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楼主: fireball
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-12 00:39:42 | 只看该作者
最初由[jan_ai Zhang]发布

Generally speaking, that is a good idea.

I suggest to add two items:

(1) 51.ca should Set a watchdog function / condition / item for a 版主.
(Both the owners and 网友 can have the "check and balance" to a 版主).

If I apply for a 版主,

I will use my real name to ask 网友 to watch me. If I do not have good behaviours,
or mistreat 网友, or do not be responsible of my duty, I will put my own reputation
in Chinese community at my own risk.

(ii) Whenever there are more than 5 网友s voting against me or 5 times of complaint
from 网友 about me to the owner, I will resign automatically.

(When I was in University, I did it in this way for my social roles
and I earned a great reputation. Even many years passed, many schoolmates
can still remember me. For example, after I moved to Toronto, they invited me
to meet at Detroit City and 2 family cars were waiting for me and the third family
prepared meal at home for us, .... What a sentimental time and so many times ...
That is why I always manage myself in a good behavior to others.)

(2) 51.ca should Set a working term for a 版主 to apply again for this position like American President.
Even though it is the same person, we still implement this procedure to remind the 版主:
The power: Of the people, by the people, for the people,...

发表于 2006-4-12 15:46:28 | 只看该作者


Look, what a real gentleman's posts:

1. This is the first post After Mr.[fireball]'s feeling was hurt:




2. The following is the secon post After Mr.[fireball]'s feeling was hurt again:



3. I argued with Mr.[fireball] a few times, but he never used any dirty or illegal words. He always employed facts with proper details to support hid ideas, even after he was mistreated by others.

   I am so sorry for 51.ca's attitude to mistreat his users.
发表于 2006-4-13 00:02:59 | 只看该作者



51.ca 的开业历史,5年了!

