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绝对的权力导致绝对的腐败 - CAS 调查报告

发表于 2006-11-30 18:23:17 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Can someone get a hold on Peelboy? Can she please cultivate our taxpayers what children/family and tax abusive consequences would be caused by CAS? read along please.

Leaked report by Ontario auditor general slams children's aid societies


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发表于 2006-11-30 18:51:48 | 只看该作者


今天,保守党的安省代表John Tory终于向儿童及青年服务部(CAS得上级部门)发问。Children Aids Society, CAS的领导们,享受着价值五万的豪华SUV,频繁的出国考察,每年光健身福利就是2000加元,可是那些需要救助的孩子呢?


正式的报告出台还需要一周时间,但是CBC 已经得到了一份拷贝。报告中所述事实,令人万分震惊,在安省政坛掀起了轩然大波。要不是保守党提议,这份报告也会像前几年的报告一样,不会对公众公开。


发表于 2006-11-30 19:16:36 | 只看该作者



今天,保守党的安省代表John Tory终于向儿童及青年服务部(CAS得上级部门)发问。Children Aids Society, CAS的领导们,享受着价值五万的豪华SUV,频繁的出国考察,每年光健身福利就是2000加元,可是那些需要救助的孩子呢?


正式的报告出台还需要一周时间,但是CBC 已经得到了一份拷贝。报告中所述事实,令人万分震惊,在安省政坛掀起了轩然大波。要不是保守党提议,这份报告也会像前几年的报告一样,不会对公众公开。


发表于 2006-11-30 20:44:34 | 只看该作者
保守党嘛,总是采取中庸之道的。能不得罪就不得罪,非要得罪也肯定是得罪没钱没势的,坚决不惹有钱有权的。 :slobber:  
 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-1 10:51:35 | 只看该作者

Peelboy will feed us back with guts..

We really wish to see she could answer 51ers here at the tone/way she "educated/cultivated" us, like a scholar/master, on this dirty/corrupted business line....
发表于 2006-12-1 12:20:38 | 只看该作者

对独立审计人员的出色工作表示敬佩。前面掀倒了自由党(尽管相对而言还是更喜欢它一些), 现在又来揭盖这些伪善家们的面罩。

 楼主| 发表于 2006-12-1 12:28:39 | 只看该作者

Toronto/Yokr/Peel 地区的CAS打电话,从早上到现在一直不通

Peelboy will feed us back with guts..

We really wish to see she could answer 51ers here at the tone/way she "educated/cultivated" us, like a scholar/master, on this dirty/corrupted business line....

今天好几个朋友告诉我他们给Peelboy 和其他Toronto/Yokr/Peel 地区的CAS打电话,从早上到现在一直不通,不是busy就是Bell在修理电话。奇怪了,以前根本不会有这问题,要是现在有孩子被虐待的话,怎么报告CAS啊?请大家帮帮,我朋友家邻居有虐待孩子的,请告诉我朋友怎么联系严肃认真的peelboy或其他腐败的CAS职员?救救孩子!
发表于 2006-12-1 13:11:51 | 只看该作者

Not Juicy Enough

Wait till Tuesday for more juicy stuff from the Queens Park.

I never cultivated any 51er; i was trying to tell you how to play smart.

See you Tuesday.

BTW, all CAS numbers are working well.  Don't believe me; you can try it.  They have a phone system there is never a busy signal.
发表于 2006-12-1 16:26:15 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-12-1 18:18:23 | 只看该作者

兒童求助無人問 行政主管開名車.安省兒童協會被轟濫用公帑

兒童求助無人問 行政主管開名車.安省兒童協會被轟濫用公帑





安省新民主黨領袖漢普頓(Howard Hampton)表示,有些兒童因為遲遲無法獲得援助而死亡,有關單位也曾經斷定兒童援助協會在處理許多案例時失職。

安省保守黨黨魁莊德利(John Tory)表示,兒童援助協會的職責是保障兒童權益,但它們沒有盡責。


兒童及青少年服務廳長張珀絲(Mary Anne Chambers)不願評論上述報告內容,因為報告尚未正式發表,此態度使批評人士更加激憤,他們要求省府即刻面對此問題,禁止兒童援助協會濫用經費。


