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楼主: 妖精的旋律
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发表于 2012-8-29 10:04:55 | 只看该作者
回复  云高天阔

妖精的旋律 发表于 2012-8-29 10:26


若是你能听懂80%的 CBC News、Colbert Report;写一篇至少3,000字的英语文章,文不离题,不需查词典,没有拼写和语法错误,一气呵成,那么你的英语水平就算高了。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-29 10:18:21 | 只看该作者

若是你能听懂80%的 CBC News、Colbert Report;写一篇至少3,000字的英语文章,文不离题,不需查词典,没有拼写和语法错误,一气呵成,那么你的英语水平就算高了。
lapine 发表于 2012-8-29 11:04


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发表于 2012-8-29 10:23:13 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-29 11:29:21 | 只看该作者

若是你能听懂80%的 CBC News、Colbert Report;写一篇至少3,000字的英语文章,文不离题,不需查词典,没有拼写和语法错误,一气呵成,那么你的英语水平就算高了。
lapine 发表于 2012-8-29 11:04 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif


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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-29 11:32:27 | 只看该作者
contact 发表于 2012-8-29 11:23 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

    嗯,应该是我自己翻译有误,实际上想表达的是,男友老板提供的是一份permanent job ,也就是说,工作一年后可以申请移民的那种。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-29 11:37:06 | 只看该作者
关于语言, 我倒是可以多说一些.

如果在国内英文底子好一点, 到了这里后会适应的快一点. 但不管咋样的底子, 到了这里都有个适应期.
我在国内是在外企, 也自以为英文好,到了这里也适应了2,3年. 我是在国内就找好了工作,面试是通过电话进行的, 所以曾经充满了自信的来到了加拿大. 可到了后才发现,在国内的英文远远不够, 开会的时候人家说笑话,我傻乎乎的不知道人们为什么笑, 我也跟着笑,其实是我不明白又不想让别人看出来.

刚到这里的头2,3年,我几乎天天和老外同事泡在一起, 中午吃饭不从家里带饭,和老外同事出去吃, 下班也先去酒吧坐一会儿再回家, 和当地人一块出去玩,,, 就是为了尽快适应这里, 但至今我也没有真正弄懂文化层面的东西, 只是了解个大概. 现在沟通是没问题了, 有时候我还主动挑起话题开玩笑.

看各人, 看心态, 看生活方式. 比如前几天这里有个帖子,要召集刚从国内来的单身女士(老公在国内), 搞聚会. 想想看, 一帮人聚在一起整天说中文, 谈论中国文化, 永远也不会适应当地的社会.
云高天阔 发表于 2012-8-29 10:44 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif


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发表于 2012-8-29 12:26:15 | 只看该作者
云高天阔 发表于 2012-8-29 11:18



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发表于 2012-8-29 12:58:58 | 只看该作者
妖精的旋律 发表于 2012-8-29 12:29

没有那么可怕, 不用担心.

有了环境, 你们也还年轻, 只要肯学就够了.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-29 13:08:29 | 只看该作者
回复  云高天阔



另外我和我男友现在在国内的都是第一份工作,并且不在北上广这样的一线城市。如果跳槽到上海,我们俩的税前年收入提高到30-35w RMB 我还是比较有信心的。

妖精的旋律 发表于 2012-8-29 10:46

出来了不一定非要留下, 如果感觉这里不适合你们,再回去也不迟.

你们现在还年轻, 为什么要拒绝一次机会那? 不试一下是不是总会有遗憾?

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-29 14:50:08 | 只看该作者
回复 12# 妖精的旋律

你说你男友老板是要投资移民吧。投资移民有一个条件,就是能给当地人带来工作机会吧。给当地人,就是加拿大人或者加拿大PR,所以你男友不算在内的。另外你提到的“your current employer must have made an offer to give you a permanent job if you are accepted as a federal skilled worker” 是用来申请移民用的,不是工作签证。工作签证有一个条件就是单位能够证明你男友能做的事情是本地人做不了的,加拿大有很多做IT的,最不缺的应该就是IT行业的吧。不过作为中国人来说,这个问题应该好解决。






使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-29 21:03:38 | 只看该作者
回复  妖精的旋律

你说你男友老板是要投资移民吧。投资移民有一个条件,就是能给当地人带来工作机会吧。给当地人,就是加拿大人或者加拿大PR,所以你男友不算在内的。另外你提到的“your current employer must have made an offer to give you a permanent job if you are accepted as a federal skilled worker” 是用来申请移民用的,不是工作签证。工作签证有一个条件就是单位能够证明你男友能做的事情是本地人做不了的,加拿大有很多做IT的,最不缺的应该就是IT行业的吧。不过作为中国人来说,这个问题应该好解决。





