本帖最后由 多伦多市长高峰 于 2023-4-27 10:23 编辑
加拿大政府?加拿大公司. CANADIAN CORPOrapINC. 不信? 渥太华联邦政府属于 NCC - National Capital Commission 这个合资公司。
The NCC is the capital's largest property owner, owning and managing over 11% of all lands in the Capital Region. It also owns over 1,600 properties in its real estate portfolio, including the capital's six official residences; commercial, residential and heritage buildings; and agricultural facilities. WIKIPEDIA。 ORG
Toronto City corporations own assets and manage assets for the City, operate independently from the City administration and approve their own budgets and positions.
https://www. toronto .ca/city-government/accountability-operations-customer-service/city-administration/city-managers-office/agencies-corporations/corporations/