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发表于 2004-11-23 08:46:35 | 只看该作者

非理性的看问题。 你拿上海和北京比, 但是你在上海生活过多长时间? 你对上海了解多少? 你在上海有朋友吗? 你在上海和多少人交往过呢?

用一个比喻, 你到了纽约游玩, 来到了唐人街, 看见遍地脏水, 赌博, 乱开车, 种种劣迹... 然后你回到中国, 跟朋友说, 纽约这个破地方, 开车比咱们这里野多了, 又脏又乱又差, 住得也破破烂烂的, 人也很粗暴, 还有遍地黑帮... 你的朋友对纽约也不了解, 就信了, 然后告诉朋友的朋友纽约如何如何差, 这样传啊传啊, 结果大家也知道了。。。

如果你对上海不了解, 你怎么拿她和你所了解的北京作公平的比较?
发表于 2004-11-25 16:14:59 | 只看该作者
大家也别老攻击熊妈妈. 以前上海人的不好印象是有的. 这本来就是事实. 很多东西是用道理说不清的.

其实上海人好不好和我们有什么关系呢? 喜欢呢就交往,不喜欢不理就完了. 上海人不会因为我们的个人情感改变而改变,我们也不需要去改变他们.

我觉得上海人就是应该保持本性, 虚荣的一如既往的虚荣, 精明的一如既往的精明, 热情的就一如既往的热情, 这才有特色,世界才会精彩.
发表于 2004-11-25 22:34:24 | 只看该作者
I just expressed my opinion. If you agree, it is fine. If you disagree, It is fine too. Not only I am saying that Shanghaiese have problem, there are a lot people are saying the same thing. You keep your mind, and I keep my mind.
By the way, I have worked with Shanghaiese for 3 years before. (Not only 1 person.)
Sometime truth doesn't sound good. Isn't it?
发表于 2004-11-26 08:55:15 | 只看该作者
I just expressed my opinion. If you agree, it is fine. If you disagree, It is fine too. Not only I am saying that Shanghaiese have problem, there are a lot people are saying the same thing. You keep your mind, and I keep my mind.
By the way, I have worked with Shanghaiese for 3 years before. (Not only 1 person.)
Sometime truth doesn't sound good. Isn't it?

你知道美国194x年前的排华法案吗? 你知道加拿大以前的排华法案吗? 你知道这些排华法案怎么起来的吗? 你还记得去年的煞斯吗? 你还记得煞斯的时候中国人走在街上别人的眼光吗? 你知道在美国的有些中国人非常恶劣的行径吗?  正因为很多人有你这样的习惯性的观点存在, 这个世界上才有歧视的存在。

我也曾经在北京住过超过半年的时间, 也见过几个恶劣的北京人, 但是这个就代表整个北京人都恶劣了吗?  我也有一些很好的北京朋友! 你10岁从东北移居北京, 我并不认为你是100%的北京人。 但是你知道你的问题所在吗? 你恰恰是自认为自己是北京人, 就看不起其它地方的人了。 你可能连自己的老家都看不起。 为什么呢? 因为你看起来羞于提及自己其实并不是地道的北京人。 我在很前面的帖子问你是否是北京人, 你回答“I told you in my previous article", 但是后来有一个北京人”少林拳”来驳斥你的观点时, 你才说你是10岁时从东北移民来北京的, 摆出一付“你也曾经历过被北京人歧视, 所以你夸北京的好是很客观的”样子。

从你的帖子中看出你的先生是洋人, 但是你知道现在中国有很多姑娘嫁给洋人并不是为了爱情。 如果我们结论嫁给洋人的中国姑娘都是为了... 你的感觉会很好吗?

己所不欲, 勿施于人。
发表于 2004-11-26 10:48:49 | 只看该作者
I don't know what should I say where do I come from. I never went back my home town since I left because I left China when I was 18. I am not a Beijingese, I am not a Norther Chinese too. I only can say is I am a Chinese.

