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发表于 2011-12-27 09:42:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
中文名: 挖掘社交网络
原名: Mining the Social Web: Analyzing Data from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Other Social Media Sites
作者: Matthew A. Russell
图书分类: 软件
资源格式: PDF
版本: 英文文字版/更新源代码
出版社: O'Reilly
书号: 978-1449388348
发行时间: 2011年
地区: 美国
语言: 英文


Popular social networks such as Facebook and Twitter generate a tremendous amount of valuable data on topics and use patterns. Who’s talking to whom? What are they talking about? How often are they talking?

This concise and practical book shows you how to answer these questions and more by harvesting and analyzing data using social web APIs, Python tools, GitHub, HTML5, and JavaScript.



Chapter 1 Introduction: Hacking on Twitter Data
Chapter 2 Microformats: Semantic Markup and Common Sense Collide
Chapter 3 Mailboxes: Oldies but Goodies
Chapter 4 Twitter: Friends, Followers, and Setwise Operations
Chapter 5 Twitter: The Tweet, the Whole Tweet, and Nothing but the Tweet
Chapter 6 LinkedIn: Clustering Your Professional Network for Fun (and Profit?)
Chapter 7 Google Buzz: TF-IDF, Cosine Similarity, and Collocations
Chapter 8 Blogs et al.: Natural Language Processing (and Beyond)
Chapter 9 Facebook: The All-in-One Wonder
Chapter 10 The Semantic Web: A Cocktail Discussion


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