人气真旺,羡慕羡慕!那天我的站点 (http://51flea.dhs.org)能到这个水平,我就……欢迎大家捧场! URL  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.25 23:51 (#145163)
not bad,really. well done. I like the color.  -ocanada(ocanada); 2001.7.25 23:55 (#145169)
谢谢!我会努力的,也希望大家捧场。能做点大家认可的事情心里特痛快!就这还能让我在加拿大有点感觉。 URL  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.25 23:57 (#145173)
try the best you can, preparing for the worst. good luck, man.  -ocanada(ocanada); 2001.7.26 00:03 (#145186)
是的,我有这个准备。但我想只要是真心付出,总会得到回报的。 URL  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 00:07 (#145192)
送你四个字:“”否极泰来!“  -ocanada(ocanada); 2001.7.26 00:10 (#145197)
这好像也谈不上,刚刚开业,不算是“否极泰来”。不过还是要借你吉言。谢了! URL  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 00:14 (#145205)
速度太慢!  -playtiger(playtiger); 2001.7.26 00:13 (#145203)
是吗?不应该的呀。其他网友友这个问题吗? URL  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 00:20 (#145212)
现在有多少人访问?  -playtiger(playtiger); 2001.7.26 00:22 (#145218)
不知道,昨天才开始宣传。应该很少吧,所以速度应该不会太有问题。 URL  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 00:24 (#145222)
哥们儿,真的不错,我已经注册了,Good luck!  -maladuona(马拉多纳); 2001.7.26 00:31 (#145234)
我看到了,马纳多纳。谢了,提意见,发贴子,真的。 URL  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 00:34 (#145238)
别客气,交个朋友吧!  -maladuona(马拉多纳); 2001.7.26 00:58 (#145275)
好的,说实话,到加拿大就是缺朋友,做这个站点也有点这个目的。  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 01:00 (#145278)
给你个建议,给你的网站起各响亮一点的中文名字,我觉得很重要。你参考。  -maladuona(马拉多纳); 2001.7.26 01:07 (#145285)
是的,没想到什么好的名字,域名找了个好记的:http://www.51.ca,暂时还没开通[/url]  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 01:19 (#145297)
大家帮我想想,我为这个从开始就头痛  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 01:20 (#145300)
还有,替我宣传一下,不好意思。同时在这要感谢版主,提供这样一个好的地方。 URL  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 00:35 (#145242)
是首页还是整个站点?我很关心。 URL  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 00:28 (#145227)
don't worry, the speed is faster enough. he doesn't mean it.  -ocanada(ocanada); 2001.7.26 00:29 (#145230)
是吗,这我就放心了。真心想听一点大家的意见,有什么要改进的地方,谢了!!!内容,形式,等等。 URL  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 00:32 (#145236)
So far so good but don't stop. I just registed.  -ocanada(ocanada); 2001.7.26 00:36 (#145243)
不会的,我怎么会停呢。不过要你们的支持,人气就是最好的支持。还是那句话,你们的认可我就知足!  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 00:40 (#145253)
你的网站不错,我已经注册,继续努力  -macsym(日进斗斤); 2001.7.26 00:14 (#145204)
是perm吗?我给你发了个悄悄话。哈哈 URL  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 00:17 (#145208)
???  -macsym(日进斗斤); 2001.7.26 00:29 (#145229)
抱歉,我可能搞错了。 URL  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 00:37 (#145245)
It's really good. -guest:good; 2001.7.26 00:17 (#145207)
我脸有点红。 URL  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 00:18 (#145209)
做得挺好看的,我注册了已经  -pmer(pmer); 2001.7.26 00:43 (#145258)
我给你的悄悄话收到了吗?  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 00:46 (#145263)
朋友,你的网站真不错,我已登记,哈哈。  -jzwang(hello); 2001.7.26 00:44 (#145260)
早想到你的名字这么好,我就保留了,哈哈,玩笑  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 00:47 (#145264)
悄悄跟你说吧,有了这名儿每天很多人都跟我打招呼呐,这个HELLO那个HELLO的。:-)  -jzwang(hello); 2001.7.26 00:51 (#145266)
是呀,所以我喜欢呢  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 00:52 (#145269)
有谁有好的论坛想法,或者想开什么新的专题论坛,到我的站务论坛里提提好吗。还有谁愿意做版主?  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 00:52 (#145268)
说句实话,我有点失望,大家注册了,就是不发消息。哈哈,今后有什么想着我的站点,好吗?版主别介意,不是抢你生意,我们的侧重点不完全一样哦。  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 00:57 (#145274)
别着急,慢慢会把人气聚起来的 ...  -maladuona(马拉多纳); 2001.7.26 01:01 (#145281)
是的,但我不愿意我的不到位,人气因此难聚。  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 01:07 (#145284)
什么意思?... 要有卖点阿!慢慢来吧! :)  -maladuona(马拉多纳); 2001.7.26 01:13 (#145291)
我想我可以等一年,一年还没有人气,也就算了,真的。  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 01:15 (#145293)
错不了,你一定行的,你的网站我看得还比较仔细,真的相当不错,你要有信心。当然,‘酒香还怕巷子深’,你还要自己多多宣传。  -maladuona(马拉多纳); 2001.7.26 01:29 (#145312)
有你这句话,我有信心了!!  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 01:36 (#145320)
站設計漂亮....應該註冊一個www.xxxxxxxx.ca 域名 -guest:; 2001.7.26 01:31 (#145314)
什么意思?51.ca不好吗?  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 01:36 (#145321)
他嫌你那里XXX不够多  -pmer(pmer); 2001.7.26 01:39 (#145322)
哦,没办法了。我现在还不是公民,扫黄的时候,会被在护照上盖戳:色狼,连国都回不去了,不好。  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 01:43 (#145327)
哦..搞錯了.我沒看到妳已經註冊了51.ca...開通後就好了....現在的 org 難記。。。。。 -guest:; 2001.7.26 01:43 (#145328)
是的,我这个还进热点区。不好意思,多谢大家捧场!  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 01:44 (#145330)
目前 from china 搞的移民內站, 妳的介面設計最漂亮. 右面的scroll bar 也是綠色的..呵呵.我用ie 6.0 beta...可以看到..幾個人一起搞的? 不可能一人包辦吧? -guest:; 2001.7.26 01:49 (#145338)
你说呢?  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 01:51 (#145345)
哈阿阿阿阿阿阿阿阿阿阿阿..我看是處心積累搞的. 嗯.有陰謀............sailor有難了...呵呵呵呵.... -guest:; 2001.7.26 01:55 (#145354)
如果这样,你就错了,哈哈。不过我倒挺高兴听到这话的,很有成就感。  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 01:57 (#145357)
我看跟51home有瓜葛........呵呵...很專業的設計....不過為您服務名字的卻有點土...改了個好名字就很好...我這看速度很快. 51home以語音聊天聞名. why not 搞個語音聊天室出出位..看來要收諮詢費 -guest:; 2001.7.26 02:03 (#145364)
太过奖,我这次脸真的红了。说实话,51home我没看过。  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 02:05 (#145367)
不错,不错. 我也注册了, Nr.14. 虽然我很喜欢Rolia的内容和气氛, 但从网页的表现风格,我更喜欢51.ca. 但不知人气大时速度如何? btw, why not name 51.ca - " 加国无忧" ?  -thread(thread); 2001.7.26 01:51 (#145344)
这个名字不错,有创意,好!!!我一定考虑  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 01:52 (#145348)
说实话,速度也是我担心的,我在制作的时候已经尽量考虑了,但愿没问题。  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 01:56 (#145356)
我已经改了,叫“加国无忧”,谢了!  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 02:25 (#145396)
好好,我看见了!这下来个全球网上51(无忧)大比拼!  -thread(thread); 2001.7.26 02:32 (#145410)
比拼是不敢,为大家做点事是真  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 02:36 (#145417)
很不错,我昨天就注册了。不过为什么不和ROLIA联合起来呢?论坛用ROLIA的,FLEA和YELLOW PAGE用你的平台,何必把资源分散呢?各有特色,各加个LINK就行了呀  -dropoutinmiami(东北的饺子); 2001.7.26 09:38 (#145598)
行了吧你, 不就和人FB过几次也不至于这样护犊子. 人家刚开张就要扼杀在摇篮里,你也太狠了把.  -ocanada(ocanada); 2001.7.26 09:43 (#145604)
你这话说的可冲点.我只是提个建议.两个网站各有侧重,我只是建议把各自优势结合起来, 也就是一个LINK. 用户也不用跑两个网站. 至于两个FOUNDERS什么想法, 是他们的想法. 有话请好好说.  -dropoutinmiami(东北的饺子); 2001.7.26 10:17 (#145641)
