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楼主: 无忌哥哥
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发表于 2011-9-1 11:28:15 | 只看该作者
我是一名护士学生。就在上个月,我took a park time job, agnecy 批派去了north york hospital. 工作职位是constant care. 相当于PSW。 我对那里的印象,真的不好。 我觉得那里护士职业素质真的不高。当时我的病人,有皮肤病。很痒。 我和护士说了情况,并问她,有没有医生的prescription用于止痒。她看都没有看电脑,说没有。(其实是有的,因为在下午班的时候,另外一个护士给过这个病人止痒药) 后来, 我用于冷水给她搽身,并用lotion. 但是作用不大,她都抓出血了。我又找到护士了,让她给这个病人包扎, 并说或者你给我纱布,我来给她止血。但是,她嘴上说好,并不动。 而且还跟另外一个护士说:“she's teaching  me how to work."  我并没有说什么。 而是再催她。后来,她来了,看到病人的血湿透了床单了。她对我说了句:谢谢。 然后,给病人做了包扎。这个医院,我就去了一次,而且我对自己说,第四年的护士实习,我决不会申请这个医院。太差劲。 你可以在hospital 网站上看到,他们招的都是practice nurse, 为了节省成本。 我还听说,这个医院的管辖下的一个老人院,在多年前关闭了。真的,一个医院的文化,价值观和管理模式非常重要的。 从我个人来说, 我觉得downtown 的teaching hospital 还是好很多,很多。

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发表于 2011-9-1 11:32:06 | 只看该作者


本帖最后由 ruth1 于 2011-9-1 14:38 编辑


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发表于 2011-9-1 14:23:47 | 只看该作者


本帖最后由 Dilbert 于 2011-9-1 15:30 编辑
但是,她嘴上说好,并不动。 而且还跟另外一个护士说:“she's teaching  me how to work."  我并没有说什么。 而是再催她。
ruth1 发表于 2011-9-1 12:28

Hi Ruth1, I would expect you are a young student not having too much work experience here. From what I understand from the story you told, you were absolutely right, but you didn't execute it tactfully enough. By saying 'She's teaching me how to work', this nursing was obviously complaining you being too ruthless in a sarcastic way. You shouldn't ignore it when you hear her. Instead you should confront her but also trying to be reasonable. Keep in mind, having good rapport with colleague is very important so that you won't be alienated by them. Many Chinese immigrants feel alienated in work place because of language and culture barriers. Try to over come it and your work will be more pleasant.

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发表于 2011-9-1 20:19:38 | 只看该作者
回复  zhen2005

menghuinanshan 发表于 2011-8-31 22:57

我告诉你为什麽:关于爱心,在国内的护士不会亲自服侍病人大小便,在国内家属所干的一切,加拿大护士会全都为你做到,也就是说护士代替了家属尽了爱心,所以我这样说。关于技术含量,加拿大医疗系统要求护士要具备critical thinking and assessment skill,国内护士只是执行医嘱而已。以上只是举出两点小例子,这是护理体制不同导致的,丝毫没有贬低什么人的含义。还有,俗语说江山易改,本性难移,在国内有爱心的人,在任何地方都会彰显爱心。反倒是您的这种不动脑子,乱发言的行为,需要改改。

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发表于 2011-9-1 23:27:24 | 只看该作者
Hi Ruth1, I would expect you are a young student not having too much work experience here. From what I understand from the story you told, you were absolutely right, but you didn't execute it tactfully enough. By saying 'She's teaching me how to work', this nursing was obviously complaining you being too ruthless in a sarcastic way. You shouldn't ignore it when you hear her. Instead you should confront her but also trying to be reasonable. Keep in mind, having good rapport with colleague is very important so that you won't be alienated by them. Many Chinese immigrants feel alienated in work place because of language and culture barriers. Try to over come it and your work will be more pleasant.
Dilbert 发表于 2011-9-1 15:23 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

我为什么 没有和她争持, 是因为我觉得没这个必要。 首先,

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发表于 2011-9-1 23:34:11 | 只看该作者
Hi Ruth1, I would expect you are a young student not having too much work experience here. From what I understand from the story you told, you were absolutely right, but you didn't execute it tactfully enough. By saying 'She's teaching me how to work', this nursing was obviously complaining you being too ruthless in a sarcastic way. You shouldn't ignore it when you hear her. Instead you should confront her but also trying to be reasonable. Keep in mind, having good rapport with colleague is very important so that you won't be alienated by them. Many Chinese immigrants feel alienated in work place because of language and culture barriers. Try to over come it and your work will be more pleasant.
Dilbert 发表于 2011-9-1 15:23 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

我为什么 没有和她争持, 是因为,我的职责也只是汇报我所见,只于怎么处理是她的事情。因为我当时的position 是 PSW, 而不是护士学生。 当时,如果我在那里实习的话,那我就会坚持我自己的观点和做法, 并会汇报 to clinical instructor 和 charge nurse . 但是, 我是PSW。确实没有权力,叫护士怎么做。我只是凭借自己的责任心和知识, 认为 护士做得不对,然而push  她。

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发表于 2011-9-2 06:33:24 | 只看该作者
Looks like you do need another country to immigrant.   Wish you can find some places that you be satisfied and someone that you feel should appreciate.  

