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发表于 2010-4-12 09:14:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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发表于 2010-4-12 09:52:50 | 只看该作者
经历过共产党铁幕统治的波兰对还实行铁幕统治的中国共产党政府反感, 大家都知道; 这次爱党5毛们代表中宣部出面把有关波兰高官的空难做为报复波兰对中国共产党政府反感的机会, 还添油加醋的上升到种族冲突和仇恨的地步, 是太过分了.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-4-12 12:27:25 | 只看该作者


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2010-4-12 13:11:57 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-4-12 14:24:20 | 只看该作者
1. 您在那个帖子里转的安省法律对种族主义的定义我看了,确实不错。基于此,这个帖子将作为涉及种族言论的帖子而删除。

2. 版规规定,对论坛管理或管理员的意见发在意见版。这次是您第一次,请下次注意。


使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-4-12 14:25:57 | 只看该作者

种族歧视->(RACISM)/(Racial discrimination)

RACISM & RACIAL DISCRIMINATION: Your Rights and Responsibilities
Ontario Human Rights Commission

Ontario’s Human Rights Code

The Ontario Human Rights Code (the “Code”) provides for equal rights and opportunities, and freedom from discrimination. The Code recognizes the dignity and worth of every person in Ontario. It applies to the areas of employment, housing, facilities and services, contracts, and membership in unions, trade or professional associations.

Under the Code, every person has the right to be free from racial discrimination and harassment.You should not be treated differently because of your race or other related grounds, such as your ancestry, ethnicity, religion or place of origin, in areas covered by the Code such as while you are at work, at school, trying to rent an apartment, or eating a meal in a restaurant.
Racism and Racial Discrimination

Canada, its provinces and territories have strong human rights laws and systems in place to address discrimination. At the same time, we also have a legacy of racism – particularly towards Aboriginal persons, but to other groups as well including African, Chinese, Japanese, South Asian, Jewish and Muslim Canadians – a legacy that profoundly permeates our systems and structures to this day, affecting the lives of not only racialized persons, but also all people in Canada.

The Ontario Human Rights Commission describes communities facing racism as “racialized.” This is because society artificially constructs the idea of “race” based on geographic, historical, political, economic, social and cultural factors, as well as physical traits, that have no justification for notions of racial superiority or racial prejudice.

Racism is a broader experience and practice than racial discrimination. It is an ideology that either directly or indirectly asserts that one group is inherently superior to others. Racism can be openly displayed in racial jokes and slurs or hate crimes, but can also be more deeply rooted in attitudes, values and stereotypical beliefs. In some cases, these are unconsciously held and have evolved over time, becoming embedded in systems and institutions, and also associated with the dominant group’s power and privilege.

Racial discrimination is a legally prohibited expression of racism. It is any action based on a person’s race, intentional or not, that imposes burdens on a person or group and not on others, or that withholds or limits access to benefits available to other members of society in areas covered by the Code. Race only needs to be one factor in a situation for racial discrimination to have occurred.

Racial harassment is a form of discrimination. It includes comments, jokes, name-calling, display of pictures or behaviour that insults you, offends you or puts you down because of your race and other related grounds.

Racial discrimination can often be very subtle, such as being assigned to less desirable jobs, or being denied mentoring and development opportunities. It might also mean being subjected to different management standards than other workers, being denied an apartment because you appear to have Aboriginal ancestry, or facing unfair scrutiny by police while driving or by security staff at a shopping mall.

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