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入籍加拿大,会给自己带来坏处 (zt)

发表于 2007-4-9 10:19:46 | 只看该作者


发表于 2007-4-9 10:28:00 | 只看该作者

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You know why I said it was inscribed in your mind? Look at your original related sentence again:  

So you think you were one of those people who would be viewed as “inferior yellow monkeys” in the eyes of Canadians (as you said). How did you know it was in the eyes of Canadians? You read? You heard? Or it was just because you guessed? I think you won’t read the description for you from someone, except the person who wrote the article in the top post of this thread, and I also don’t think you would hear it. Did you? And you didn’t sue?

Then you guessed? Why didn’t you guess or feel something else but this disgusting term? Or maybe you are one of these people who like this disgusting and racist term?

I am not originally sensitive to all kinds of things about racism or discrimination. It's what I have experienced in Canada taught me that the gap between peoples lives of differenct color and class will not be filled by good education or other factors.

How can most of the Chinese here change their lives for the better? traditionally education would do the job. However there are more obstacles for Chinese to get a reasonable job than most of the others and all else being equal. And even if you are so luck got the job in the end, you will again likely be victimized by the internal politics, racist colleages ( or surpervisor), unless you can behavior as the stereotype of Chinese in their ideas, swollow all the unfairness and still "kiss their ass".

It's surely not my guess, but my experience taught me. And this experience is not from one single aspect of life, but it's pervalent in different classes of jobs.  

And a few names you can find in google does not say much about equal oppotunities for Chinese. Chinese people's history in Canada is a bloody history of humiliation and injustice. There are rules, and there are exceptions.
发表于 2007-4-9 10:35:40 | 只看该作者

我也不知道我在中国是几等公民,但我知道我绝对不是第一等。有一次我回国,约了一个朋友在一个地铁站附近等。朋友迟了半个小时还没到。当时天气酷热,我感觉有点中暑,很难受。于是我走进地铁站口(那里有空调),靠着墙边坐到了地上。这时一个保安走过来,凶神恶煞地指着我说:“你干什么?站起来!” 我告诉他我不舒服,他根本不理会,要冲过来拉我起来。我正准备问他哪条法律规定不许坐在地上,忽然我想起了孙志刚。为了避免成为孙志刚第二,我只好强忍着身体的不适站了起来。所以,我觉得与其在中国做个可以被人随便打死的“一等公民”,不如在加拿大随便做个几等公民。 我想在中国只有那一小撮开着BMW撞死人也不用赔的那些人才是一等公民吧。

说到护照问题,我觉得拿着加拿大护照就是比拿中国护照方便。我是个酷爱旅游的人。以前拿中国护照的时候,去哪都要签证,有时还不一定签得下来。连去我们自己的香港和澳门都要拿通行证。而且有时候去一些发展中国家,在机场还会被人为难。我就试过好几次被人把所有行李都翻出来检查。拿了加拿大护照以后出去旅游,不管去哪别人态度都很好,也再没被翻过行李了。 我想楼主可能不热爱旅游,没有这些经历,所以体会不到拿加拿大护照的好处。

发表于 2007-4-9 11:50:51 | 只看该作者

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I am not originally sensitive to all kinds of things about racism or discrimination. It's what I have experienced in Canada taught me that the gap between peoples lives of differenct color and class will not be filled by good education or other factors.

How can most of the Chinese here change their lives for the better? traditionally education would do the job. However there are more obstacles for Chinese to get a reasonable job than most of the others and all else being equal. And even if you are so luck got the job in the end, you will again likely be victimized by the internal politics, racist colleages ( or surpervisor), unless you can behavior as the stereotype of Chinese in their ideas, swollow all the unfairness and still "kiss their ass".

It's surely not my guess, but my experience taught me. And this experience is not from one single aspect of life, but it's pervalent in different classes of jobs.  

And a few names you can find in google does not say much about equal oppotunities for Chinese. Chinese people's history in Canada is a bloody history of humiliation and injustice. There are rules, and there are exceptions.

I don’t know your educational background and your experience, so I cannot tell what went wrong with your career. As I know of, a lot of Chinese immigrants from mainland of China have recently reached many important positions in Canada: senior VPs in high tech companies, senior officers in governments, professors in universities and colleges, and legal professionals and award-winners in journalism.