Good luck!
zhen2005 发表于 2011-9-1 10:51

Thank you for your concern. But Actually, I enjoy my life in Canada. Just feel a little bit disgusting for your silly tone and "beautiful" English.  Keep on practicing!  you got a guy to help, right?

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发表于 2011-9-2 06:40:33 | 只看该作者
回复  salzhang

Behavior yourself properly in the public forum man...

You make people sick jerk! you know that? you are insulting every single one here who is using english in this form, how dare you are, what the hell who you are and how can you do that, verbal abuse is against law here in Canada, consult your lawyer to get a yes/no answer.  let me tell you something jerk, here is Canada, you may swallow whatever you spit and pay the bad habit with your life when people get mad and take it serious to against you.

Take it easy man, English is the first official language here in Canada, practice it and use it wherever people needs. its their rights to do so, you could obvious ignore if you dont like it, or correct your fellow's English to help them if you think you are good and capable at that.

As  a human being, you should learn how to respect every single individual even include kids as well. otherwise, hard to believe you may survive here in Canada. I don't want to see you get punished because of your bad habit.

finally, you should focus on the topic of this post too to show your respect.

stop doing it!
webnomad 发表于 2011-9-1 10:26

Wow! why are you full of anger and hate? I did not see Salzhang do anything wrong. Maybe you need to see a psychologist.  And the languages you used make you sound like a street guy.   Maybe you should stop doing it.

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发表于 2011-9-2 06:47:40 | 只看该作者
Hi Ruth1, I would expect you are a young student not having too much work experience here. From what I understand from the story you told, you were absolutely right, but you didn't execute it tactfully enough. By saying 'She's teaching me how to work', this nursing was obviously complaining you being too ruthless in a sarcastic way. You shouldn't ignore it when you hear her. Instead you should confront her but also trying to be reasonable. Keep in mind, having good rapport with colleague is very important so that you won't be alienated by them. Many Chinese immigrants feel alienated in work place because of language and culture barriers. Try to over come it and your work will be more pleasant.
Dilbert 发表于 2011-9-1 15:23

Some people are talking about English here.  I would like to say your English is really amazing!  Graceful and respectful!  I hope some people could learn something from your paragraph.

By the way, are you a English teacher?

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发表于 2011-9-2 08:44:58 | 只看该作者
我为什么 没有和她争持, 是因为,我的职责也只是汇报我所见,只于怎么处理是她的事情。因为我当时的position 是 PSW, 而不是护士学生。 当时,如果我在那里实习的话,那我就会坚持我自己的观点和做法, 并会汇报 to clinical instructor 和 charge nurse . 但是, 我是PSW。确实没有权力,叫护士怎么做。我只是凭借自己的责任心和知识, 认为 护士做得不对,然而push  她。
ruth1 发表于 2011-9-2 00:34

Cool. Just wanted to remind you, it looks like you have everything under control.

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发表于 2011-9-2 08:52:37 | 只看该作者
Some people are talking about English here.  I would like to say your English is really amazing!  Graceful and respectful!  I hope some people could learn something from your paragraph.

By the way, are you a English teacher?
astalavista 发表于 2011-9-2 07:47

Thanks for your comment. No I'm not a teacher. But I do like to share 'my' website with you:


This will help to learn the subtlety of English language as well as office politics.

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发表于 2011-9-2 09:06:57 | 只看该作者


本帖最后由 webnomad 于 2011-9-2 10:11 编辑

回复 113# astalavista

Not sure where your irresponsible judgement is coming from?

My anger came from salzhang's verbal abuse, if you look into the message he posted, he basically insulted every single person here in this forum who is using English. its none of his business and his rights to judge who can do what?  I stand up for helping him try not to against law. it wasn't a joke, my warning could turns out to the reality one day if you guys keep doing it.

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发表于 2011-9-2 22:21:57 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2011-9-2 23:54:19 | 只看该作者
webnomad: I did not reply to you since arguing is a worthless matter. It is interesting that a couple of days after I posted the msg I revisit the forum finding someone standing up against what you said and your anger still lingering. You said I was judging and insulting other people using english in the forum, I say I was not. What are the criteria? Everyone has his or her own truth in his or her mind, and more often than not the truth is multiple, which means you simply cannot convince your debater. That said, the guy who said it was easier to type in English is more persuasive. I am hoping that it is not insulting you if I want to close off the meanless polemic. By the way, I am sorry for distracting from the topic at issue that is involving some many poeple.

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发表于 2011-9-4 20:51:56 | 只看该作者








6.一个多年在工厂工作的工程师,来加拿大后,经过努力,考取医学 ultrasound 证书,每天给病人查肝、胆、胰、脾,心脏内部结构...


针灸按摩 发表于 2011-9-1 08:16


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