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发表于 2006-5-15 19:25:57 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 油总 于 2012-10-18 14:37 编辑

发表于 2006-5-15 20:33:09 | 只看该作者
发表于 2006-5-15 20:49:10 | 只看该作者

回复:jan_ai Zhang,都是老51了,还换马甲干什么?你不就是且听风吟吗

jan_ai Zhang,都是老51了,还换马甲干什么?你不就是且听风吟吗?


Dear Mr. /Ms. [7749],

   Thanks for your post to me first.

(1) I do not  know who is "且听风吟". Could you tell me more?
So let alone "当初走的那么坚决,又是这个又是那个的,怎么转一圈又回来了".

(2) Why do I need to "还换马甲干什么?" ?  
     What is the any reasons? How does it do any good for me???
     Even though I argued with many people, nobody has closed my ID in 51.ca. (maybe later, but so far no.)

   加国无忧 > [jan_ai Zhang]的个人资料

[jan_ai Zhang]的个人资料         查找该会员发布的更多:[市场信息] [服务信息] [论坛帖子]
注册日期:         2002年09月18日

性别:         [不想说]
[统计开始于2002年09月18日]         总计登陆:8,215 次 | 日均登陆:6.15 次
总计在线:15 天 4 时 30 分 29 秒
日均在线:16 分 22 秒 | 次均在线:2 分 39 秒
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本站曾用名:         [无]
发布市场信息数量:         0 (平均每天 0.00 个)
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发布论坛帖子数量:         1022 (平均每天 0.77 帖)
个人经验值:         3231
个人魅力值:         2386
联系[jan_ai Zhang]:         点这里给[jan_ai Zhang]发送Email
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(4)  加国无忧 > [7749]的个人资料

[7749]的个人资料         查找该会员发布的更多:[市场信息] [服务信息] [论坛帖子]
注册日期:         2005年10月02日

[最后在线:2006年05月15日 20:39]        

性别:         [不想说]
[统计开始于2005年10月02日]         总计登陆:1,528 次 | 日均登陆:6.79 次
总计在线:2 天 5 时 51 分 53 秒
日均在线:14 分 21 秒 | 次均在线:2 分 6 秒
[7749]的照片         该会员相册中目前尚无照片
本站曾用名:         [无]
发布市场信息数量:         0 (平均每天 0.00 个)
发布服务信息数量:         0 (平均每天 0.00 个)
发布论坛帖子数量:         5 (平均每天 0.02 帖)
个人经验值:         100
个人魅力值:         100
联系[7749]:         点这里给[7749]发送Email

(5) According to the above information, my: "Jan_ai Zhang 注册日期: 2002年09月18日" is much earilier than Your: " [7749]的个人资料 注册日期: 2005年10月02日"

It should be that I know you more that you know me.

What is your  logic???

(6) You can argue with me, or disagree with me, look down at me, ignor me, or drive me away.

But it is a dirty way to say "jan_ai Zhang, 都是老51了,还换马甲干什么?你不就是且听风吟吗?".

Do you think so?

(7) To be honest, even though I registered on 51.ca in the year of 2002, I did not come to 51.ca very often. It is because I went back to China last summer and found I almost did not understand my country. Then I have tried to know the more current things about China and happend to be sick seriously this winter that I had to stay in bed for many days. Then I used my laptop to surf on 51.ca and other Chinese websites to kill the boring time in bed and I thought 51.ca is best. That is why I have still been on 51.ca.  

  You also can go to 多伦多信息港 and http://www.beimeiguide.com/  
  to check my ID:  I use the same ID:  jan_ai Zhang.

(8) Furthermore, If you can sign an agreement not to disclose my peersonal information, I can invite you to visit my office in your convenient time.

Anyway, thanks for your interest on me and my posts.

Best wishes to you,

Jan Ai Zhang

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发表于 2006-5-15 21:31:37 | 只看该作者

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