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Little Kids and snow-playing (ZT)

发表于 2004-12-18 15:26:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Dear Hulu,

Thank you for your message.

I have noticed that several parents in our group are interested at
snow-playing, but worry that the weather may be too tough for their
little kids. I'd like to share some of my experience with our

In my opinion, short exposure to the cold will not be seriously detrimental to
our children's health. I let my children play snow when they are
very small. I remember that I rebuilt a bench as a tobbogan about 15
years ago after a rare snow-storm in my ex-hometown (Changsha). At
that time my first son is about two years old. He was so excited
when he rided on my home-made "tobbogan". I pulled him to walk on
the street. Quite a lot of people were surprised by my "tobbogan" (no tobbogan was available in the store at that time)
and my son's laughing. More than once I heard something like "Wow,
it's a good idea to amuse child!".

After we moved to Canada, we are no longer lack of snow. Very often
I let my second little son sit on the tobbogan and walk him around
my home. Althoug I look like a "grey hound", I am glad to do so as my child is happy with it. We go to Sunnybrook too because there
is a good slope to slide the tobbogan.

I also bring my second little boy with my family when we go to ski
since he was about one year old. At the very beginning, I simply let him
sit on snow and play in the way he likes. Since he was 3 years old,
I paid the ski school in the ski resort (very short time, but cheap,
something like $20/course). He likes it especially when he plays
together with his elder brother.

I usually let my little boy stay outside for less than 30 min (the younger, the shorter). Then
I will bring him back to home or to my car. I will change his socks
and wet shirt, let him eat and drink something and play a while
inside. A car is a very good temporary shelter for children in
winter. When he warms up, I will bring him outside again.

Safety is always #1 priority. As long as you take all of means to
protect your children, they could enjoy playing snow very much.



This article was first published at
 楼主| 发表于 2004-12-29 12:36:57 | 只看该作者

Sleding is as exciting as skiing!

look at these pictures!

http://photos.groups.yahoo.com/g ... iel.jpg&.src=gr

Please join us. It's important to equip your kid(s) properly for their safety.

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