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楼主: 以诚待人
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发表于 2008-4-12 01:40:28 | 只看该作者



有本事别来这儿,哪儿加拿大人多去哪儿呀! 你顶多是个Chinese Canadian, 怎么就高到不和中国人辩论了? 

顺便告诉你,曾有个亚裔老兄在多伦多downtown大喊, "I am not xxx, I am Canadian", 没过5分钟就被警察抓去强行进行精神病测试.

你这个问题同样使用[第 74 帖]的回复。从你的谈吐中,也看出神经质的东西,看看心理医生。
顺便告诉你,你把那句话到多伦多downtown大喊, 也会被警察抓去强行进行精神病测试.

1 你说的“加拿大人”如果是全体加拿大人。我这个“汉奸”要是真用英文跟西人讲我的观点,支持率你是知道的。不过我还是没想按照你的建议去做,想必他们中的有些人还是在支持的同时,觉得我跑到大街上去说,不免有些神经质。虽然谁都有神经质的时候,但少来一回,是一回。在大街上的时候,我的脸皮可能比你薄一些。
2 你说的“加拿大人”如果是加拿大籍华人。好像有点对题了。但神经质,上大街,仍是一个困扰。你知道,加拿大籍华人背景也很广。在者说,在大街上几个小时,不如在这几分钟,让他们知道我的想法的机会更多。所以还是没听你的建议,和你一样,到这来了。你我还可以隐藏id,好处你是知道的。
3 你说的“加拿大人”如果是中国籍华人。我的回复已经回答你了。但对于你似乎暗示的那个他们会扁我一顿的问题,我的回答是,我不想像在西藏发生的那样,发生同胞相残,法律纠纷。
4 你说的“加拿大人”如果是你极其死党。我的态度在前面的帖子里已经多次表明了。我给你们机会,做好了充分准备。我只坚持一个要求:公开,有见证。省得再次出现“西藏真相”报道之争。
发表于 2008-4-12 08:08:37 | 只看该作者






经过文革锻炼的中国人民,---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------您那年出生的?  能不能具体点说说: 中国人民都咋经过文革的锻炼?  :confused:
发表于 2008-4-12 13:40:24 | 只看该作者



嘿,你是用什么思考问题的? 提到日本的名字就有汉奸之嫌? 你真可怜,连当汉奸的机会都没有! 你算老几? 竟然敢说不和有中国公民身份的辩论? 

 You are so pathetic!!!  你来到一个中文论坛,却申明只和有加拿大公民的人辩论, you came to the wrong place. The forum is meant for Chinese and Chinese Canadian, if you want to argue with Canadians, go to those mainstream English or French media to argue with them in English or French. By the way, the real Canadians are in their preserved tribes. You will never be one!!!

Don’t try to remind us of so-called “加拿大宪法”, you know nothing about Canadian Constitution, I suggest you to register a high school humanities class to study  Canadian constitution first. Don’t try play police, whom do you think you are? Want to check the other’s ID for the qualification to argue with you? Give me a break!!!

You wasted too much of my time,  let me tell you – I don’t argue with people who think with their toes.

If you want to argue with Canadian citizens, please write  in English or French, they are Canadian official languages, and go to where there are more Canadian citizens, obviously not this 中文论坛!!!
发表于 2008-4-12 20:20:20 | 只看该作者



嘿,你是用什么思考问题的? 提到日本的名字就有汉奸之嫌? 你真可怜,连当汉奸的机会都没有! 你算老几? 竟然敢说不和有中国公民身份的辩论? 

 You are so pathetic!!!  你来到一个中文论坛,却申明只和有加拿大公民的人辩论, you came to the wrong place. The forum is meant for Chinese and Chinese Canadian, if you want to argue with Canadians, go to those mainstream English or French media to argue with them in English or French. By the way, the real Canadians are in their preserved tribes. You will never be one!!!

Don’t try to remind us of so-called “加拿大宪法”, you know nothing about Canadian Constitution, I suggest you to register a high school humanities class to study  Canadian constitution first. Don’t try play police, whom do you think you are? Want to check the other’s ID for the qualification to argue with you? Give me a break!!!

You wasted too much of my time,  let me tell you – I don’t argue with people who think with their toes.

If you want to argue with Canadian citizens, please write  in English or French, they are Canadian official languages, and go to where there are more Canadian citizens, obviously not this 中文论坛!!!

Same sort of stupid answer and question. Same sort of fake Chinese leader and administrator. Leave me alone. I’m so sick of you.

How can you know that Canadian citizens have to use Canadian official languages here? Is it because of Canadian Constitution? You silly “expert of Canadian Constitution”.


发表于 2008-4-12 21:49:44 | 只看该作者



嘿,你是用什么思考问题的? 提到日本的名字就有汉奸之嫌? 你真可怜,连当汉奸的机会都没有! 你算老几? 竟然敢说不和有中国公民身份的辩论? 