Hi, you said a lot of Chinese women married western guy not for love. Well, tell me how many articles in this website only that Chinese women who married a western guy are happier than they had relationships with Chinese men? I am the one of them. I had a Chinese boyfriend for 10 years, but never be this happy like now. I agree it is luck or bab luck. Before I married, I always tell people that I had bad luck in relationship. But in general, what is the truth? Most of women are happy married foreigner or not? I guess they are happy. Why? Look in general, single Chinese guys here don't want to get a woman from China to here unless he really really trust her. Why? He is afraid she runs away with foreigner or other people?
This is reason a lot of Chinese men feel unfair that Chinese women most of them want to marry a foreigner . Some of them for love, some of them for money. They are getting what they want. One thing I can say is, some people no matter what they have in their current life, they never be happy for anything.

As you say, metting bad Shanghaiese is a bad luck only. How about those Shanghaiese who only speak Shanghaiese in Shanghai to other people? I had a classmate who come from Newzealand in Japan. He stayed in Shanghai 3 years and speaks fluent Shanghaiese. What he tells people? "I hate Shanghaiese. They always try to cheat me." In our class, there are some Shanghaiese who tried to speak to him. He just refuse to talk to them, even he is very friendly with us (people come from other cities, Xian, Beijing, Dalian etc.) I think he is friendly with us because he never stayed in our cities long time. What I want to point out is, he had stayed in Shanghai for years and he become to hate Shanghaiese. How do you like it?

Just answer me one question, why so many people in this forum are saying they don't have good image about Shanghaiese? ?? Coincidents?

I am not saying that I hate Shanghaiese. Each area has its own tradition. When I deal with Shanghaiese, I would pay extra attention that I don't trust Shanghaiese really much. I have to be very careful that I don't get cheat. Don't even think about you can get any help from Shanghaiese. This is what I want to say. When I was in Shanghai, I can't expect I will get correct direction without asking the employees who work for the hotel where I stay. Or I have to take a Taxi because Shaanghaiese believe without taking a Taxi, I am a poor " Xiangxia ren".This is what I feel. I just hate to show off that I have when I deal with Shanghainese, but sometime I don't show off, I don't get any good result.

Anyway, you don't have to be upset of me because I have said the truth. It is true that there are "bad apples" everywhere. In general, I think Shanghaiese need to improve their personalities that they can match the image of being the "Best city of China."

How do you command on some Shanghaiese say:" Shanghai is the best city in China. Don't say bad things about Shanghaiese because it shames all the Chinese." Why don't you disagree?

I guess you are a Shanghaiese. I saw a lot of your commands are very smart.  I understand it hurts to hear something not really nice about your hometown. If you hate me to say my true feeling, well only thing I can say is I am sorry, I won't stop.
发表于 2004-11-26 11:06:24 | 只看该作者


发表于 2004-11-26 11:15:06 | 只看该作者
By the way, just saw “熊妈妈”new lines again.Really doubt  about her intension. She seems to be determined to beat Shanghainese down.

I have to say, if you marry a white guy, shouldn't you be more tolerant or more loving instead of having more hatred?

If you can tolerant a white guy why can't you tolerant you own fellow Chinese?

You make me really sick in the stomach!
发表于 2004-11-26 11:26:55 | 只看该作者
One more thing, when you accusing all Shanghainese, you are asscusing the Shanghai people here in Canada as well. But our Identity are Canadian Chinese now, so it doesn't matter where you come from , you can come from Shanghai, Beijing, Canton, Hongkong, Taiwain or heaven. In foreigner's eye ,we are all same yellow skin fellow Chinese. In that case, you are just dumping the **** on your own face!
发表于 2004-11-26 14:25:05 | 只看该作者
熊妈妈, 我想前面一段英文长文是你写的, 用来回复我的两个帖子。 是的, 我是上海人, 但这个并不是我要写这些帖子的原因。 你想过没有, 这个论坛里面说上海人不好的帖子多了, 我为什么不回他们的单回你的?  因为回你的帖子比较有挑战性。 为什么这么说呢? 我们到后面慢慢进行剖析。

我是上海人, 你以为我是第一次听见有人恨上海人, 有人大骂上海人吗? 其实我听得多了, 这也不是新闻, 一般我也懒得计较。 为什么? 你不喜欢上海人, 这是你的事情, 我没有必要来改变你, 我可以离你远一点, 毕竟这个世界这么大, 少了谁地球照转。 如果我喜欢你, 想和你作朋友, 我才会想法去努力改正你的观点。