約克區兒童援助協會發言人格蘭特(Jennifer Grant)表示,該協會可以向約克區居民保證,該協會一直都在為兒童著想。

多倫多兒童援助協會發言人蒲莎(Melanie Persaud)表示,協會高層主管享有的福利是由董事會來決定,唯有給予高層人員優厚的待遇,有才幹的人才會願意為該協會效勞。







*「令人質疑」的海外旅遊開支,其中包括到北京,阿根廷的布宜諾斯艾利斯(Buenos aires)及加勒比海地區參加會議的費用,還有協會職員帶兒童到海島與家人團聚的支出。
发表于 2006-12-1 18:21:22 | 只看该作者

Auditor's report questions CAS spending

Auditor's report questions CAS spending
Nov. 30, 2006. 04:00 PM

Ontario’s auditor general will expose “questionable” spending such as the purchase of SUVs over $50,000 for executives at some children’s aid societies in his report next week, according to a report leaked Thursday.
The spending also included trips by children under children’s aid care to the Caribbean under the supervision of staff, including a weeklong resort stay in St. Martin.
This comes at a time when the auditor general’s review of some children’s aid cases found first visits to probe children at risk were an average of three weeks late, with some children never being seen at all.
“I think the public is going to be outraged when they hear this,” retired homicide detective Michael Davis, who has reviewed hundreds of child deaths under children’s aid care, is quoted telling CBC radio, which obtained the documents.
The report did not name any of the province’s 53 children’s aid societies directly, but the auditor general’s review included societies in Toronto, Peel Region, York Region and Thunder Bay.
Children and Youth Services Minister Mary Anne Chambers wouldn’t comment in detail on the leaked report but acknowledged she has been made aware of some of the issues.
“I am not hiding from anything,” she said. “I will look forward to taking whatever action is necessary.”
The Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies refused comment until Tuesday, when the report will be released.
"It’s appalling,’’ said NDP children’s critic Andrea Horwath (Hamilton East).
The revelations, to be detailed on Tuesday in the auditor general annual report, are expected to be a hot topic in question period Thursday at the Ontario legislature.
发表于 2006-12-1 18:28:13 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-12-1 18:49:32 | 只看该作者



对独立审计人员的出色工作表示敬佩。前面掀倒了自由党(尽管相对而言还是更喜欢它一些), 现在又来揭盖这些伪善家们的面罩。


[转帖]前聯邦監獄申訴專員 濫支32.5萬
(渥太華28日加新社電)聯邦審計總長傅蕾澤(Sheila Fraser)周二發表第6份年度報告﹐嚴詞譴責前聯邦監獄申訴專員斯圖爾特(Ron Stewart)濫支或支取不該領的薪金﹑假期津貼和其他費用32.5萬元。此事已交皇家騎警處理﹐公安部長戴國衛(Stockwell Day)要求盡力追討款項。


她又發現﹐斯圖爾特向政府申報的餐飲住宿費似乎與工作無關﹐包括﹕5次到主辦格雷盃美式足球賽(Grey Cup)的城市﹑一次高中舊生聚會。


公安部長戴國衛說﹐他已給現任監獄申訴專員薩珀斯(Howard Sapers)指示﹐要求他探討「所有可行途徑」﹐向前任監獄申訴專員追討他不該領取的薪金。





她發現﹐皇家騎警﹑加拿大懲教署(Correctional Service Canada)和加拿大邊境服務局(Canada Border Services Agency)約有半數僱員相信﹐假如他們向上司舉報操守問題﹐他們的機構會採取行動。



2006年11月29日 星期三 明報
发表于 2006-12-1 18:58:55 | 只看该作者





‧養老金(Old Age Security)超付8,200萬元﹐政府未能追討超支款額﹔




2006年11月29日 星期三 明報
发表于 2006-12-1 19:51:38 | 只看该作者

[转帖]Tories want to hear of Grit waste

保守党嘛,总是采取中庸之道的。能不得罪就不得罪,非要得罪也肯定是得罪没钱没势的,坚决不惹有钱有权的。 :slobber:  

Linda LeatherdaleSun, November 26, 2006

Tories want to hear of Grit waste

PCs set up website as election year nears

By Linda Leatherdale Nov. 26, 2006

Toronto Sun

Mom always said waste not, want not.