饺子, 我觉得那个论坛还是留着比较好,等哪天在ROLIA玩累了,那里也许就是我的下一个港湾..:-)  -flying_snow(飞雪浮冰); 2001.7.26 10:21 (#145651)
好, 干什么都留条后路? 呵呵 . 不过两个网站我都喜欢, 更喜欢SAILOR的为人. (没见过, 只是从他处理事情的方式)  -dropoutinmiami(东北的饺子); 2001.7.26 10:28 (#145660)
得人心者得天下. 网站也一样.  -ocanada(ocanada); 2001.7.26 10:35 (#145667)
这话俺同意  -dropoutinmiami(东北的饺子); 2001.7.26 10:39 (#145670)
ocanada, you r absolutely right. -guest:; 2001.7.26 10:45 (#145673)
真的是个好建议,我是真心想和加拿大各中文站点合作(其实说合作都谈不上,人家都是搞了好多年,我才开张,有什么资格谈合作),我只是觉得大家都试想为新移民干点事情,一起努力不很好吗?  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 11:05 (#145694)
很不错的网站,只是域名还没注册呢吧?  -bloor(不老); 2001.7.26 10:25 (#145656)
没有,注册了,现在DNS出现了点问题,我用的那个免费DNS解析好像不支持解析“.ca”的域名。“.ca”得域名解析和“.com”的不一样吗?有谁知道,我很着急,谢了!  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 10:44 (#145672)
网站做的不错,就是觉得不够有特点,定位不明确,如果是个人网站,最好不要搞成百货公司,还是专卖店比较吸引人.随便说说. -guest:ping; 2001.7.26 11:38 (#145732)
谢谢你的建议,能说详细一点吗?你的意思是说,不要搞三个板块,搞其中的一个就行了?要么跳蚤市场,要么论坛或者服务黄页?  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 11:47 (#145740)
我也说不好,反正我就是觉得看上去抓不住重点,和我见过的许多门户网站差不多,你看rolia一看就与众不同,简单明了,做的专一点,想想什么吸引新移民.嗨,我也不知道. -guest:ping; 2001.7.26 11:58 (#145754)
谢谢,我会考虑的  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 12:00 (#145756)
我注册了,很漂亮,我很喜欢。  -wanning(阿萌); 2001.7.26 11:59 (#145755)
谢了  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 12:04 (#145761)
在上面发了两个求购信息,有好东东时别忘了提醒我啊!多谢!:-)  -wanning(阿萌); 2001.7.26 12:27 (#145805)
我也注册了,:)  -moonriver(moon river); 2001.7.26 12:21 (#145793)
欢迎!你是下面热点区说的那个漂亮的 MOONRIVER 吗?  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 12:27 (#145803)
嘴真甜啊,是mm吧?:) 不过我在你那儿换了个名,呵呵,,  -moonriver(moon river); 2001.7.26 12:47 (#145837)
不要么,改名干麽?我这人优点就是嘴甜,:)  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 13:24 (#145869)
51.ca,我刚在你的网上查了一下美元与加元的兑换率,美元有这么高吗? 1.00 美元(USD) = 1.5334 加元(CAD) 。  -wanning(阿萌); 2001.7.26 12:31 (#145809)
差不多吧,这是全球最有名的金融咨询公司BLOOMBERG提供的,应该不会有错,但可能是美国行情,哈哈。  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 12:33 (#145812)
为什么不在我的站点发贴问我呢?那样我不是更有面子?  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 12:34 (#145815)
hahahahahaha...哈哈哈哈哈哈...人是有惯性的, 习惯了一个就不愿意改. 你的"商业"平台很好, FLEA和YELLOW PAGE, 论坛功能也挺强, 不过有时简单也是强项, 1分钟还FIGURE OUT不出来怎么用的网站, 我马上就走. 不是说你.  -dropoutinmiami(东北的饺子); 2001.7.26 12:39 (#145820)
我找不着在哪儿发问,分类太多,是在“论坛热门话题“中吗?另外,我能修改我发布的求购信息吗?刚发现把“卖“字全写成了“买”,真不好意思,英文没学会中文也忘了,以后就只好爬着回家喽!  -wanning(阿萌); 2001.7.26 12:40 (#145823)
哈哈,不好意思。看来如何简化我的站点是个课题。在论坛发问很简单,你先进去你想发问的论坛,有个发新话题(这是论坛,市场和黄页是发新信息),按一下就OK。  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 12:45 (#145829)
还有你可以编辑你的信息(如果注册了的话),打开你发布的信息,在右边有一个“[编辑删除信息]”字样的连接,点它就可以了。  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 12:47 (#145836)
How to edit my own profile? I want to change my email .  -moonriver(moon river); 2001.7.26 12:49 (#145839)
版主我帮你答吧!首页左边有”修改资料“的链接。  -wanning(阿萌); 2001.7.26 12:57 (#145848)
在会员中心的个人资料里,其实在首页的“欢迎回来,***”下面就有修改资料的连接,这里就可以改Email  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 13:22 (#145864)
我怎么找不着?!我怎么找不着??!!——右边有一个“[编辑删除信息]”字样的连接  -wanning(阿萌); 2001.7.26 12:53 (#145843)
别着急,在这儿提问题也可以帮你一直UP着。Q_Q  -wanning(阿萌); 2001.7.26 12:55 (#145844)
我已经帮你该了,也在我哪里回了帖子,还看不到,告诉一声,那就有BUG了  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 13:23 (#145867)
这回真的可以了,别告诉我还不行哦,那我可就没脸见人了  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.27 00:28 (#146510)
你是说问我?在站务论坛里,我时时看的  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 12:49 (#145840)
我也注册了,希望能交更多的朋友,大家互相帮助  -vivianwang(纤云); 2001.7.26 12:43 (#145825)
好的,做这个站点的目的之一就是交朋友  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 12:48 (#145838)
me, userID is as same as rolia's.  -camwood(千里草); 2001.7.26 22:01 (#146309)
你的网站支持 友情连接吗??  -uid(miracle); 2001.7.26 22:44 (#146377)
可以,但我想不是所有都可以。给我你的地址  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.26 23:15 (#146421)
:-) 我的主页很简陋, 请多多担待 http://garyli.netfirms.com  -uid(miracle); 2001.7.27 00:07 (#146496)
看了,做主页有多久了?我现在正在考虑该如何做这种友情连接,我想一个站点没有办法展示自己,总是很悲哀的事情。  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.27 00:33 (#146515)
这样吧,我开了一个自我展示的论坛,你到哪里去登登,可能比友情连接强  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.27 00:42 (#146526)
thanks  -uid(miracle); 2001.7.27 11:05 (#146863)
为什么不见登记呢?  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.27 12:58 (#147001)
耳目一新!我这就去注册!  -doggie(爱吃骨头的狗); 2001.7.26 23:46 (#146468)
who did the design?  -speed(如风); 2001.7.27 00:13 (#146500)
这不重要,重要的是你的捧场  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.27 00:34 (#146517)
coz' i am looking for a part-time web designer, that's why i am interested in it...  -speed(如风); 2001.7.27 00:50 (#146535)
有什么想法吗?可以直接跟我说  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.27 00:51 (#146537)
can i send email to u @ [email protected]?  -speed(如风); 2001.7.27 00:53 (#146541)
到我的论坛里直接跟我聊不更痛快  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.27 00:56 (#146545)
this is for my company, i can't disclose too much details in a public forum.  -speed(如风); 2001.7.27 00:58 (#146547)
ok, you cansend the email to "[email protected]" or "[email protected]"  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.27 01:09 (#146555)
大家都睡了吗?怎么不见动静?  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.27 01:58 (#146588)
我又回来了,再做点宣传  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.27 10:39 (#146834)
不习惯你的那种界面。没有Rolia这种来得直接醒目。也许只是习惯问题。不过设计和色彩真的不错。  -aibei(在土一方); 2001.7.27 11:07 (#146864)
是吧,我也喜欢Rolia的界面,当然更喜欢我的界面,哈哈  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.27 12:49 (#146987)
没别的意思,给挪前面去,斑竹和各位网友别介意  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.27 13:52 (#147068)
周末到了,在情感画廊和娱乐休闲里加了点新东西,有空大家去看看吧  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.27 16:29 (#147291)
应要求,投想从60个加到892个,这些够了吧  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.27 17:30 (#147354)
不对,是头像,拼音搞鬼 :)  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.27 17:32 (#147355)
有搞了个农历日历,欢迎大家看看 URL  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.7.28 17:43 (#148412)
新域名用上了,等了两个星期,太高兴了,欢迎访问 www.51.ca !!!! URL  -51.ca(51.ca); 2001.8.1 14:27 (#152647)