但是这次比较不一样, 因为你的战斗力比较强, 空余时间比较多, 更厉害的是经常中文英文射击, 楼上电脑楼下电脑并列开火, 厉害啊。(不过我注意到, 你比较喜欢用“command”这个词, 在多篇贴子中, 你都用到了这个词。 但我根据上下文, 猜出你可能想用“comment”。 我相信这个不是你一时的笔误, 而是已经成了习惯了。 希望你以后改正。 因为用这个词非常影响我在广大群众中的形像, 因为在这个论坛中我从来没有发号施令国。 如果给新来的不了解情况的朋友看见了, 还以为我瞎搅和总是喜欢发号施令, 最后上升到上海人都TMD喜欢发号施令盛气凌人, 你的罪过可就大了。 当然, 最后倒霉的还是上海人而已... )

你的百屈不挠的斗争精神, 顾左右而言他的战斗技巧, 以偏盖全的前进方针, 和瞎子摸象般的大无畏精神, 都不是最后触发我和你进行讨论的导火线。 那根导火线, 是你在前一段时间在论坛里面到处找“天使爱美丽”对决。 你对上海人恨的可够深的啊, 但是我想你最恨的还是日本人。 因为你在帖子中把上海人比作日本人, 颇有当初“华人与狗不得入内”的气势。

说了那么多, 现在我来尝试地分析一下你最近的那篇帖子。

I don't know what should I say where do I come from. I never went back my home town since I left because I left China when I was 18. I am not a Beijingese, I am not a Norther Chinese too. I only can say is I am a Chinese.

你在第33贴回答我说:“Told you in my article. I come from Beijing.” 怎么你现在却不知道了该说自己是什么地方的人了?是不是经过我问了一些比较难的问题之后, 开始动摇了?

Hi, you said a lot of Chinese women married western guy not for love. Well, tell me how many articles in this website only that Chinese women who married a western guy are happier than they had relationships with Chinese men? I am the one of them. I had a Chinese boyfriend for 10 years, but never be this happy like now. I agree it is luck or bab luck. Before I married, I always tell people that I had bad luck in relationship. But in general, what is the truth? Most of women are happy married foreigner or not? I guess they are happy. Why? Look in general, single Chinese guys here don't want to get a woman from China to here unless he really really trust her. Why? He is afraid she runs away with foreigner or other people?
This is reason a lot of Chinese men feel unfair that Chinese women most of them want to marry a foreigner . Some of them for love, some of them for money. They are getting what they want. One thing I can say is, some people no matter what they have in their current life, they never be happy for anything.
1. 从你的这段文字中我怎么好像有种“外国男人就是比中国男人好”的感觉? 你不要说你没有这个意思, 作为读者的我就是感觉到你有这个意思。
2. 如果你想要看中国女人和外国男人结合后悲惨遭遇的案例,请明白告诉大家, 并说明要看几个, 我们一定给你从互联网上找到。

As you say, metting bad Shanghaiese is a bad luck only. How about those Shanghaiese who only speak Shanghaiese in Shanghai to other people? I had a classmate who come from Newzealand in Japan. He stayed in Shanghai 3 years and speaks fluent Shanghaiese. What he tells people? "I hate Shanghaiese. They always try to cheat me." In our class, there are some Shanghaiese who tried to speak to him. He just refuse to talk to them, even he is very friendly with us (people come from other cities, Xian, Beijing, Dalian etc.) I think he is friendly with us because he never stayed in our cities long time. What I want to point out is, he had stayed in Shanghai for years and he become to hate Shanghaiese. How do you like it?
1. 在上海生活了三年就可以说流利的上海话? 语言天才? 既然他这么恨上海人, 看来平时不会和上海人打交到或说话, 是不是? 如果不和上海人打交到, 不和上海人说话, 他从哪里学来一口流利的上海话? 从电视里学的? 从广播里学的? 告诉你, 在上海普通话推广的很好, 从电视里和广播里你一般是听不到上海话的, 都是普通话。 要听上海话的广播, 你得去听上海独角戏才可以。 这是和广州不一样的。 你的那个同学只怕是牛皮吹得太响了吧? 如果说他在上海住了3年(就相信他这一个), 就把上海所有的人恨得那样。 以此你得出结论说上海人都TMD不是东西, 看看把人家小伙子折磨成什么样了。 那前几年在美国一个中国留学生枪杀了导师和同学, 你是不是又要说, 美国人更可恨呢?