 You are so pathetic!!!  你来到一个中文论坛,却申明只和有加拿大公民的人辩论, you came to the wrong place. The forum is meant for Chinese and Chinese Canadian, if you want to argue with Canadians, go to those mainstream English or French media to argue with them in English or French. By the way, the real Canadians are in their preserved tribes. You will never be one!!!

Don’t try to remind us of so-called “加拿大宪法”, you know nothing about Canadian Constitution, I suggest you to register a high school humanities class to study  Canadian constitution first. Don’t try play police, whom do you think you are? Want to check the other’s ID for the qualification to argue with you? Give me a break!!!

You wasted too much of my time,  let me tell you – I don’t argue with people who think with their toes.

If you want to argue with Canadian citizens, please write  in English or French, they are Canadian official languages, and go to where there are more Canadian citizens, obviously not this 中文论坛!!!

“By the way, the real Canadians are in their preserved tribes. You will never be one!!!”
发表于 2008-4-12 23:24:53 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-4-13 00:05:12 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-13 16:52:46 | 只看该作者


From: Maureen and Jerry Fiori

Date: 2008/4/8
Subject: RE: FW: Olympic Torch Relay
To: Daniel Fiori

Hi Daniel

I am glad that there are a number of protests going in support for China. Certainly it wasn't very pleasant for the protestors in Vancouver with all that rain and the silent one in Germany made me cry.

The editor of the newspaper in charge of "letters to the editor" called me to say he liked my article and that he was planning to put it in the paper tomorrow. It seems that it is timely in that there is expected to be more problems when the relay race goes off in the US. He made a few slight changes to the wording though in order to make it clearer.

While the Chinese Canadians have been working hard to make their voice heard – I am not sure too many non-Chinese have publically supported their viewpoint. I hope what I wrote gets enough people thinking about it.

Love Mom
Jerry and Maureen Fiori


From: Daniel Fiori
Sent: April 8, 2008 5:42 PM
To: Fiori
Subject: Re: FW: Olympic Torch Relay

Hi Mom, the news is upsetting, and I'm proud you actually wrote in a letter! Would be great if it goes in the paper.

I'm not sure if you're aware, since I don't think the media has provided much more than a sliver of coverage to the fact that there've been a number of rallies in support of China too.

A rally in Toronto March 28th had up to 2000 people showing up in front of the Eaton center. It was covered in local toronto news anyways.
http://www.ctvtoronto.ca/servlet ... ?hub=TorontoNewHome
However half of the news was generally devoted to interviewing some free-tibet protestors whom denounced the rally and claim it was orchestrated by Chinese government and/or VISA students. Additionally they say only hundreds showed up. However, look at the pictures I attach and you can see it was not simply a bunch of students, and it was very big.

There have been several rallies in Vancouver. One on March 29th, I couldn't find any official news on it but there is a video, and here's what the person had to say on a non-mainstream news website:

Approximately 200 pro-China protesters have gathered on the steps of the Vancouver Public Library this afternoon.  They are wearing white t-shirts with "Anti Riot and Explore The Truth" on their backs, and held the banners, "Human rights≠ riots" and "Stop media distortion".  They chanted both politically charged and altruisitic slogans, including "We love China, we love Tibet", "We want justice", "We want truth", "Stop violence", and "Stop media distortion".  A poor quality video I took with my camera phone can be seen here.

Automobile commuters can be heard honking in support of the protesters.  The protest comes one week after Tibetan protesters burned Chinese flags and chanted in front of the Chinese consulate (source).  The steps of the Vancouver Public Library has been a forum for discontent for many years.  Weekly demonstrations are common.

I've attached some pictures of some other vancouver demonstrations. They look very nice in the rain!

Another rally occured in Calgary, it was reported in the Calgary Herald as having 500 people.
http://www.canada.com/calgaryher ... 12d672b&k=35518

There's been a number of interesting demonstrations in Germany. Here's a video of an interersting "silent protest" they held.

Also here's a video of a large rally in London on April 6th: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8cuVFuwKbk#
and another: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlA6vJhnYFE
The BBC reported that day on free-tibet protests but I don't think it reported on this.

There are on-going demonstrations in support of China, but they don't get much media attention... I gather one is going to happen in Ottawa next weekend though.

On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 3:20 PM, Daniel Fiori wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Maureen and Jerry Fiori

Date: Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 10:29 AM
Subject: FW: Olympic Torch Relay
To: Daniel Fiori

Hi Daniel

I was really upset reading in the newspapers about the Olympic Torch Relay
and watching it on the news on Sunday night so as I walked home (from
walking with Dad to the bus stop) I decided I had to write to the Citizen
newspaper. I felt that if enough people wrote that they might print
someone's views to counteract the standard media view of the supposedly
"Chinese crackdown in Tibet"

I hope all is well with you and we look forward to seeing you at the end of

In a short while I will be getting ready to go out to lunch with Aunty Bert
and Janice - to a restaurant that in my mind has the best pizza (even better
than mine)

Take care
Love Mom

Jerry and Maureen Fiori
发表于 2008-4-13 20:33:37 | 只看该作者



??,????????????????????? ?á????±?????×????????é????? ????????,???±???é???ú?á??????! ????????????????????????????ú?????í·???±??????

