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楼主: 冬雪canada
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发表于 2007-6-5 08:28:08 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-6-5 08:50:24 | 只看该作者

发表于 2007-6-5 09:31:30 | 只看该作者

回复:ffgg123是理屈词穷的可怜虫 Lat123的工具

ffgg123是理屈词穷的可怜虫 Lat123的工具



 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-6 06:16:22 | 只看该作者

回复:回复:ffgg123是理屈词穷的可怜虫 Lat123的工具

回复:ffgg123是理屈词穷的可怜虫 Lat123的工具




发表于 2007-6-6 10:33:08 | 只看该作者


Shame on You

You are misleading all the 51 forum speakers with your lies, personal agenda, ignorance, and faked tears.

Despite the kind words and advice of everyone here including mine , you have not even act responsibly towards the forum, the community, and the legal  justice system by  taking the most basic fatherly step in  protecting your daughter . You could do so by simply not disclosing your personal details and your intimate interaction with your wives. You do not give a damn about how your daughter feels, you care only to damage the image of your family for your own devious agenda. When you cant even act in the least morally correct manners, you have no right to ask for sympathy or support in the community.

I dont believe any of the forum speakers should waste time to adviise you or give you further support in your cause because you make up yourself to be an  untruthworthy man. I  , and many others, certainly have no obligation to be continuedly insulted by your intelligence. The forum does not oblige me to say sweet words to miserable liars,  its legal . Dig that?!And this is my clear decision after reading your hilarious 'revolutionary history' and seeing how you behave all along.

In fact we are still doing you a favour, speakers like me  and many others are reminding you to stay sane and to respect what this society has awarded you for what you have done to your family and  to this community. You need to be whipped to learn your lesson.  Dont come back and talk all over again about how innocent you think you are, and dont question all over again about why people are using  harsh words with you. You look for it by your own demeaning attitude in publicising your romantic and personal affairs in the eyes of your daughter , plus all your untrustworthy statements. On the other hand, I have not indicated  that I stand by Amanda in your personal affairs. We are not actively interested, instead, we are passively being drawn to it by you. Revealing those stories, to some, may be sickening, to others, is down right criminal. The fact that you are publishing these stories on the web to force us to read it, giving the public no choice, is like a rape on the public.

Dont expect others to have to be nice to you. You might act like a crying baby, but your heart is black as far as your consideration for your daughter is concerned. My respect are for people who act in truth, in good will, in righteousness, in true courage, in honor, in justice, and in benevolence. In place where I find evil and injustice, I will  speak up against it. And I cheer those speakers who are straight to the point with their sharp tongue.

May I just remind you that figg123 has wished you well and good luck too in many forum discussions. But you only choose to listen to those words that side with you. Too bad, right from the start you have come to the forum with a schemed mind and a foul plot。By the way, you think f123 is unforgivable because he wants to spit on you, what should we do because you have disrespect your family, your community, your society, the court, the legal system, and the Queen?! and Mr. Mu Ran?!  Didnt he advise you not to speak openly again on your own private intimate affairs????

On the web, some speakers want  to play the role of a nice guy,no, not me, I have no boundary! :p

 楼主| 发表于 2007-6-8 13:32:13 | 只看该作者

回复:回复:回复:ffgg123是理屈词穷的可怜虫 Lat123的工具

回复:回复:ffgg123是理屈词穷的可怜虫 Lat123的工具


我不再理睬她们  ,  为了关心我的人和我关心的人。
发表于 2007-6-9 12:48:39 | 只看该作者



Up to now , we have read many discussions focusing on :
1.        Whether  Mr. Lee is an abuser, the arguments that follow are that
a)        If he is an abuser, the film should be launched and 51 followers feel that it is then justified that his story is exposed.
b)        If he is not an abuser, the arguments that follow are that  the launching of the film is intruding the rights and privacy of Mr. Lee, and therefore, the film should be stopped.

2.        What does a ‘No Contact Order’ indicate? The reasons  we are focusing on this argument  is because :
a)        Mr. Lee is  unwilling to disclose the clear  verdict and judgement of the Crown  re.his domestic violence case to 51 readers and the media . His revelation has been dubious. If he were someone who was looking for true justice and genuine support in 51 against injustice, he would be revealing full details of his legal  case to the readers for a fair and constructive discussion. Instead, he manipulates many readers and leaves  the  readers guessing his criminal and moral stands,  sparking off  grapevine, through which, Mr. Lee tries to extract  words that he might be able to  exploit to his advantage.
b)        51 readers are trying to find out if  he is truly an abuser or if  he has performed  any act violating the laws of Domestic Assault.

So following the above tracks, 51 readers have spoken on and on…….