2. 谁跟你说上海人只愿意和非上海人说上海话? 上海的公司里面非上海人多得去了, 我的朋友里面非上海人的也很多, 读大学的时候非上海的同学也有一些, 我怎么看见上海人和非上海人之间大家都说普通话? 上海人和上海人之间倒是都喜欢说上海话, 但是这个使你感到恶心吗? 是的话说出来。我工作的第一个公司有一个很不错的朋友就是非上海人, 只会说普通话, 他的上司的上司是上海人(上司离开了, 位置空着), 照你的理论他是不是就是生活在水深火热中了呢? 告诉你, 他现在还是在那个上海人手下, 但是已经做到了两个部门的经理。 这样成功的非上海人在上海数不胜数。 你说上海没有包容性。 没有包容性, 上海几百万的外来人口都被关在集中营卖苦力吗? 上海办公楼里的全是上海人? 上海高级管理层的都是上海人?

Just answer me one question, why so many people in this forum are saying they don't have good image about Shanghaiese? ?? Coincidents?
这个问题不用我来回答你, 历史已经告诉我们这个问题的答案了。 近的有SARS, 印尼排华; 远的有美国排华, 加拿大排华, 希特勒反犹... 哪一次人不多, 你告诉我

I am not saying that I hate Shanghaiese. Each area has its own tradition. When I deal with Shanghaiese, I would pay extra attention that I don't trust Shanghaiese really much. I have to be very careful that I don't get cheat. Don't even think about you can get any help from Shanghaiese. This is what I want to say. When I was in Shanghai, I can't expect I will get correct direction without asking the employees who work for the hotel where I stay. Or I have to take a Taxi because Shaanghaiese believe without taking a Taxi, I am a poor " Xiangxia ren".This is what I feel. I just hate to show off that I have when I deal with Shanghainese, but sometime I don't show off, I don't get any good result.  
你可能没有明明白白的说出来, 但是你的所有帖子中都充满了对上海人的恨。 请不要狡辩, 念过几年中文的都看得出来。 随手抓过一个例子, 你第25贴的标题 “Shanghai? Nice city, but the people?????” 就说明了这个问题。 你厉害, 用了4个问号表示你的强烈的感情。

Anyway, you don't have to be upset of me because I have said the truth. It is true that there are "bad apples" everywhere. In general, I think Shanghaiese need to improve their personalities that they can match the image of being the "Best city of China."

我没有因为你说了真实情况而感到不舒服, 而是因为你被仇恨冲昏的文字和行为。 还是那句话, 说上海人不好的我见得少了? 为什么你就这么特别引起我的兴趣?

How do you command on some Shanghaiese say:" Shanghai is the best city in China. Don't say bad things about Shanghaiese because it shames all the Chinese." Why don't you disagree?
你怎么知道我没有不同意?(注意以后把command换成comment, 还有这个是一个上海人说的, 请不要扩展到Some)

I guess you are a Shanghaiese. I saw a lot of your commands are very smart. I understand it hurts to hear something not really nice about your hometown. If you hate me to say my true feeling, well only thing I can say is I am sorry, I won't stop.
是的我是上海人。关于我为什么要回贴的原因我在前面已经说了, 你可以仔细研究一下, 并不是你认为的这样。 我也不恨你, 只是大家讨论一下嘛。 仇恨容易蒙蔽你的思想, 扰乱你的逻辑, 你说是吗?
发表于 2004-11-27 19:41:40 | 只看该作者
Haha, nice job, “瞎觉和”!Finally you shut her up, I thought she won't stop .Anyway I think she still owe an appology. This is actually the funniest thing I ever saw online, since she doesn't even know who she is , and start to lecture and accuse other people.

Please “熊妈妈”,behave, don't let your WHITE husbnd look down on you Chinese. Opps, you might not even a Chinese. Since first you are not Beijingnese, then you are not Northern Chinese, after that you left China, wondering where you really come from, maybe hell, eh?  :eek:
发表于 2004-11-29 00:05:11 | 只看该作者
Thank you for correcting my English. It is very nice and thanks. I do know my English has a lot problems. I feel my English is lack of variety of sentence structures and vocabulary. I am trying to improve my English. I just start to study TOEFL. I guess I am going to be a little busier than before.