又看到这个在 Rolia 上的帖子了,真高兴,5年了

可惜现在 51 的论坛也没有 Rolia 的红火,不得不佩服 :thumbup:

“thread”,这个 Rolia 上的用户一直是我最要感谢的人之一,“加国无忧”这个名字就是他帮我起的,谢谢!


又仔细看了一遍,好感慨。真得很感谢 Rolia 当时能容我这样做宣传,谢了。有一个 Rolia 的名 ID 我当时都不知道,现在想想,我们可能还曾经见过面。有意思

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发表于 2006-4-13 00:18:52 | 只看该作者








Note:  还别说,我还就喜欢51的版面格式,方便!

最初由[jan_ai Zhang]发布
(3) ........

If you have a good background on IT, you only need 2 years and then you can get a pile of chances to get into the employment market even without a degree. Otherwise, you need 3 years. But it will make you become a real professional/expert or a computer scientist with a strong confidence.

Skills, performance, English and morality will together play important roles in the whole period of getting into the door of IT.

For example, Mr. Zhao Ping Run has saved his own family, his older brother, Zhao Ping Bo's family, and contributed a few work positons to Canadian job market. How ? 51.ca's success mostly depends on Mr. Zhao Ping Run's professinal IT skills (website design) (small portion from Mr. Zhao Ping Bo's idea). Why are other Chinese websites in Toronto, which have better service and attitude than 51.ca, weaker than 51.ca? The professional skills and creative development ideas are weaker than Mr. Zhao Ping Run's .

So please rely on yourself! IT industry still is very young, especially in different fields of application.

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发表于 2006-4-13 23:18:50 | 只看该作者


i think it is good~(of course ZT)


一、    法则总论:

鉴于长期以来,论坛一直都没有一个完整的管理法则,导致论坛的长期混乱,特制定此管理法则,以规定从版主到普通网友的行为。然而管理法则的最终目的不是限制人们的自由,而是希望所有的人能够在做任何事情的时候本着一点责任心。论坛里大部分都是20出头的年轻人,年轻人接受东西快,所以很多事情对他们的影响都是潜移默化的,他们看到的、读到的 可能都会在心里留下一点印象。所以希望各位还是健康的成长比较好,无论是物质上还是精神上都是如此。我相信,各位如果看到自己的孩子在论坛灌水、浏览的时候接触到了一些不好的东西,你们一定会制止你们的孩子的。用一句诗结尾: 清风拂面精神爽,晨光普照正气扬。

二、    版主的管理法则:

1、  任何版主不得以任何方式参与任何版块的骂战里面,包括 劝架、围观、隔岸观火、起哄、煽风点火、挑起骂架、主动出击、反击、防卫 等形式。如有发现,警告一次。两次警告以后封ID3天,警告3次仍不改,直接撤销版主资格。

2、  任何版主不得以任何方式在任何版块里面发带有人身攻击的帖子,一经发现,删除帖子,警告一次,两次警告后封ID3天,警告三次后直接撤销版主资格。

3、  任何版主不得以任何形式滥用职权、公报私仇,如果属实,警告一次,两次警告后将封ID一周,撤销版主资格,并永不复用。

4、  任何版主不得在任何版块发布含有 色情、反动的帖子,一经发现,删除帖子,警告一次。 两次警告后封ID3天,并撤销版主资格。

5、  任何版主不得刷版,发现即警告一次,警告两次后将封ID3天。

6、  以上所有警告记录将会保留一年。 例:第5条, 即 一年之内被警告过两次的,两次后会被封ID3天。

7、  各个版主包括老大EDWORD所发的反应社会黑暗面的帖子以后将会被封帖,然后挪到评论版块。

8、  所有版主发警告信与删帖通知的时候请保持礼貌语言,不得言词激烈。请大家自觉遵守。

9、  各个超版会帮助水区把沉到5页以后的部分帖子按照主题内容挪到相应的版块,如果有重复的,将会删除水区的帖子。


三、    网友的管理法则:

1、  任何人不得以任何方式在任何版块发帖攻击或者漫骂版主或者其他网友,如有发现删除帖子,对发帖人警告一次,警告三次后封ID。

2、  任何人不得以任何方式在任何版块发布 色情、反动 和与传销有关的帖子,一经发现,删除帖子。 警告两次后不改的,封ID一个星期。

3、  任何人不得刷版或者在同一个版块中对多个不同的主题回复同一无意义的内容,发现后,警告一次, 警告三次 封ID3天。

4、  请大家自觉的不要去顶很久以前的帖子。

5、  所有警告记录将会一年内有效。以第三条为例:即是一年内被警告3次 封ID3天。请朋友们上心。


四、    备注说明:

1、  对于上海人的帖子,请尽量少发  也请各位不要过激,哪里都有好人,哪里都有不好的。 这样的帖子,版主会封帖,看过就算。

2、  对于台湾问题的帖子,我看了不少,回帖的基本都是没用的话,至少连一点意义都没有。所以,这些帖子版主会封帖,直接挪到评论区。

3、  对于日本问题的帖子,我也看了不少,回帖的基本都是骂一下而已。这样的帖子版主也会封帖,挪到评论区。各位觉得这个是不爱国的话,那么骂一下的回复也同样代表不了什么。各位还是化愤怒为力量,好好的提高自己的素质,有机会的话就为国家做点什么。

4、  欢迎那些有见地 坦诚 客观的 政治分析 与见解。不要求字数,但是至少像个文章的样子。这样的帖子版主会给予奖励。


终于写完了,里面的规章还会随着论坛的发展继续不断地完善。“上梁不正下梁歪”所以看起来对版主的要求过于严格,不过管理是由上至下的。如果每个版主都能有点正义感、使命感、责任心,而且敢说话、不怕得罪人, 那么这个管理团队至少是论坛健康发展的保证。也许有人认为这样会试论坛走下坡路,人气不够。我不这么认为, 资本主义的经济在经历了几次经济危机之后学会的由国家来帮助协调市场经济的运作已经帮助他们的经济高速发展了。

"Ding" this post!!!

My personal suggesstion: Add 2 items:

(1) 51.ca must Set a working term for a 版主 to apply again for this position like American President. (-----**** Check and Balance)
Even though it is the same person, we still implement this procedure to remind the 版主: "The power: Of the people, by the people, for the people,..."

(2) 版主发警告信与move 帖, 删帖通知的时候 should tell the user that he follows which item of the regulations to do that.

(Because both 版主 and users should follow the regulations serioudly. 版主, including 版主包括老大EDWORD, cannot change the regulations every minutes by his free thinking. That is so-called "Ren Zhi", which is the source of mistreating users and ordinary users are always in the weak side.)

If finally 51.ca will exercise some good regulations like this one, I will buy some tickets (such as a concert) for Ms. [幽忧] and Mr. Zhao's brothers. Why? it is because they set a good example for our Chinese community in Toronto. Our Chinese people are not slaves and also not subjects (in feudalism) right now. When I am in power, I have to treat others as human beings. When others are in power, they also have to treat me as a human being.

