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发表于 2008-3-31 00:21:40 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



昨日下午便有几名貌似大学新生的年轻人,站在藏独后不远处高呼几声FREE TIBET。当笔者问及其动机,这几名年轻人坦然道之。原来他们对整件事情了解并不多,只是认为中国留学生人多势众,而西藏独立示威方面却只有三五个,令人同情,并且敬佩他们与主流,与政府抗衡的勇气。

第二类,个人看法观点十分明确,坚决支持藏独,大肆宣传诸如CHINA LIE, PEOPLE DIE的口号。这类人当中,大部分人甚至没有去过中国。他们有关西藏的了解,往往来源于西方近年来一些哗众取宠,别有用心的报道与书籍。





Tibet: Who's Being Brainwashed?

Recently, in reporting the Pro-Tibet Riots, the Western media has completely walked all over their professional ethics. Respect for truths and facts have been entirely discarded by depicting mistreatment and repression out of order-maintaining attempts by the Chinese government. Many Western officials expressed their support for the Tibet Independence Movement. Moreover, there are even cases of framing with fictitious pictures and captions on part of the Western media. Pictures of Napal and India riots were captioned by many Germany television stations as beat-downs of civilians by the Chinese government.  The whole event was treated with disgrace, and news manipulation is appallingly blatant.

Under current circumstances, talks regarding history is decidedly useless. Why? Well, people reading the newspaper and watching news report can basically be classified into three types.

Type 1 scans over the title and pictures, which are usually misleading, provocative with implications. These people have very little knowledge regarding Tibetan history and the whole story line, nor do they have any strong interest.Misled by the media, which portrays China as a evil country where people have no rights, these readers simply admire the courage of the Tibetan Independence Movement, and they represent the majority of  Canadian people.

Type 2 are most definitely Pro-Tibetan Independence. Most of these people have never been to China, the rest of them once or twice. They have read too many political tabloids for their own good, and consider themselves freedom fighters(hah!) and guardians of human rights. They claim there is no religious freedom in China, and that certainly is their basis for everything, and they are certainly believable, since presumably they have lived their whole life in China and have never seen a church there(lol). These people take every chance they get to say that political censorship in Chinese media brainwashed Chinese people to be ignorant pawns for the Chinese government, and that they carry the responsibility of releasing the truths to these people and to the world. But really, do they have the truths? When asked if they consider themselves objective, their responses usually are something like this: "I've read a lot on this." In English? From a foreign point of view? Well so have I, in both Chinese and English. So who's more objective and who's brain washed?

Type 3 are the most objective people of the masses. These people have the ability to dissect a topic with clarity and objectivity. It is not absolute objectivity that I talk about here, but they do have the sense to see the problem from both sides, which is very rare in the masses. It would be most wonderful to present these people with evidence of the riots being, well, riots. They possess the real right of speech , which is not granted to Canadian Chinese people. Our opinions are deemed as personal and biased, or to say "brainwashed". It is implied racism in its most forward form.

The Chinese community resent the mistreatment and distortion of the truths in Tibetan Riots . The president of France (Sarkozy), who has just returned from China with multi-billion euro deals, immediately and irrationally associates the rioting in Tibet with Beijing Olympics.  Boycotting Olympics in Beijing appeared in Toronto newspapers with a ridiculous air of importance, and Poland has announced to boycott the Beijing Olympics entirely. Under these media influences and directions from the government, the masses are not to be blamed for the unanimous attack on China.

I am not an expert on historical problems, but I do have some very vivid memories regarding western treatment of riots. Need I mention? '92 LA, '01 Bradford in England, '05 Australia Sydney suburb beaches, and '05 Paris.  I especially would like to mention something very interesting.  Nicolas Sarkozy, interior minister of the time, declared a "zero tolerance" policy towards urban violence after the fourth night of riots and announced that 17 companies of riot police (C.R.S.) and seven mobile police squadrons (escadrons de gendarmerie mobile) would be stationed in contentious Paris neighborhoods. The families of the two youths killed, after refusing to meet with Sarkozy, criticized Sarkozy for the latter's use of "imprecise, warlike semantics", while Marie-George Buffet, secretary of the French Communist Party, criticized an "unacceptable strategy of tension" and the not less inexcusable definition of French youth as "scum" (racaille, a term with implicit racial and ethnic resonances) by the Interior Minister, Sarkozy. "Restrain" much?  I will take a wild guess here and say that you who are reading this right now, have always been very attentive to news, and I would like to remind you of the responses taken by Western governments during the aforementioned riots.

I also would like to recall the long-standing Quebec problem in Canada. The different attitude of the Canadian government, in responding Quebec and in viewing the similar situation regarding Tibet and China, make a very sarcastic contrast of their own policies.

Why this double-standard attitude?

The Western Pro-Tibetan Independence people claim that the protesting Chinese visa students, immigrants and Canadian Chinese are misled by the censorship of media in China, and are being fooled by their government. However these are people who have lived in Canada for long periods of time, some their entire lives. They have been  following news, both in English and in Chinese. There is no denying the censorship of news in Chinese media, but these people recieve information from both sides, which they then compare, contrast and overcome the distortion on both ends. Only under this context they come to the conclusion they come to, and make the decision they make, whereas the Western masses only receive distorted information through the Western media, and the lack in comparison of sources result in biased opinions.

Therefore in my position as a well-informed Canadian Chinese, I question: who are being misled by the media?  Who are being fooled by their government?

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发表于 2008-3-31 01:21:03 | 只看该作者





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