As you pointed out that I should not say myself as a "Beijingese" because I went to Beijing when I was 10. I accepted what you said and wrote " I don't know what should I say where do I come from. " When first time you asked me where do I come from, I answered you simply " I come from Beijing". I don't think it is normal that I should answer a such simple question with a long story starts with :" I come from Beijing now, but I wasn't born in Beijing. I went to Beijing with my parents when I was 10 . and ....................................." It sounds too crazy especially with a stranger.
Looks like I wasn't careful enough to deal with Shanghaiese this time even for a simple question. ( I didn't know you are a Shanghaiese at the time.)

The Newzealand guy speaks fluent Shanghaiese wasn't I judged. I heard from Shanghaiese that he speaks fluent Shanghaiese. Otherwise I wouldn't know what he speaks. Can he learn in 3 years? I don't know. I know a person can learn to speak English or Japanese in 3 years especially the person who lives in English or Japanese speaking area. Probably Shanghaiese is a very "special" language, so no one could learn in 3 years.

When a Shanghaiese thinks a person who has no money, then he/ she only speaks Shanghaiese to other city people because he/she wants to be mean. In a company, I don't think Shanghaiese only speaks Shanghaiese because they can't communicate with others. I don't think we are talking about the environment such as in a company. Employees know each other and they are working together. We are talking about in general, people who don't know each other. My feeling is Shanghaiese would be mean at the first to other city people .

You don't want to answer my question why so many people wrote in only in this forum that they don't have good image about Shanghaiese. Now you know why I agreed that Shanghaiese don't talk straight. To avoid sharp question. You can't say there is no such feeling in other city people's mind. This is what I am pointing out.
I am not saying why you don't disagree others but me. I welcome you chanllege me. At least you corrected my English. Better than nothing.

After 9-11, TVO Studio2 had a program that they invited 3 muslims to discuss why muslims hate Ameircans. 1 of them said yes, some muslims do hate Amricans. Other 2 said no, no such thing. Through the 2 guys , I can  see they hate the guy who said yes. They can't explain why after the twin towers collapsed, so many people on the West Bank street were cheering. They only said :' There is bad apples in every community." I guess you are using the same answer to against my point.

I don't hate Shanghaiese. It is not nice to hate any individual with no reason. I just expressed my general image about Shanghaiese. As I said a lot Shanghaiese are smart, have wide view and great ideas. In general, I wish Shanghaiese would treat other people nice and gentle. This is the reason I wrote :" I think Shanghaiese needs to improve their personalities."

I hope you are not so upset as you wrote " want to be friend with you, that is why I am trying to change your mind." I just don't feel it from your whole article. I am happy you are challenging me.

I didn't say Foreign men are better than Chinese men. As I wrote "some women want money, some women want love. They are getting what they want." I had bad luck with my Chinese boyfriend. I think I should say it in detail (especially when I deal with Shanghaiese.). I had bad luck and he had bad luck, we had bad luck with each other because we are not a match. God took out a rib from man to make it as a woman. After the man grown up, he finds the woman whom was made by his rib and marry her to start a family. Sometimes the man and the rib don't match because they are not from the same body. In my case, I find my happiness with my husband. A lot Chinese women find their happiness with their Chinese husbands. This is a simple theory in all marriages.
My general view toward international marriage is: most couples are happy. Evidence? Genearlly Chinese young women want to marry a foreigner. Isn't it? Can you say there is no such thing?

