亚裔少年患抑郁症自杀 父母竟毫无察觉
本帖最后由 Rino.1 于 2011-12-4 21:17 编辑
Totally wrong!!!
Discussion of suicide will not increase the risk of suicide, this is proved by the psychology. doctors must discuss suicide with patients when they find the patient has such intention, this dramatically decrease the stress of patient and suicide rate, especially in the teenage, because the suicide intention has the outlet, this can also done by parents if they can communicate well with kids.
灌输“好死不如赖活着“的思想 only make teenage feel more loss of the meaning of life and more helpless. 激励他们长大赚更多的钱,以便可以去玩,最好能带着爸妈一起去玩. will make teenage more stressful, especially for Chinese family, because high expectation always a major burden for kids.
zhen2005 发表于 2011-12-4 17:15 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif
如果他的“好死不如赖活着...的思想”是一片好心,他真是在误导听众了,我也隐约地感觉到了。 所以,为避免悲剧重演,大家以后说话前,先好好思考后,再说吧。 |