Too bad Dalton McGuinty's Liberals won't listen.

Because after lying to us about holding the line on taxes, then whacking us with a $11-billion health-tax grab -- here's a sampling of our hard-earned dollars at work.

Ministry of health officials spent a whopping $1.4 million on hotel rooms in 2005-06, after racking up $6.1 million in travel expenses. That's the equivalent of 10,117 nights in hotel in one year, plus a full year in a chalet.

"What were they doing in those hotel rooms?" Conservative leader John Tory joked at a packed fundraising dinner in Markham this past week.

But it was no laughing matter, when he lashed out at McGuinty for more broken promises.

"Dalton McGuinty promised to respect taxpayers' money. He has done nothing of the sort. Instead of helping people stuck in emergency rooms, keeping his promise to autistic children or increasing the number of PET scanners, the McGuinty Liberals are spending $1.4 million on hotel rooms."

Big Blue machine

It's all part of the Tories' Waste Busters campaign, as they crank up the Big Blue machine for one promise McGuinty did keep. Fixed election dates.

We go to the polls on Oct. 4, 2007.

And, it's a no-brainer one way to win votes is to promise to repeal McGuinty's hated health levy, which is collected from taxpayers' paycheques under income taxes with the money sitting in general coffers, in easy reach of the piggies at the tax trough who love to waste.

"I will phase out the health tax," Tory told the audience, promising by putting an end to wasted spending, the Conservatives would invest more in health care, not less.

Even with a Liberal mole in the room-- ("she follows me wherever I go," Tory joked, as he introduced a lady in the back of the room alleged to be a McGuinty spy) -- the Conservative leader boldly rolled out his election platform.

Promising to respect taxpayers' dollars, he said he would invest wisely in quality public service and infrastructure, pay down Ontario's ballooning debt and give money back to hard-working families.

Getting screwed

Convincing voters that we're getting screwed by wasted Liberal spending will be an easy sell, once you read the Waste Busters' report. Here's the disturbing list:

- $2 million spent on new furniture for McGuinty's new health care bureaucracy, which created 14 local health integration networks (LHINs) to take over the job of allocating the $33-billion health-care budget.

- $70,000 spent for a flyer that says "Toronto Central LHIN is good for your health."

- $2 million spent on an inaccurate health-care advertisement that proclaims wait times and doctor shortages are behind us. "I wonder how the 1.2 million Ontarians without a family doctor feel about this?" Tory asked.

- $91 million spent to fire nurses when Ontario was suffering from a nursing shortage.

- $90 million spent to close or consolidate community-care access centres.

- $219,000 spent to redesign the Ontario Trillium logo.

- $20 million spent to quietly give raises to appointees to government agencies and boards.

- $40 million on Caledonia.

- $6 million to overhaul the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp. logo, by removing the "C" from OLGC.

- $16 million spent on McGuinty's "I won't raise your taxes" Liberal ad agency.

Bottomline is McGuinty made 231 promises to get elected, and at last count had broken at least 50 of them, including not keeping caps on skyrocketing electricty prices, not keeping the hard cap on commercial property taxes, and not rolling back 407 ETR (Extreme Toll Ripoff) charges. The list goes on, and on.

"I don't know how McGuinty can wake up and look himself in the mirror," Tory told the audience.

He went on, "Ontarians work hard for their money. They have already been betrayed by broken promises and higher taxes. Now they get to sit and watch while Dalton McGuinty flushes millions upon millions of their hard-earned tax dollars down the toilet."

If you have a story about government waste, bloated bureaucracies or propaganda, Tory wants to hear from you. Go to

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