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发表于 2006-4-15 01:40:09 | 只看该作者



错!  错!!   错!!!




Thanks for your reading my old post. I almost forget ...

Ok, Ok, I agree with you completelY!!! I am so naive...

(1) "百花齐放、百家争鸣,也是有底线的,最起码,只能是维护统治阶级的根本利益才行,否则,就只能焚书坑儒了。"

(2) '"转到51这么个小圈圈,你想百家争鸣、百花齐放,偏偏说了人家老赵的忌讳,那被焚被坑的,除了你还有谁?所以,你也要知道老赵的底线,才可以发表你的有选择性的高见。"

(3)" 说到谩骂和人生攻击,只要老赵不删的,老赵就不认为是低能和愚蠢的表现,这难道你不知道吗?"

Thanks again.
Ding your post!

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发表于 2006-4-15 21:54:49 | 只看该作者


1. 最初由[cafun]发布

DWNEWS.COM-- 2006年4月16日








注册: 2003年06月
来自: 未知
发帖: 1098 个
照片: 2 张

[第 1 帖][发布时间:2006年04月15日 13:04][在线状态:离线][ID:557380]




3.  Conclusion:
  It prove it again:  Mr. [cafun] is wrong!!!
But it is not a big deal.  Everyone can make mistake and nobody is perfect.  The point is that after making mistake, just say sorry or become a good loser. Next time there is a great chance to become a good winer.

   I do not understand why Mr. [cafun] is such a nerrow-minded and rude person who is not qualified to become a public person.
   That is why I suggest Mr. [cafun] resigns. You can save a pile of time and have good mood to learn more or make more money. Meanwhile it is also good for 51.ca and our audiance.

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发表于 2006-4-16 15:56:15 | 只看该作者




I guess [cafun] is just the pen name of Mr. Zhao Ping Bo or Zhao Ping Run.

Otherwise, he cannot be so arrogant, rude, and lacking basic upbringing.

I suspect if he graduated from elementary school.

1145220974.png (0 Bytes, 下载次数: 96)

发表于 2006-4-16 20:54:14 | 只看该作者


最初由[jan_ai Zhang]发布

I guess [cafun] is just the pen name of Mr. Zhao Ping Bo or Zhao Ping Run.

Otherwise, he cannot be so arrogant, rude, and lacking basic upbringing.

I suspect if he graduated from elementary school.



还有,我们什么时候言辞如您所说的“so arrogant, rude, and lacking basic upbringing”,还烦请您指正,以便我们改进。

"I suspect if he graduated from elementary school." 这句话是您的发言风格吗? :confused:

最后想提醒您一下:我的名字是“赵平原”,汉语拼音 ZHAO PINGYUAN,不是 Zhao Ping Run
发表于 2006-4-18 02:44:31 | 只看该作者




还有,我们什么时候言辞如您所说的“so arrogant, rude, and lacking basic upbringing”,还烦请您指正,以便我们改进。

"I suspect if he graduated from elementary school." 这句话是您的发言风格吗? :confused:

最后想提醒您一下:我的名字是“赵平原”,汉语拼音 ZHAO PINGYUAN,不是 Zhao Ping Run

Hi, Mr. [网站管理员] or Mr. 赵平原,

   Thanks for your reply and your  [悄悄话] message.

  (1) "最后想提醒您一下:我的名字是“赵平原”,汉语拼音 ZHAO PINGYUAN,不是 Zhao Ping Run "

   First I have to say sorry to you for my mistake. I didn't do it knowingly.  As you may know, on 51.ca a few of people also pointed out my 汉语拼音 mistakes. It means that I was a worse student in elementary school than you and others.  I did not know how I graduated from elementary school. Secondly, from now on I will not make this mistake again if I have a chance to mention your name.

  (2) ""I suspect if he graduated from elementary school." 这句话是您的发言风格吗?"

    Firstly, your words shocked me. I am a small potato, how can I have a "您的发言风格"  ?  Then I thought about it for a while. I guess even if I have some "您的发言风格", it might be:

   i) To a public person or a powerful person, my words usually are sharp, loud, and straightforward. For example, in 51.ca, I think [网站管理员], "版主" are public and powerful people.

ii) To an ordinary person, I am more polite, patient, tolerant, and warmhearted.

Regarding the sentence “I suspect if he graduated from elementary school”, I confused why you put 3 question marks on a head symbol. It might be I am wrong: when you were in university life nobody used this saying. When I was in University, almost every day there was a person who used the saying to sneer at my mistakes or bad performance. My typical answer was that “yes, yes, I already returned my diploma to the elementary school.”   The other saying was that “Hi, Zhang JanAi, you are really a peasant.  ”  My typical answer is that “not only, but also a remote mountaineer.”   I still remember that one day a user in 51.ca complained about my  saying, “Only a nine-head bird can fly forever in the sky; only a Hu-Bei person can live forever on the ground.” I said I am one of Hu-Bei people…..  The real meaning of “I suspect if he graduated from elementary school” is that: When we were in elementary school, the teachers taught us to have good behavior. When someone helps us, we should say “thanks”. When we make mistakes, we have to say “sorry”.
         Picking up the thread, as I showed the reasons many times (please check the above posts), I have been thinking that “Mr. [cafun] should say sorry to Mr. [fireball].”  But no reply from Mr. [cafun] or 51.ca. That was why I introduce that saying. If you and Mr. [cafun] and 51.ca still think you are right without proper reasons, I receive my saying. As you said, “我无话可说。” (Your original words: “如果这也被您认为是新闻,我无话可说。”)

(3)        “上次是怀疑“弄舟”,这次又改作“cafun”,我不理解您为何总是要做这样的无聊猜测?人的思维不必如此单一。 ”

As you know, “怀疑” is not a good thing. However, it is one kind of human freedom. Nobody can annihilate it. When I was in China, the words I heard form leaders almost everyday is that “Don’t discuss. You all do not understand the whole picture.”  But the ordinary people never have a chance to “know the whole picture”, so they will never be eligible to talk about anything.

