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楼主: 玩家枫子
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十月二日 (1869) 是世界伟人甘地的生辰。

 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-15 10:13:11 | 只看该作者





http://www.todayonhistory.com/8/ ... eBaJiSiTanDuLi.html


1947年8月15日。午夜钟声响后,印度脱离了英国的统治, 赢得了盼望已久的独立! 穆斯林教徒从印度教徒手里赢得了一定 的自由。他们在英联邦中将有自己独立的自治领--巴基斯坦将印度分为印、巴两国,使新德里的庆祝仪式气氛平淡。据 来自北方的旁遮普的消息报道,几天来在穆斯林教徒和印度教徒 的战斗中已经有20人被杀(历史今天TodayonHistory.com)。当最高权力移交给印度国会时,印度独立中的真正英雄不在 新德里ǚě&@áǎěì。国民议会的长期领袖莫罕达斯-甘地,在加尔各答的一 间小屋里尽力去恢复印度教徒和穆斯林教徒之间的和平。国会议 长拉詹德雷-普拉萨德先生赞扬甘地为 “我们在过去的30多年里 的灯塔、领路人和哲学家”。当普拉萨德发表演说的时候,成千上万的印度人聚集在国会大厦周围。公共事务所,教堂和商业中心灯火通明,并且挂着崭新的由藏红色、白色和深绿色构成的国旗。在午夜,当一名成员吹起海螺号的时候,议会大厅里响起了一片欢呼声,在教堂里呼唤众神时,用的也是这只螺号。议会成 员们宣誓“战斗到最后,直到这块古老的土地在世界上获得适当 的位置”(历史上今天TodayOnHistory.com)。自治领政府总理潘迪特-贾瓦哈拉尔-尼赫鲁随即通知蒙巴顿 勋爵:从午夜起他已不再是殖民地总督,而成了新任命的印度自 治领总督(历史上今天TodayOnHistory.com)。在这之前,蒙巴顿已被乔治国王封为伯爵,以表彰他在帮助 印度独立中所起的作用。当然,国王失去了印度皇帝的称号。在巴基斯坦,穆斯林领导人穆罕默德-阿里-真纳宣誓就任为 自治领的总督,大会在首都卡拉奇举行。在一些地方,人们以担忧的眼光看待次大陆上两个自治领的 产生TodayonHistory_com。报纸上广泛地报道占星家已经在宇宙中发现了不吉祥的一 对恒星(历史上今天TodayOnHistory.com)。一些印度教徒以占星学作为对未来命运的预测。尼赫鲁在召开议会前表扬甘地时,谈到了国家面临的困难。 尼赫鲁说:“我们这一带最伟大的人的抱负将是擦干每一个人的 眼泪来自:todayOnHistory.com。也许这个任务是很难完成的,但是只要还有眼泪和痛苦, 我们的任务就还没有完成”。在旁遮普,不仅仅有眼泪和痛苦(历史上今天TodayOnHistory.com)。这个省已被分割成两半, 一半属于印度,一半属于巴基斯坦。无论是在城市还是在农村, 穆斯林都在和印度教徒作战(历史上今天TodayOnHistory.com)。几乎所有住在拉合尔的印度教徒和锡克教徒都已逃离了这个 城市,但是他们的离开没能使暴行停止。街道上尸体成堆,著名 的集市处在火海中,商店被窃,5个锡克教寺院也着了火。在巴 基斯坦,独立日没有爆竹声,只有愤怒的子弹在呼啸(历史今天TodayonHistory.com)。

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-15 12:14:01 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-15 20:25:32 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2009-9-15 20:33:57 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-15 21:22:25 | 只看该作者

说别人是蠢材,自己就聪明?They’ve Seen the Future and


The New York Time: They’ve Seen the Future and Dislike the Present


Published: March 16, 2009

Two hours into Z-Day, the educational forum associated with the online movie “Zeitgeist,” Peter Joseph, the film’s director and the evening’s M.C., stepped out from behind his lectern and walked forward earnestly on the stage.
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James Estrin/The New York Times

Peter Joseph, the director of two online “Zeitgeist” movies, was applauded after criticizing the global system of monetary finance.
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James Estrin/The New York Times

Before the forum started, Jacque Fresco, 93, the futurist, talked with young admirers in the audience about his Venus Project.

In his goatee and mustache and tieless in a brown suit, Mr. Joseph had been lecturing for nearly 90 minutes on the unsustainable nature of the money-based economy — on cyclical consumption, planned obsolescence, corporate malfeasance and piles of poisonous waste. “It’s time that we wake up,” he intoned, speaking solemnly through a wireless clip-on mike. “The doomsday scenario, the big contraction, might be happening right now. The system of monetary exchange is — in the face of advancing technology — completely obsolete.”