While many readers are very  involved with Mr. Lee’s own innocent and emotional plea,  some of us sit back and look at other essential , vital and objective facts in his protest against the launching of the film  :

1.        The Chinese Canadian National Council(CCNC)- 平权会  made that film to campaign for anti- domestic violence. The purpose of the film is to reveal how violence can happen, how the legal system handles it , how a case involving domestic violence can hurt a family, children and adults alike(both man and woman), how the fragile societal groups could suffer more physical damage and how we should change our awareness ,moral and cultural value to promote domestic harmony. The film is about an abuse  process, consequence, legal procedures , and societal value that forms the moral foundation for Canadian healthy living.

2.        The film may as well be concerned about a domestic violence incident  irrespective of whether the abuser is being convicted or not. In fact, if the abuser is not convicted, there is even more reason for the film to be made, to tell the whole world that abusers very often do get away with crimes, and that the degree of abuse varies, it does not have to have resulted in conviction.

3.        Regarding the production of the film :
•        The film producer has a right to choose any actress to shoot the film, and in this case, they choose Amanda.
•        The film producer has a right to make up any story and/or choose any story for production( whether real or fake).  In this case the CCNC, CFSO and Amanda came out to publicize  that she herself as an actress had bitter experience of domestic assault, and that the film was  related ( and only related) to Amanda.  By lobbying  these facts, they are not doing something illegal or immoral because legally this is true.
•        These organizations probably did not address that the story of the film is confirmed by Mr. Lee, and they did not publicize that the partner who was involved in the film was  Mr. Lee ( even if they have announced Mr. Lee’s name, I believe it is legitimate  because this is a Crown’s case that has been sentenced .) Moreover, the CCNC is producing a film based on  information revealed by a legal case which has already been sentenced  and is now legally permissible for the public to  scrutinize . So either way, whether the film is fake or true , or half fake half true, or all fake , or all true, the CCNC and CFSO are  making a film that is legal and illegitimate.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, a Mr. Lee came on to the media out of the blues and claim that he is the  husband of  the actress and started to declare war on CCNC …... .

Without identifying himself,  his daughter might not have fallen to be the victim of the limelight, and would not be to such a great extent if he did not publish his own family, intimate, romantic and womanizing stories . By doing so, obviously Mr. Lee’s integrity is subject to questions too by the public and 51 readers . And it seems that now Mr. Lee has difficulty in accepting the consequence of his own action.

By saying ‘fortunately’, I am pointing out that as an impartial reader, just like many others, who seeks to stand by truth and justice, Mr. Lee’s foolish defence of  self-proclaimed innocence  in the media has  only allowed many of us to unfold the untrustworthiness of his character.

CCNC and CFSO have not violated Mr. Lee’s right . Mr. Lee has abused the freedom of speech in Canada and the sympathy given to him by 51 readers to further mentally and emotionally abuse his own family and in particular, his daughter. He is therefore an ABUSER.

( I am sorry I could not yet translate this into Chinese )
发表于 2007-6-9 13:07:30 | 只看该作者
Good analysis and good English.
发表于 2007-6-9 13:18:12 | 只看该作者

回复:回复:回复:回复:ffgg123是理屈词穷的可怜虫 Lat123的工具

回复:回复:回复:ffgg123是理屈词穷的可怜虫 Lat123的工具

我不再理睬她们  ,  为了关心我的人和我关心的人。

放心吧. 谁胆敢欺负俺"红颜知己",俺一定哪啥!啊!
发表于 2007-6-9 13:25:43 | 只看该作者
Good analysis and good English.

"谁多拿了"网友: 俺以为还是用汉语好些,好懂,不会误会.有血的教训呢.看过"老父加拿大探亲回国后要和女儿断关系".俺估计原因之一就是这英语.
发表于 2007-6-9 16:52:38 | 只看该作者

Regrets for not using English


"谁多拿了"网友: 俺以为还是用汉语好些,好懂,不会误会.有血的教训呢.看过"老父加拿大探亲回国后要和女儿断关系".俺估计原因之一就是这英语.

I am sorry I did not use Chinese for the passage. Maybe 51 boss can find a volunteer.
发表于 2007-6-15 12:02:39 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-6-30 12:17:22 | 只看该作者


一 :平权会不侵权吗?
首先你们就违反了影视界的大忌,你们知道什么叫虚构和真实记录片的区别吗?你们侵犯了别人的名誉权,难道真是不知道吗?             恰恰相反,你们心知肚明。


发表于 2007-6-30 16:20:42 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-6 12:04:16 | 只看该作者

回复 GongYiZhiSheng 的问题

GongYiZhiSheng   你好!
正像有人曾说的那样,“你觉得不公平可以通过法律讨回公道.........”   可是现在是没钱就没了公道!还讲什么理?我的出路在哪里?
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