YOU, as a having-聊 person, 不理解others为何总是要做这样的无聊猜测. Now let me tell you what “my如此单一思维” are:

(i)        “上次是怀疑“弄舟”, that is right. Did anyone of 51.ca clarify it? Is it very difficult? Why did you purposely make it mysterious? Is it a big deal? Therefore, it is the source of “这次又改作“cafun”.
(ii)        In my view,  both “弄舟” and “cafun” are rude and arrogant, and lacking basic upbringing. So many events happened,  and this situation has lasted so long time. The top level of 51.ca management cannot say or do anything.  Only result of (logical) reasoning is that “I guess [cafun] is just the pen name of Mr. Zhao Ping Bo or Zhao Ping Yuan.”
(iii)        I checked different parts in 51.ca and did not find any information about the introduction of 51.ca management system. For example, what is the relationship between [网站管理员] and [版主]? Who is the [网站管理员]?......
To tell the truth, it really shocked me that you said you ([网站管理员]) are “赵平原”. Because I have thought you were “赵平Bo”. I thought (before) only “赵平Bo” has good skills in Chinese writing.  YOU (“赵平原”) only have good skills in web design and“赵平原” can only work in back stage as a technician. I only heard 2 times about you. The first time was that you two brothers accepted the interview of disgusting Hua Bao and you only inserted a few words. The second time was that Mr. Mu Run mentioned you once in his post on 51.ca.  
In sum,  for “上次是怀疑“弄舟”,这次又改作“cafun”,我不理解您为何总是要做这样的无聊猜测?人的思维不必如此单一”, I can only be partly responsible for it. You or 51.ca have to show your audience you are having-聊, and then your audience can avoid “无聊猜测” and “人的思维如此单一”.

(4)        You also ask:  “还有,我们什么时候言辞如您所说的“so arrogant, rude, and lacking basic upbringing”,还烦请您指正,以便我们改进。”

First your polite words and attitude surprised me. In my impression, 80 percent of your ([网站管理员] ) words and attitude are acceptable. However, 80 percent of “弄舟” and cafun’s words and attitude are not acceptable at all, typically  so arrogant, rude, and lacking basic upbringing.  (But I also have to point out: 51.ca is really improving itself, for example, giving a message for deleting or moving a post).

Secondly, you also surprised me that you asked me “我们什么时候言辞如您所说的“so arrogant, rude, and lacking basic upbringing””. If you appoint me as the版主 of ”意见反馈” block, I will give you a detail report. Right now  I only point out a few examples (which you might think it is not arrogant, rude, and lacking basic upbringing. In this case we can only put this topic aside.)

(i)        Did you read some posts of mine? If not, please read it. I quote a  pile of them.  But nobody says anything. Is it not arrogant?
(ii)        Two answers from “cafun”:
“合并同类帖子.  另,此帖发在时事新闻不当!”  and “已经告诉你了,合并,不是删除! 也不必太敏感.” Is it not arrogant and rude?
(iii)        I still remember 弄舟’s ugly words which threatened some user : “Delete your posts in a hurry. Otherwise I will use group delete function to delete them.”

IF you allow me posting the examples here, next time, I will.

Dear Mr. “赵平原”, they really do not know how many human “Dragons”  and “Tigers” in Toronto. I really do not understand :  Is it good for 51.ca when 51.ca has upheld them???  Is it good for their own development in Toronto???
If you say “yes”, as you said, “我无话可说。” 51.ca belongs to you and your brother, not someone else.

(5)        May I take advantage of the chance talking with you (which might be the last time in my life to talk with you even if I still visit 51.ca) to give you some  extra message:
(i)        First I want to say thanks to you and your brother, Mr. “赵平Bo” . Anyway, you provide our Chinese community a good website even though there is still some problem in management. I read some articles and get a pile of information from it and made some internet friends. And I still think Mr. “赵平原” is “Gao So” (expert on the top level in website design) and 51.ca is the best Chinese website in Toronto  so far.
(ii)        I cordially hope that you two brothers have successful career in Toronto even though 51.ca still has lots of weakness. As I mentioned in my previous posts:  it is not easy that 2 brothers join together to achieve something. So even in some day you two cannot work together, everyone can work alone but surely keep brother-ship. Many relatives  can join together in difficulty. After they become successful, they become enemy. I saw so many that kind of cases. Lu Xin brothers were also a typical example.
(iii) I cordially hope 51.ca develop healthily. So many public people (some so-called “Qiao Lin”) hurt Toronto Chinese community. As Mr. “赵平Bo”  mentioned he cannot trust some Chinese stores really give some discount as Ads says. …. (By the way, I was the only one to “Ding” the idea of 大多地区本周末 for the first few weeks.)  As I suggest many times that you’d better treat the users fairly and politely. Build some regulations for both sides of management and users. Set an example for our Chinese community, which is really not difficult. Your users are not your enemy. Most of them are reasonable, rational, and wise. I just mention one instance: (your post “既然你们这么怀念他们,sunny2008 甚至给我发来的抗议,我想我可以再做一些解释。其实,我知道,不管怎么解释,你们还是有你们的想法,这就是论坛。 关于“51的传说”被封闭,我已给出了比较详细的解释,也许很多人没有看到,我只好再贴一遍.  可以说,我处理51这么久,这是第一次收到如此粗俗的骂人短消息,一个能用短信如此骂娘的用户真的值得你们如此怀念吗?我有点不明白了。再说“云中摹莉”和“万家灯火照万家”,两个用户“凑巧”是一起封闭的,同时获得了三次纪录警告。这里没人为“万家灯火照万家”说情,可能一来他是个“新用户”,发帖不太多,二来他确实骂人太狠,几乎每帖必骂,恐怕也没人好意思他说话。…. 51论坛的骂人现象在“三次警告封闭ID”的措施出台后,已经得到了很大的扭转,这个措施在目前看来是很有效果也是有必要的,因此,对于违规的用户,我们不会网开一面。我也相信,坚持这个措施,真正理性的网友不会受到影响,只会从中受益。”  I can say every word of your post are correct. But why nobody Ding you?  Even your 版主 in  “灌水贴图” opposed your idea. Why? They also know 骂人现象 is not good. But you did not organize well your managing team to create a healthy environment. Just driving the users away is not a good way.)

(iv) some people (especially you can tell me a ton of excuses)  says that版主  is difficult. I am naïve and simple. I disagree with them and I want to experience it. Then I visited other Chinese websites. To be honest, comprehensively speaking, 51.ca is best and I like it. I only found a new Chinese website, www.beimeiguide.com,  has better Forum design than 51.ca.  Then I applied for a 版主 3 days ago.  Definitely, that is only my recent hobby. Over 10 years I usually did not go to Chatting room. Mostly some time read some front page article and gave few comments. ( I have formal job and busy family life. )

The following is my first post (if you think it is not suitable, you can delete it. I just want to show your版主 what I think):
“New 版主 in 时事新闻 say hello to you

Dear everyone of 时事新闻 in Bei Mei Guide (北美指南),
    I am Jan Ai Zhang from Mainland China.