This drew wild applause from the sold-out crowd, a patchwork of perhaps 900 people who paid $10 a head on Sunday night to sit in a packed auditorium at the Borough of Manhattan Community College on Chambers Street near the West Side Highway. Z-Day events were taking place from New England to New Zealand, but this was the big one: the marquee happening with the marquee names.

There, in the crowd, was Jacque Fresco, an industrial designer and the engineering guru of what people unironically called “the movement.” Mr. Fresco, an elfin 93-year-old, sat beside his partner, Roxanne Meadows, smiling self-effacingly.

Mr. Joseph, back on stage, waited patiently as some of the crowd, still cheering, refused to leave their feet.

If the election of Barack Obama was supposed to denote the gradual demise of churlish, corporate governance and usher in a new, sustainable era of visionary change, there was little sign of it at the second annual meeting of the Worldwide Zeitgeist Movement, which, its organizers said, held 450 sister events in 70 countries around the globe.

“The mission of the movement is the application of the scientific method for social change,” Mr. Joseph announced by way of introduction. The evening, which began at 7 with a two-hour critique of monetary economics, became by midnight a utopian presentation of a money-free and computer-driven vision of the future, a wholesale reimagination of civilization, as if Karl Marx and Carl Sagan had hired John Lennon from his “Imagine” days to do no less than redesign the underlying structures of planetary life.

In other words, a not entirely inappropriate response to the zeitgeist itself, which one young man, a philosophy student in a roomy purple blazer, described before the show began as “the world as we know it coming to an end.” As the evening labored on with a Power Point presentation, a panel talk with Mr. Fresco and a spirited question and answer session, some basic themes emerged: modern economics is a fraud; global debt will crush the planet; society itself is dying from the profit motive; and people ought to wise up to the fact that more than legislation — or presidential administrations — needs to change.

Though they were never actually shown — as most in attendance had seen them several times — Mr. Joseph’s two films, “Zeitgeist, the Movie” (released in 2007) and “Zeitgeist: Addendum” (released last fall), were the subtext of the evening: online documentaries that have been watched, he says, by 50 million people around the world.

The former may be most famous for alleging that the attacks of Sept. 11 were an “inside job” perpetrated by a power-hungry government on its witless population, a point of view that Mr. Joseph said he has recently “moved away from.” Indeed, the second film, the focus of the event, was all but empty of such conspiratorial notions, directing its rhetoric and high production values toward posing a replacement for the evils of the banking system and a perilous economy of scarcity and debt.

That’s where Mr. Fresco came in, an author, lecturer and former aircraft engineer at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio who has spent the last six decades working on the Venus Project, a futuristic society where (adjust your seatbelts, now) machines would control government and industry and safeguard the planet’s fragile resources by means of an artificially intelligent “earthwide autonomic sensor system” — a super-brain of sorts connected to, yes, all human knowledge.

If this sounds vaguely like a disaster scenario out of “2001: A Space Odyssey,” Mr. Fresco did not seem worried in the least. Machines are unemotional and unaggressive, unlike human beings, he told the crowd during the question-and-answer phase. “If you took your laptop and smashed it in front of 50 other laptops, trust me, none of them would care.”

The audience — white, black, young, old, baseball caps and business suits alike — received such words like a tonic, and the questions kept coming: What would family life be like in the future? What would happen if the automated system decided that a person had to die? Mr. Fresco and Ms. Meadows are planning the production of a major feature film to bring the Venus Project to a wider, global audience. Before the night began, Mr. Fresco, a small man with a V-neck sweater and a hearing aid, sat signing books and answering questions from a dozen or so college students gathered like acolytes at his feet.

As the evening came to a close, someone finally asked: So what would it take to actually put such a program into action? A grassroots movement, Mr. Joseph said.

“We already have a quarter-million members,” he insisted from the stage. “At the rate things are going, this will be at Madison Square Garden next year.”

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-16 08:50:18 | 只看该作者

ZEITGEIST 是争取人类从宗教斗争,政治斗争,和金钱控制中独立出来。 宗教和政治斗争都是为了争权夺利,对一部分人有好处,对大部分人不公平。

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-16 19:45:13 | 只看该作者

甘地的生日 10-2.


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-17 10:59:49 | 只看该作者

先知: 告知俺们2012年可能发生什么。

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-19 13:10:59 | 只看该作者



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 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-19 17:59:14 | 只看该作者
今后靠杀人成为民族英雄的,会越来越少。 本拉登和布什还想靠杀人成民族英雄,结果呢?

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-19 21:52:18 | 只看该作者
十月二日 (1869) 是世界伟人甘地的生辰。

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发表于 2009-9-19 23:21:49 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-20 11:41:33 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2009-9-20 14:13:03 | 只看该作者




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 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-20 22:44:48 | 只看该作者


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