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怀旧 小说 :Lat123 老师 请进 (有奖)

发表于 2008-1-3 16:59:50 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Hi, Ms. / Mr.[Lat123],

As 2007 pasted, I want to renew your English teacher license for the year 2008 as my English teacher.

However, you have to pass the examination that is to answer the following question:

(It is the first English novel I read and I love it so much! )

Tom emptied his pockets and looked at his worldly wealth –- bits of toys, marbles, and trash. He might be able to bribe someone else to help him for a while, but there wasn’t nearly enough to buy a whole day of freedom. Tom thought for a while … then an inspiration burst upon him!

He picked up the brush and began to spread the whitewash slowly and peacefully over the fence.  In only a few minutes, Ben Rogers came walking by, eating a big, juicy red apple. Tom’s mouth watered at the sight of such a treat, but he kept on painting and pretended not to see or hear Ben at all.

“Hey there, Tom, what’s up with you?” called Ben. It’s too bad you have to work on a day like this. I’m just on my way to the river for a swim. Too bad you can’t come along!”

Tom looked at Ben for a moment, then said, “What do you call work?”

“Why, isn’t that work?” asked Ben, pointing to the fence.

“Well maybe it is, and maybe it isn’t,” answered Tom. “All I know is that it suits me just fine.”

“Come on now, don’t tell me you actually like it!”

“Like it? Well, I don’t see why I shouldn’t like it. It isn’t every day that a boy gets to whitewash a fence.”

That puts things in a new light for Ben. He stopped eating his apple and began watching Tom work. Maybe there was something to this whitewashing after all, he thought.

“Hey, Tom, let me try it for a while,” Ben asked.

“No, no!” protested Tom. “Aunt Polly entrusted this fence to me, and I can’t just let anyone take over such a big job.”

But Ben continued to beg Tom to let him have the privilege of whitewashing for just a little while. Tom kept refusing until Ben offered him the rest of his juicy red apple. That had been what Tom was waiting for.

Tom sat in the shade and munched the apple while Ben swished the brush back and forth, sweating at his work. It was a wonderful idea, and as other boys came by, Tom kept trading with them too.

By mid-afternoon, the fence was completely whitewashed, and Tom was the proud owner of all sorts of treasures. His inspiration had certainly worked. All he had to do was make his chores seem to be fun, and the other boys were eager to do them for him.

When the fence was completed, Tom went into the house. “Can I go out and play now, Aunt Polly?” he asked.

“What! Already? How much have you done?”

“It’s all finished, Aunt Polly.”

“Tom, don’t lie to me. I can’t bear it,” she warned.

“Look for yourself,” answered Tom as he led his aunt to the window.

“Well, I never!” exclaimed Aunt Polly.  “You really can work when you put your mind to it.”

She was so pleased with Tom’s work that she presented him with a large juicy apple and told him he could go out, but to be home in time for dinner. Tom smiled, and when she turned her back, he slipped a sugar-coated doughnut into his left pocket.

Within minutes, Tom was out on the street as free as a bird. As he passed the house where Jeff Thatcher lived, he saw a girl in the garden – a new girl he had never seen before, She was lovely. Her blonde hair fell in two long braids almost to her waist. Tom fell in love instantly!

He tried to attract her attention by standing on his head and showing off in all sorts of silly ways, but she ignored him. Tom vowed that before the week was up he would win her love. He skipped down the street, his head full of romantic plans and adventures.

Note: If you answer it correctly, then this flower is my present to you!

   老师 = 高雅 = 花

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-3 19:57:35 | 只看该作者

For everyone, Especially Mr. 清风如约

找出下面 图片 中的 两个明显 不符合 文字描述的 地方:

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发表于 2008-1-3 22:17:34 | 只看该作者

回复:怀旧 小说 :Lat123 老师 请进 (有奖)

最初由[jan_ai Zhang]发布

提议您开始看多些 King Arthur, and his Knights of the Round Table 的书吧 ,尤其关於 knight - Sir Lancelot 的。

这个The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 的故事 - 您可讲给您儿子听呀。

老师 ? :confused: 又搞什么笑!

Cyber flowers -  不要了. Thank you anyway.
 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-3 23:36:48 | 只看该作者

回复:回复:回复:怀旧 小说 :Lat123 老师 请进 (有奖)

回复:回复:怀旧 小说 :Lat123 老师 请进 (有奖)

俺抢答了一帖给张板打出门去了.真好没面子呢. :mad:

[清风] 先生 息怒!!!

剑哀 第二次 请罪!!!

专门有个 问题 给您, 您又嫌简单了!!!

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-3 23:46:50 | 只看该作者

回复:回复:怀旧 小说 :Lat123 老师 请进 (有奖)

回复:怀旧 小说 :Lat123 老师 请进 (有奖)

最初由[jan_ai Zhang]发布

提议您开始看多些 King Arthur, and his Knights of the Round Table 的书吧 ,尤其关於 knight - Sir Lancelot 的。

这个The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 的故事 - 您可讲给您儿子听呀。

老师 ? :confused: 又搞什么笑!

Cyber flowers -  不要了. Thank you anyway.

(1) 谢谢 老师! 学生 张剑哀 这厢 有礼了!!!
到时 再摆 “敬师酒”, 请 【清风】 先生 作陪!!!

(2)您 瞧不起 “Cyber flowers”, 问题是我不 敢 送真花: 怕挨打!!! (from: 您,and many men!)

(3)老师 您太高看您的学生了!!!
咱那能 “看多些 King Arthur, and his Knights of the Round Table 。。。”

咱现在 跟 咱儿子 一帮一,一对红,



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 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-4 07:36:45 | 只看该作者

回复:回复:回复:回复:回复:怀旧 小说 :Lat123 老师 请进 (有奖)

回复:回复:回复:回复:怀旧 小说 :Lat123 老师 请进 (有奖)

张板,言重了.还真当回事? 该删你就删,俺从来不在意这个.
您高抬贵手.放俺一马. :O

对, 对, 对!!!
[清风】 先生 言之有理!!!
我也 ”喜欢凑热闹. “(没人起哄, 驾秧子就不好玩咧.)


(1) 给您的 问题 是 ”不愿答“  还是 ”答不上来?“

(2) ”起哄驾秧子“ 似乎是 ”北京方言“???
       您 南京 也有 这 方言???

(3) 我们喜欢 听您小时的故事。
          可否 写点, 让我们分享?

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-2-21 19:13:13 | 只看该作者

回复:回复:怀旧 小说 :Lat123 老师 请进 (有奖)

回复:怀旧 小说 :Lat123 老师 请进 (有奖)

提议您开始看多些 King Arthur, and his Knights of the Round Table 的书吧 ,尤其关於 knight - Sir Lancelot 的。

这个The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 的故事 - 您可讲给您儿子听呀。

老师 ? :confused: 又搞什么笑!

Cyber flowers -  不要了. Thank you anyway.

  ******* 俺也回忆回忆了:  
         尊敬的老师, 您在他网他乡还好吗?

元宵 献歌一首,Cyber flower 一簇:  祝您  天天青春, 日日快乐!!!

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发表于 2008-2-22 11:32:59 | 只看该作者

回复:回复:回复:怀旧 小说 :Lat123 老师 请进 (有奖)

最初由[jan_ai Zhang]发布
元宵 献歌一首,Cyber flower 一簇:  祝您  天天青春, 日日快乐!!!


强哥哥唱歌 :

 楼主| 发表于 2008-2-22 23:52:44 | 只看该作者

欣赏 ”永远的邓丽君“ 图片集:

1203742472.jpg (0 Bytes, 下载次数: 19)

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