    Today is Good Friday in Canada, also my big Friday: new 版主 in 时事新闻!

    Thanks Mr. Webmaster of 北美指南 for the appointment  of mine as the 版主 in 时事新闻 !

    I will do my best on my duty:
    (1) Seriously observe the rules of Canadian law.
    (2) keep the regulations of Bei Mei Guide
    (3) I will set an example to follow the regulations I build for 时事新闻.
    (4) I will treat every customer as my guest and also my master:
        I will be polite, open-minded and tolerant,
        and definitly provide them with good and warmhearted service.   
      I have lived in Toronto some years.
      I cannot forget the difficulties when I just come to Toronto.
      And I want to have more friends and also help each others or exchange ideas with our Chinese immigrants or students overseas.
      I like talking any topic or answering any questions with open mind.

   By the way, please contact me:
      [email protected]

   which recognize Chinese charactors better than @yahoo.ca.

    Sincerely yours,

     Jan Ai  Zhang  “

If you think it is ok , let me show other版主 only one month how to deal with the customers (The main idea is as the above).

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发表于 2006-4-18 04:16:24 | 只看该作者
最初由[jan_ai Zhang]发布

Hi, Mr. [网站管理员] or Mr. 赵平原,

   Thanks for your reply and your  [悄悄话] message.

  (1) "最后想提醒您一下:我的名字是“赵平原”,汉语拼音 ZHAO PINGYUAN,不是 Zhao Ping Run "

   First I have to say sorry to you for my mistake. I didn't do it knowingly.  As you may know, on 51.ca a few of people also pointed out my 汉语拼音 mistakes. It means that I was a worse student in elementary school than you and others.  I did not know how I graduated from elementary school. Secondly, from now on I will not make this mistake again if I have a chance to mention your name.

  (2) ""I suspect if he graduated from elementary school." 这句话是您的发言风格吗?"

    Firstly, your words shocked me. I am a small potato, how can I have a "您的发言风格"  ?  Then I thought about it for a while. I guess even if I have some "您的发言风格", it might be:

   i) To a public person or a powerful person, my words usually are sharp, loud, and straightforward. For example, in 51.ca, I think [网站管理员], "版主" are public and powerful people.

ii) To an ordinary person, I am more polite, patient, tolerant, and warmhearted.

Regarding the sentence “I suspect if he graduated from elementary school”, I confused why you put 3 question marks on a head symbol. It might be I am wrong: when you were in university life nobody used this saying. When I was in University, almost every day there was a person who used the saying to sneer at my mistakes or bad performance. My typical answer was that “yes, yes, I already returned my diploma to the elementary school.”   The other saying was that “Hi, Zhang JanAi, you are really a peasant.  ”  My typical answer is that “not only, but also a remote mountaineer.”   I still remember that one day a user in 51.ca complained about my  saying, “Only a nine-head bird can fly forever in the sky; only a Hu-Bei person can live forever on the ground.” I said I am one of Hu-Bei people…..  The real meaning of “I suspect if he graduated from elementary school” is that: When we were in elementary school, the teachers taught us to have good behavior. When someone helps us, we should say “thanks”. When we make mistakes, we have to say “sorry”.
         Picking up the thread, as I showed the reasons many times (please check the above posts), I have been thinking that “Mr. [cafun] should say sorry to Mr. [fireball].”  But no reply from Mr. [cafun] or 51.ca. That was why I introduce that saying. If you and Mr. [cafun] and 51.ca still think you are right without proper reasons, I receive my saying. As you said, “我无话可说。” (Your original words: “如果这也被您认为是新闻,我无话可说。”)

(3)        “上次是怀疑“弄舟”,这次又改作“cafun”,我不理解您为何总是要做这样的无聊猜测?人的思维不必如此单一。 ”

As you know, “怀疑” is not a good thing. However, it is one kind of human freedom. Nobody can annihilate it. When I was in China, the words I heard form leaders almost everyday is that “Don’t discuss. You all do not understand the whole picture.”  But the ordinary people never have a chance to “know the whole picture”, so they will never be eligible to talk about anything.

YOU, as a having-聊 person, 不理解others为何总是要做这样的无聊猜测. Now let me tell you what “my如此单一思维” are:

(i)        “上次是怀疑“弄舟”, that is right. Did anyone of 51.ca clarify it? Is it very difficult? Why did you purposely make it mysterious? Is it a big deal? Therefore, it is the source of “这次又改作“cafun”.
(ii)        In my view,  both “弄舟” and “cafun” are rude and arrogant, and lacking basic upbringing. So many events happened,  and this situation has lasted so long time. The top level of 51.ca management cannot say or do anything.  Only result of (logical) reasoning is that “I guess [cafun] is just the pen name of Mr. Zhao Ping Bo or Zhao Ping Yuan.”
(iii)        I checked different parts in 51.ca and did not find any information about the introduction of 51.ca management system. For example, what is the relationship between [网站管理员] and [版主]? Who is the [网站管理员]?......
To tell the truth, it really shocked me that you said you ([网站管理员]) are “赵平原”. Because I have thought you were “赵平Bo”. I thought (before) only “赵平Bo” has good skills in Chinese writing.  YOU (“赵平原”) only have good skills in web design and“赵平原” can only work in back stage as a technician. I only heard 2 times about you. The first time was that you two brothers accepted the interview of disgusting Hua Bao and you only inserted a few words. The second time was that Mr. Mu Run mentioned you once in his post on 51.ca.  
In sum,  for “上次是怀疑“弄舟”,这次又改作“cafun”,我不理解您为何总是要做这样的无聊猜测?人的思维不必如此单一”, I can only be partly responsible for it. You or 51.ca have to show your audience you are having-聊, and then your audience can avoid “无聊猜测” and “人的思维如此单一”.

(4)        You also ask:  “还有,我们什么时候言辞如您所说的“so arrogant, rude, and lacking basic upbringing”,还烦请您指正,以便我们改进。”

First your polite words and attitude surprised me. In my impression, 80 percent of your ([网站管理员] ) words and attitude are acceptable. However, 80 percent of “弄舟” and cafun’s words and attitude are not acceptable at all, typically  so arrogant, rude, and lacking basic upbringing.  (But I also have to point out: 51.ca is really improving itself, for example, giving a message for deleting or moving a post).

Secondly, you also surprised me that you asked me “我们什么时候言辞如您所说的“so arrogant, rude, and lacking basic upbringing””. If you appoint me as the版主 of ”意见反馈” block, I will give you a detail report. Right now  I only point out a few examples (which you might think it is not arrogant, rude, and lacking basic upbringing. In this case we can only put this topic aside.)