红萝卜 发表于 2012-8-29 15:50 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

多伦多北边200w人民币可以买到不错的semi? not true buddy. king road/yonge north enough, right? over $500000 for a semi-detached house.

so 300W RMB  for a house is more reasonable.
remember no old-age pension until 67 years old! Canada is definately getting worse.
outsourcing IT jobs is huge proble for IT labors. lover 60% IT guys will lose their jobs in 5 years, and that's from a trust-worthy resource.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-29 21:37:41 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 红萝卜 于 2012-8-29 22:54 编辑
多伦多北边200w人民币可以买到不错的semi? not true buddy. king road/yonge north enough, right? over $500000 for a semi-detached house.

so 300W RMB  for a house is more reasonable.
remember no old-age pension until 67 years old! Canada is definately getting worse.
outsourcing IT jobs is huge proble for IT labors. lover 60% IT guys will lose their jobs in 5 years, and that's from a trust-worthy resource.
shoot228 发表于 2012-8-29 22:03 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

I am 100% with you re. the IT profession. I might be wrong with the house price since we bought a detached in Vaughan years ago when the house price was still reasonable, and I haven't been looking for one since. So I don't have the best idea about that. I know that our house price went up quite a bit though.

About the old age pension, I think it applies based on your income. It is also a very minimal amount that it barely counts anything. China is not getting better either. Have you read about the news that China is going to gradually increase the retirement age for both men and women to 65 by the end of 2020?

On the other hand, Both countries have the problem of an aging population. However, with the large number of people in China and the number of jobs that were created, China would need people to fill up those positions; while they cannot find as many people at the working age as they need, a pay increase to attract employees will be necessary. Therefore, the salary level in China will very soon catch up with the more developed countries. (this is not my personal opinion, please see Boom Bust & Echo by a professor from UofT named David Foot). Personally, I think younger generations are better off staying in China as they have a much better chance toward a successful career and a fruitful life. My son is a 2 year old mix blood, but I insist him speaking Chinese with me at home because I know it would be more than just useful for his own good; yet, I also cringe when thinking about the pollution, the manner of driving, the corruption, the mistress culture, and many other things that I can't bring myself to think about; I don't know if I would be at ease if he decides to go pursue his future in China one day.

Life is in your own hands, choose wisely.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-8-29 21:49:33 | 只看该作者
I am 100% with you re. the IT profession. I might be wrong with the house price since we bought a detached in Vaughan years ago when the house price was still reasonable, and I haven't been looking for one since. So I don't have the best idea about that. I know that our house price went up quite a bit though.

About the old age pension, I think it applies based on your income. It is also a very minimal amount that it barely counts anything. China is not getting better either. Have you read about the news that China is going to gradually increase the retirement age for both men and women to 65 by the end of 2020?

On the other hand, Both countries have the problem of an aging population. However, with the large number of people in China and the number of jobs that were created, China would need people to fill up those positions; while they cannot find as many people at the working age as they need, a pay increase to attract employees will be necessary. Therefore, the salary level in China will very soon catch up with the more developed countries. (this is not my personal opinion, please see Boom Bust & Echo by a professor from UofT named David Foot). Personally, I think younger generations are better off staying in China as they have a much better chance toward a successful career and a fruitful life. My son is a 2 year old mix blood, but I insist him speaking Chinese with me at home because I know it would be more than just useful for his own good; yet, I also cringe when thinking about the pollution, the manner of driving, the corruption, the mistress culture, and many other things that I can't bring myself to think; I don't know if I would be at ease if he decides to go pursue his future in China one day.

Life is in your own hands, choose wisely.
红萝卜 发表于 2012-8-29 22:37

赞英文!! (y)

你们这是要搞英文比赛啊! 看来我这个"土"斑竹也要变成"洋"斑竹了. :laugh:

等我先睡一觉,明天想点词儿和你们PK. 呼呼,,,

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发表于 2012-8-29 22:21:01 | 只看该作者
回复 29# 云高天阔


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发表于 2012-8-29 22:55:42 | 只看该作者
回复  云高天阔

红萝卜 发表于 2012-8-29 23:21 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

    that's right. noned of us wanted to show off. the reason I'm using english is because of  the hardness of typing chinese characters. it takes too long and too slow for me to do that. moving out of the country is a big decision, which will determine the life style. no regret is the better outcome.  I'm not very familar with the life in china since I've been here for over 15 years. however as per the feedback from my friends, it's usually easier to live there.
a sizable amount of Canadian IT jobs will be moved to India. there is no clear future for young IT guys in Canada. Holding development site within Canada incurrs big cost. the two biggest Canada IT companies, Notel and RIM, were all downsizing. one turned into bankruptcy, the  other is getting there.

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