??You are so pathetic!!!  ??????????????????,???ê?÷???????????ó????????±???, you came to the wrong place. The forum is meant for Chinese and Chinese Canadian, if you want to argue with Canadians, go to those mainstream English or French media to argue with them in English or French. By the way, the real Canadians are in their preserved tribes. You will never be one!!!

Don??t try to remind us of so-called ?°?????ó??·¨?±, you know nothing about Canadian Constitution, I suggest you to register a high school humanities class to study  Canadian constitution first. Don??t try play police, whom do you think you are? Want to check the other??s ID for the qualification to argue with you? Give me a break!!!

You wasted too much of my time,  let me tell you ¨C I don??t argue with people who think with their toes.

If you want to argue with Canadian citizens, please write  in English or French, they are Canadian official languages, and go to where there are more Canadian citizens, obviously not this ????????!!!


?°By the way, the real Canadians are in their preserved tribes. You will never be one!!!?±

1 ?????????????ó?à???????ó???????????ó??????×?????????°ì·¨??
2 ?°?????ó·¨???±????×??????????????????????ó?à???????±??
3 ????????°???
发表于 2008-4-14 17:40:02 | 只看该作者


“By the way, the real Canadians are in their preserved tribes. You will never be one!!!”

1 是不是只有绝大多数加拿大人离开加拿大,才是最好的解决办法?
2 “释宪大法官”,你自己是不是也属于这个绝大多数的一员?
3 先省略了吧!


嘿,你是用什么思考问题的? 提到日本的名字就有汉奸之嫌? 你真可怜,连当汉奸的机会都没有! 你算老几? 竟然敢说不和有中国公民身份的辩论? 

 You are so pathetic!!!  你来到一个中文论坛,却申明只和有加拿大公民的人辩论, you came to the wrong place. The forum is meant for Chinese and Chinese Canadian, if you want to argue with Canadians, go to those mainstream English or French media to argue with them in English or French. By the way, the real Canadians are in their preserved tribes. You will never be one!!!

Don’t try to remind us of so-called “加拿大宪法”, you know nothing about Canadian Constitution, I suggest you to register a high school humanities class to study  Canadian constitution first. Don’t try play police, whom do you think you are? Want to check the other’s ID for the qualification to argue with you? Give me a break!!!

You wasted too much of my time,  let me tell you – I don’t argue with people who think with their toes.

If you want to argue with Canadian citizens, please write  in English or French, they are Canadian official languages, and go to where there are more Canadian citizens, obviously not this 中文论坛!!!
发表于 2008-4-14 17:47:14 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-4-14 21:01:55 | 只看该作者



伙计,就算你是加拿大公民,也不能剥夺别人政治信仰的自由,加拿大那一条法律规定不可以支持一党体制?日本一党制了快50年,而且还有个天皇,怎么就没人说日本不是民主国家? 何况加拿大宪法也没规定中国不可以一党制.

不要在这里糊弄我们这些老中了,我们至少知道在加拿大政治信仰是不犯法的. 别拿加拿大身份唬人,又没人让你为中国冲锋陷阵,您现在不会,在中国不可能会!!!



自民党执政的时候较多,1993 年自民党就是在野党。怎么就成了一党制了?

发表于 2008-4-15 08:48:43 | 只看该作者
发表于 2008-4-16 09:59:11 | 只看该作者



您就是太"脆弱"了. 象您这样天天都绷着"阶级斗争", 是不是太累了. 俺咋就看不出"中国的处境前景就很危险了!". 而且,俺还相当自信.   

如果真理,正义,道德在你手里, 何必在乎"媒体政客误导". 何必在乎"”零的突破". 因为真理,正义,道德绝对大于零.

那只能说你是个冤大头, 到时候被人宰了还不知道自己怎么死的.

你以为全世界如果就我们知道真理道德正义, 周围全是你这样的冤大头或者无赖流氓, 我们会安全吗? 我们当然得争取大多数, 把别的冤大头开开窍才行了!

象你这样的多了, 你一边凉快去, 我们忙着呢. 你个人渴望被宰, 我们没人拦着你.
发表于 2008-4-16 10:10:57 | 只看该作者
嘿! 趁大家从ottawa回来休养生息的时候, 这帮小臭虫活跃起来啦, 挺猖獗的嘿!

现在还学会专叮一个人了, 昨天围着我, 还有个老的jijiwaiwai没个完, 甭理这帮小崽子们, 大概在约克没市场了, 十几只都跑到这来了,看看也就这么些, 蹦哒不出什么新鲜的了. 咱们拭目以待.
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