About I had disagreements with "Angel loves beauty". I didn't know she is a Shanghaiese when I had disagreement with her first time.I didn't like her aticle because she didn't know she needs to respect other people as she was asking me " If I want to stay in Canada, can you say I can't." I told her " No one should say no to you because it is your freedom. At the same time, you should respect others freedom too." Also I didn't like she specially wrote in " I apologize I made a mistake. I think it is a great virtue." Making a mistake and apologize for it, such simple human behaviour becomes a great virtue. I really can't agree. I disagree her wrote she had a great friendship with her tenant and says she doesn't understand why people can't stay under one roof peaceful here in Canada. In the other words she is better than most Chinese in Canada.  I guess you read my disagreement and I believe I made more sense than her. And I disgree her in this forum. I don't think I have specially argued with her in any other forum. Why are you saying I was looking for her to argue with her? She publishes a lot articles as I see, it is not hard to find her to argue. I don't think I am specially looking for her to argue with her. Also I didn't know she is a Shanghaiese until I read her second article. What made you feel it?
From your action, somehow I can't help myself to associate Shanghaiese with Japanese. Reasons:
1,Because she is a Shanghaiese, you are standing on her side even though we are not talking about the same topic. Japanese has a famous character that no matter how much they argue with each other, they will get together strongly to against foreighers. In this case, no matter how much Shanghaiese argue with each other (such as "Shang Zhi Jiao" to "Xia Zhi Jiao".) Shanghaiese stays together to against others (for example, me).
2,Japanese believes they are the best human in the whole world. Shanghaiese believes they are the best people in China. Well, I think I should warn Japanese. After a few years Shanghaiese maybe say " We are the best people in the whole world." I wonder who is going to win.
3,You said I should not say I am a "Beijingese" because I wasn't born in Beijing. Japanese says "no one could be a real Japanese unless he/she is born as a Japanese." I have to admit you are much better than Japanese because you didn't talk about do I have Beijingese blood or not.

As I worte you before, I don't want to change your mind and I won't change mine. Hope you don't be upset, I am just expressing my opinion.

I am always busy weekends because my husband is home and we always have a lot things to do together. Weekends alwasy pass faster than weekdays.

I decorated my home today and very happy with holiday decoration. I guess I should say some nice things to make other people happy. Maybe I should learn from Mrs. Jiang, Qing. As she tought all chinese to admire culture revolution "Culture Revolution is good, is good, is really good." Probably she is saying it in Shanghai style. I guess I am going to say " Shanghaiese is goo, is goo, is really good." Feel better? Smile  

You wrote that I am using Chinese and English. Looks like you don't like I write in English. I have to explain that my computer with Chinese system has problem with network card. I have to fix it. I prefer to use Chinese.

P.S. I don't remember I wrote any online novel. I don't think I have such talent, but I love to read good novel. Some people are really talented. I don't want anybody says I was pretenting I wrote novel afterwards.  Especially I have to be very very careful here.
发表于 2004-11-29 07:21:58 | 只看该作者


发表于 2004-11-29 09:13:20 | 只看该作者





umm, i think you have to learn something...next time, i hope you wouldn't say shanghai is 东方巴黎 again. Instead, say PARIS IS WESTERN SHANGHAI OR HK..OR BEIJING...
发表于 2004-11-29 10:17:07 | 只看该作者
You know what? It is heading that way. Europe or North American are going to be the past tense. Believe or not, the future is in the east. I guess you won't want to contribute anything to help our country,because...
发表于 2004-11-29 11:42:43 | 只看该作者


Thank you for correcting my English. It is very nice and thanks. I do know my English has a lot problems. I feel my English is lack of variety of sentence structures and vocabulary. I am trying to improve my English. I just start to study TOEFL. I guess I am going to be a little busier than before.

如果熊大妈English不那么流畅,还停留在TOFEL前水平,不知你如何与你洋老公思想交流,又如何深入了解本地文化。可能也就只能看到表面现象吧,这就好比你不了解上海人一样,你根本不懂上海文化,有什么理由指三到四。再指,希望不要把这个论坛当作你练习英语的地方,和可能最后变成Chinglish,misleading other people.


话又说道讲不讲上海话的问题了。你了解上海吗?你知道有多少人不会讲普通话吗?再问为什么香港人不更你讲普通话?是瞧不起你吗?你再去问问上海人的孩子,有多少人是用上海话交流的? 不知道了吧。你这种只看表面不堪实质,本身就很幼稚。何况如果你自己看得起自己,还用的着别人来赏识你吗?

还有没有人想要改变你的思想,告诉你上海人就是看不起像你这样的人,有理说不清,固执己见的人。上海的“乡下人“ 称呼不是像你想的,看不起农村人。上海的“乡下人“是指小农意识的人。


P.S. Discramnation is the no. one crime in Canada.
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