(i)        Did you read some posts of mine? If not, please read it. I quote a  pile of them.  But nobody says anything. Is it not arrogant?
(ii)        Two answers from “cafun”:
“合并同类帖子.  另,此帖发在时事新闻不当!”  and “已经告诉你了,合并,不是删除! 也不必太敏感.” Is it not arrogant and rude?
(iii)        I still remember 弄舟’s ugly words which threatened some user : “Delete your posts in a hurry. Otherwise I will use group delete function to delete them.”

IF you allow me posting the examples here, next time, I will.

Dear Mr. “赵平原”, they really do not know how many human “Dragons”  and “Tigers” in Toronto. I really do not understand :  Is it good for 51.ca when 51.ca has upheld them???  Is it good for their own development in Toronto???
If you say “yes”, as you said, “我无话可说。” 51.ca belongs to you and your brother, not someone else.

(5)        May I take advantage of the chance talking with you (which might be the last time in my life to talk with you even if I still visit 51.ca) to give you some  extra message:
(i)        First I want to say thanks to you and your brother, Mr. “赵平Bo” . Anyway, you provide our Chinese community a good website even though there is still some problem in management. I read some articles and get a pile of information from it and made some internet friends. And I still think Mr. “赵平原” is “Gao So” (expert on the top level in website design) and 51.ca is the best Chinese website in Toronto  so far.
(ii)        I cordially hope that you two brothers have successful career in Toronto even though 51.ca still has lots of weakness. As I mentioned in my previous posts:  it is not easy that 2 brothers join together to achieve something. So even in some day you two cannot work together, everyone can work alone but surely keep brother-ship. Many relatives  can join together in difficulty. After they become successful, they become enemy. I saw so many that kind of cases. Lu Xin brothers were also a typical example.
(iii) I cordially hope 51.ca develop healthily. So many public people (some so-called “Qiao Lin”) hurt Toronto Chinese community. As Mr. “赵平Bo”  mentioned he cannot trust some Chinese stores really give some discount as Ads says. …. (By the way, I was the only one to “Ding” the idea of 大多地区本周末 for the first few weeks.)  As I suggest many times that you’d better treat the users fairly and politely. Build some regulations for both sides of management and users. Set an example for our Chinese community, which is really not difficult. Your users are not your enemy. Most of them are reasonable, rational, and wise. I just mention one instance: (your post “既然你们这么怀念他们,sunny2008 甚至给我发来的抗议,我想我可以再做一些解释。其实,我知道,不管怎么解释,你们还是有你们的想法,这就是论坛。 关于“51的传说”被封闭,我已给出了比较详细的解释,也许很多人没有看到,我只好再贴一遍.  可以说,我处理51这么久,这是第一次收到如此粗俗的骂人短消息,一个能用短信如此骂娘的用户真的值得你们如此怀念吗?我有点不明白了。再说“云中摹莉”和“万家灯火照万家”,两个用户“凑巧”是一起封闭的,同时获得了三次纪录警告。这里没人为“万家灯火照万家”说情,可能一来他是个“新用户”,发帖不太多,二来他确实骂人太狠,几乎每帖必骂,恐怕也没人好意思他说话。…. 51论坛的骂人现象在“三次警告封闭ID”的措施出台后,已经得到了很大的扭转,这个措施在目前看来是很有效果也是有必要的,因此,对于违规的用户,我们不会网开一面。我也相信,坚持这个措施,真正理性的网友不会受到影响,只会从中受益。”  I can say every word of your post are correct. But why nobody Ding you?  Even your 版主 in  “灌水贴图” opposed your idea. Why? They also know 骂人现象 is not good. But you did not organize well your managing team to create a healthy environment. Just driving the users away is not a good way.)

(iv) some people (especially you can tell me a ton of excuses)  says that版主  is difficult. I am naïve and simple. I disagree with them and I want to experience it. Then I visited other Chinese websites. To be honest, comprehensively speaking, 51.ca is best and I like it. I only found a new Chinese website, www.beimeiguide.com,  has better Forum design than 51.ca.  Then I applied for a 版主 3 days ago.  Definitely, that is only my recent hobby. Over 10 years I usually did not go to Chatting room. Mostly some time read some front page article and gave few comments. ( I have formal job and busy family life. )

The following is my first post (if you think it is not suitable, you can delete it. I just want to show your版主 what I think):
“New 版主 in 时事新闻 say hello to you

Dear everyone of 时事新闻 in Bei Mei Guide (北美指南),
    I am Jan Ai Zhang from Mainland China.

    Today is Good Friday in Canada, also my big Friday: new 版主 in 时事新闻!

    Thanks Mr. Webmaster of 北美指南 for the appointment  of mine as the 版主 in 时事新闻 !

    I will do my best on my duty:
    (1) Seriously observe the rules of Canadian law.
    (2) keep the regulations of Bei Mei Guide
    (3) I will set an example to follow the regulations I build for 时事新闻.
    (4) I will treat every customer as my guest and also my master:
        I will be polite, open-minded and tolerant,
        and definitly provide them with good and warmhearted service.   
      I have lived in Toronto some years.
      I cannot forget the difficulties when I just come to Toronto.
      And I want to have more friends and also help each others or exchange ideas with our Chinese immigrants or students overseas.
      I like talking any topic or answering any questions with open mind.

   By the way, please contact me:
      [email protected]

   which recognize Chinese charactors better than @yahoo.ca.

    Sincerely yours,

     Jan Ai  Zhang  “

If you think it is ok , let me show other版主 only one month how to deal with the customers (The main idea is as the above).





2、常泡51论坛,至少是常泡51时事新闻论坛的人应该大多知道这两个斑竹,cafun 当时是民主投票产生的,弄舟常常组织网友聚会,基本是个“现实”的网人。




您对"I suspect if he graduated from elementary school."做出了那样多的解释,我也就不便说什么了。我记得您有一个帖子说,您的老板当时跟您说“记住其他人是和您一样聪明的”(大致意思),您认为这句话很有道理。所以,我很纳闷您会有这样的 “suspect”








没人顶我没关系,我的帖子从来不会有几个人顶的,在论坛天天删帖不顶帖,怎么会有人脉,这点自知之明我还有,何况在现今的论坛,不少人认为跟“老大”作对亦是很有“面子”的事情,不骂我已经够好的了 。但您说的该版的斑竹也不认同我的做法,我倒没注意,要是这样,这样的斑竹似乎不合格,因为这样不符合斑竹守则:斑竹之间有异议,应在内部沟通,不应公开分歧。

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