No one should expect any achievement could be accomplished in one night: it takes time. You may say these Chinese people had been here longer than you or some of them might have all education here. So what is the difference between you and these people: the knowledge of Canada or the color of skin?

I agree with you there are some problems about equal opportunities for Chinese immigrants and you might need to do more and better to compete with people in the job market who grew up here. If other people can do it, why can’t you?

However, the relevant point here is that you totally agreed with that non-sense article. The reason I told you to search the Google is that the article said Canada had no great artists, an obvious thing like that shows the author knows nothing about Canada.

So you agree with an opinion not by rationality but by sensitivity, which might be a reason that you didn’t do well in your workplace or elsewhere.
发表于 2007-4-9 12:27:33 | 只看该作者


发表于 2007-4-9 13:37:45 | 只看该作者

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I don’t know your educational background and your experience, so I cannot tell what went wrong with your career. As I know of, a lot of Chinese immigrants from mainland of China have recently reached many important positions in Canada: senior VPs in high tech companies, senior officers in governments, professors in universities and colleges, and legal professionals and award-winners in journalism.

No one should expect any achievement could be accomplished in one night: it takes time. You may say these Chinese people had been here longer than you or some of them might have all education here. So what is the difference between you and these people: the knowledge of Canada or the color of skin?

I agree with you there are some problems about equal opportunities for Chinese immigrants and you might need to do more and better to compete with people in the job market who grew up here. If other people can do it, why can’t you?

However, the relevant point here is that you totally agreed with that non-sense article. The reason I told you to search the Google is that the article said Canada had no great artists, an obvious thing like that shows the author knows nothing about Canada.

So you agree with an opinion not by rationality but by sensitivity, which might be a reason that you didn’t do well in your workplace or elsewhere.

I don't know how well you are doing. But I suspect that except we have different mindset and attitude towards this society if you are doing any better than me.

If it takes longer time and more effort for Chinese to achieve than others, then how much longer and how much more effort becomes an issue, and you can not simply say " it takes time......" if it gets too much it may not worth it, and how much is too much is different for everyone and it also involving what merits this person have in China or elsewhere as well. So many aspects and factors involved in this subject, you can't simply think that your point of view is right and others are wrong. That's why it is not the place for you to argue your rationality, because everyone has his own rationality.

And for those Chinese people who will never be assimilized to the robot like, and for the people who insist in not letting the sense of pride to be stripped away, Canada is not home, and it will never be. Therefore by and large I agree with the article, the little flaws contained doesn't affect the overall quality.
发表于 2007-4-9 14:25:33 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-4-9 14:26:26 | 只看该作者

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And for those Chinese people who will never be assimilized to the robot like, and for the people who insist in not letting the sense of pride to be stripped away, Canada is not home, and it will never be. Therefore by and large I agree with the article, the little flaws contained doesn't affect the overall quality.

为什么加拿大不是家? 我早就把这里当作家了. 加拿大是我永远的家!
发表于 2007-4-9 20:24:16 | 只看该作者
发表于 2007-4-9 21:49:18 | 只看该作者


发表于 2007-4-10 00:09:41 | 只看该作者




发表于 2007-4-10 10:07:31 | 只看该作者




众生平等, 何必要分是不是中国人?
发表于 2007-4-10 12:36:56 | 只看该作者

回复:入籍加拿大,会给自己带来坏处 (zt)

入籍加拿大,会给自己带来坏处 (zt)




发表于 2007-4-10 16:22:31 | 只看该作者


城里人是一等公民,  我们乡下人能是二等公民吗?
乡下人不生病就算是二等公民, 我要是生病了呢,能算是三等公民?
乡下人的孩子,受不到正规的教育, 他们是未来的几等公民?
发表于 2007-4-10 16:36:36 | 只看该作者


我不是法论功,也没有受到过冲击,但我应该说,中国共产党领导的国家,是绝大多数人无法忍受的国家。 原因是共产党太凶恶无耻。可怜很多像你那样的人,很无知,或很无耻。我来到加拿大二十年了。我知道这儿有不尽人意处,但与中国的地域歧视相比,小巫见大巫了。你来了几天?敢如此大言不馋? 
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