens is.  Why don't you go talk to him at Yorkshire, England?

7) The experts determined more than 50% of the children in
foster care should not have been removed from their homes.

Repeated in #2.  Who is the expert?  Why don't you invite him/her over to overhaul Ontario child protection?

8) That a child protective worker says 50% of the calls investigated by the agency are completely bogus -- the results of disgrunted neighbors and family members calling the hotline with a grudge against the parents.   

For the first time, I agree with you, except that I would like to change the number from 50% to 80%.  Sorry, I am too lazy to search for the exact statistics, but would like to argue based on my memory.  Out of 100 investigation, CAS usually verifies about 20% of the abuse and admits about 2 to 3% of children who are in need of protection.

This is like "cry wolf".  Everyday, we receive phone calls from parents who have separated and are in the process of a custody dispute that their children are being abused by the other parents.  We know it is a "cry wolf", but so what, we have to investigate.  If you don't trust me, call 911 and report a fire at home.  I promise you the fire truck will come every time you call.  There are neighbour who don't like you may report to us you hit your son, and we have to rush out.  "Cry wolf" is being tolerated in every law enforcement because we can't afford the risk.

9) That major, sweeping reform is needed.   

The question is how.  Go to www.jobs.un.org, because the United Nations is hiring child protection workers and a lot of them are from Ontario, Canada because of our reputation.  If you know how to fix Ontario child welfare, you will get an executive job with United nations, with a package over US$250,000.


I also would like to urge everyone to think about it.  Child abuse happens everywhere in the world.  Canada, USA, Australia, UK and New Zealand apparently have the highest rates because they all document child abuse cases and intervene appropriately.  The incidence rates in China and India are much lower.  Who cares about child abuse in these countries?

I have said that above incidence and admission depend on ORAM and CFSA.  Change the law so the number of children in CAS care will go down.  Just like if you don't like police intervention when you hit your wife, change the law so that you can legally abuse them and the incidence rate of violence against women will drop for sure.

Every Mother's Day, we are showered with congratulations and blessing, but we never reflect if we are good moms or not.
发表于 2006-12-18 11:51:01 | 只看该作者
据一个对比例子。共产党宣言以及中国共产党相关章程读起来要比资本主义的制度好的多多了。那为什么实现不了呢?中国国民党做的最有意义的一件事是什么,引进多党竞争。还是让我们拭目以待CAS的监管机构吧。当然我不希望出现,象共产党体制下的纪检委。   所谓固执让我想起了加拿大最大的固执应该是保守党,同性恋都法律化了,他们还要提起重新审核,可见那些说中国人固执的人才是真固执。
发表于 2006-12-18 12:43:12 | 只看该作者

It is me or you

据一个对比例子。共产党宣言以及中国共产党相关章程读起来要比资本主义的制度好的多多了。那为什么实现不了呢?中国国民党做的最有意义的一件事是什么,引进多党竞争。还是让我们拭目以待CAS的监管机构吧。当然我不希望出现,象共产党体制下的纪检委。   所谓固执让我想起了加拿大最大的固执应该是保守党,同性恋都法律化了,他们还要提起重新审核,可见那些说中国人固执的人才是真固执。

Could somebody speak Chinese to interpret the above for me please?  CAS hired me years ago because they thought I speak the language and know the culture to help the Chinese community.  Probably they are wrong, one of the many "mistakes" they have made.

Probably, I have to re-study Logic 101 to understand what the above means.

May be we can break it down to 5:

1. Comparing communism and capitalism with China as an application;

2. Politics in Taiwan: KMT and diversity;

3. CAS and check and balance;

4. PC and positive space;

5. Chinese quality and culture.

Everyone of these will make a good PhD topic, but I am just not intelligent enough to link them together.
发表于 2006-12-18 12:55:04 | 只看该作者
据一个对比例子。共产党宣言以及中国共产党相关章程读起来要比资本主义的制度好的多多了。那为什么实现不了呢?中国国民党做的最有意义的一件事是什么,引进多党竞争。还是让我们拭目以待CAS的监管机构吧。当然我不希望出现,象共产党体制下的纪检委。   所谓固执让我想起了加拿大最大的固执应该是保守党,同性恋都法律化了,他们还要提起重新审核,可见那些说中国人固执的人才是真固执。

发表于 2006-12-18 13:49:09 | 只看该作者
really? kidding? what I say has the same meaning as the title(绝对的权利导致绝对的腐败). I think any country, any party and any orgnization must go wrong without monitoring.
发表于 2006-12-19 11:22:38 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-12-19 16:37:41 | 只看该作者



51 论坛的朋友,这是在加拿大的自由论坛上还是在中国文化大革命的年代,吓死我了,还好我没有说我们公司的坏话,否则可能在圣诞的时候失去工作,好害怕,朋友告诉你们这个秘密要小心"箱根",记住"箱根",不要胡说八道
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