
标题: 美国3岁女童已摘下百顶选美后冠(图) [打印本页]

作者: 克 飞    时间: 2013-9-2 11:05
标题: 美国3岁女童已摘下百顶选美后冠(图)


  中新网9月2日电 据外媒报道,美国3岁女童萨瓦娜(Savanna Jackson)的一系列萌照最近在网络上被疯狂转载,不只是因长相竟和曼秀雷敦的招牌商标“小护士”极为神似。更厉害的是,她以宛如从童话中走出来的萌样,成为超级选美皇后,至今已经摘下了百顶后冠。

  据悉,年仅3岁的萨瓦娜拥有一头金黄色的卷发和碧蓝的双眼,除了笑容甜美可人外,还与传奇童星“小护士”秀兰邓波尔(Shirley Temple),拥有超高相似度。此外,她才出生10个月就参加选美,每月光是准备选美的开销就高达美金4670元,有网友质疑这些都是其母为满足虚荣心所为,但妈妈澄清:“萨瓦娜很享受这个过程,因为这让她充满自信。”


(原标题:美国3岁超萌选美皇后 至今已摘下百顶后冠(图))

作者: 克 飞    时间: 2013-9-2 11:07

Lauren Jackson, 26, from Michigan, pictured with her bronzed daughter Savanna

Beauty pageant winner Savanna Jackson entered her first contest at just 10-months-old and now undergoes monthly tanning sessions.

She stands in a special tent while being sprayed with an air brush and a tanning roller is then used to even out any blotchy patches.

Her mother Lauren Jackson – who spends up to $3,000 (?1,937) each month taking Savanna to pageants – says the process is perfectly safe and her daughter “loves” her darker skin tone

She said: “I just want her to have the best possible opportunity to win. Besides, Savanna loves it. Now, it’s a must for every pageant.


Savanna Jackson, 3, on stage during a pageant competition

“To me the pageants are about having fun, building up her self-esteem, and giving my girl the best possible opportunity in life.

“When I see Savannah on that stage, her confidence blossoming, it’s worth every penny. I’m so proud of my tanned toddler.”

Lauren, from Michigan, USA, first entered Savanna into a ‘natural pageant’ – which allows little or no make-up and limited amounts of embellishments on the gown or dress – when she was just 10-months-old.

To the delight of the family Savanna won, and bitten by the bug, Lauren entered her into more and more pageants.


Savanna's mother books a make-up artist before every contest

Lauren, 26, said: “I wasn’t surprised when she won – she’s gorgeous, however I was wary of moving onto more glitzy pageants.

“But Savanna loved the attention and being on stage made her happier than I’d ever seen her before.

“Her enthusiasm convinced me to give the more glamorous pageants a try.”

Within a year Lauren, Savanna and grandmother Sherry were travelling up and down the USA competing in pageants.

Savanna now receives monthly spray tans before every competition while a professional make-up artist applies eye-liner, mascara, lipstick and neatens her delicate eyebrows.

Lauren said: “I’d seen another contestant with a tan and not wanting the other girls to have an unfair advantage, I got her one too.

“I was worried it might harm her young skin, so I consulted my doctor who reassured me there would be no side effects and it was 100 per cent safe.

“They don’t spray tan her face as I don’t want her swallowing any of the tanning chemicals.

“They then use make-up on her face to make sure the colour matches.”

Lauren has even invested in a modelling coach to teach Savanna, now aged three, how to walk down the catwalk and work on her poses.

She still enters Savanna into natural beauty pageants – as well as the more glitzy versions – because she feels it is important to teach her daughter that she does not need a lot of make-up to feel beautiful.

She added: “There is a line but I strongly feel I’ve kept Savanna on the right side of it.

“I’d never even consider surgery or botox – she already wears more make-up than I do!

Do you have a story or an article to publish? Please email us to [email protected].

作者: 奶牛妈妈    时间: 2013-9-4 14:33

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