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9月房产年同比下滑15.1% 比8月大幅上升

发表于 2012-10-15 18:47:20 | 只看该作者
一看是"2.5% "

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-10-15 18:50:15 | 只看该作者
觉得有点夸张, 希望不是故意的

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-10-15 18:56:54 | 只看该作者
一看是"2.5% "
理财无忧 发表于 2012-10-15 19:47 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif




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发表于 2012-10-15 19:02:12 | 只看该作者

9月房产年同比下滑15.1% 比8月大幅上升

本帖最后由 就是不给你用 于 2012-10-15 20:06 编辑



个人看法。也许不对。 忘了,我说的房子当然是指有地的房子。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-10-15 19:15:23 | 只看该作者
本人经常来看帖子,只要有房子信息的,我总能看到有几个熟悉的面孔(网名)在这里发表他们自己的观点,本人不评论,我只是参考性的表达,多伦多的房价,处于下跌的前夜,这是事实,现在有一些华人经纪手中的楼花正在急于出手,什么大跌价阿,什么回国急出手阿,这些都是一贯的骗人的手法,想买房的,或钱不够的,暂时不要急于听信这里的谣言进入楼市,房子是买来住的,有能力买就买,最好不要现在买,也不要当这个冤大头,自己看,自己到市场调研,我可以准确地告诉你,我不了解东区,我可以告诉你多伦多西区,Burlington 那个区域现在的新房子就在17-25万的范围,新房子,如果确实想买房子的,是为了自己居住,可以自己去看房子或直接登记购买,没有必要去挤进所谓豪宅60万以上的区域,很多房价虚高,不值那么多钱,让那些有钱的人去享受那种虚高的资产,以满足所谓富人区的富人的自我资产满足。
Edward63 发表于 2012-10-15 18:26 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif


本来英文写作者已经偏心于JJ, 而51的编译则再次进行放大。

标题:Home sales drop 15% in September as prices edge higher
副标题:Prices increase by 1.1% in past 12 months, realtor group says

The average price of a Canadian home inched 1.1 per cent higher to $355,777 in September, even as the number of homes sold fell precipitously.

The Canadian Real Estate Association's monthly sales data released Monday show the volume of home sales across the country was 15.1 per cent lower in September 2012 compared to the same month a year earlier.

More than half of all local markets posted declines of at least 10 per cent, CREA said.

"New mortgage rules continue to keep a lid on national sales activity," CREA president Wayne Moen said in a release.

“In the shadow of the latest mortgage rule changes, activity has ratcheted down from higher levels seen during the fourth quarter last year," CREA chief economist Gregory Klump added.

In July, the federal government capped the maximum length for an insured mortgage at 25 years, making it harder to qualify for a mortgage and likely to squeeze new buyers out of the market and let the air out of price gains.

That's exactly what's happening, CREA says.

"While some first-time homebuyers may no longer qualify for mortgage financing under the new rules, it is likely that many others are stepping back and reassessing how much house they can realistically afford, which is one of the things new mortgage rules were designed to do."

At various times over the past 18 months, CREA has warned that the national average price has been artificially skewed higher or lower because of activity in Canada's two largest housing markets — Toronto and Vancouver.

Vancouver drags prices lower
That was once again the case in September, as CREA said fewer sales in Greater Vancouver this year compared to much stronger levels last year dragged the average lower.

The Vancouver market currently represents about five per cent of all home sales in the country.

If Vancouver is stripped out of the equation, the national average would have shown a year-over-year increase of 3.4 per cent.

"While most major markets are recovering from previous price declines, the average price in Toronto hit a new record high of $509,700," Toronto-Dominion Bank economist Francis Fong said in a note.

"The Canadian housing market has clearly lost some of its lustre," he notes, adding that he does not expect a widespread national correction. "The bulk of the correction will be concentrated in markets we feel are particularly overvalued, such as Toronto and Vancouver," he said.:thumbd:

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-10-15 19:33:32 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2012-10-15 19:45:44 | 只看该作者

9月房产年同比下滑15.1% 比8月大幅上升

本帖最后由 建华 于 2012-10-15 21:02 编辑


最后一段:"The Canadian housing market has clearly lost some of its lustre," he notes, adding that he does not expect a widespread national correction. "The bulk of the correction will be concentrated in markets we feel are particularly overvalued, such as Toronto and Vancouver," he said.(大概意思是:“很明显,加拿大房屋市场已经失去了一些光彩,”他提到,补充说他不预期全国范围的修正。“这个修正会集中在我们感觉到已经明显地被高估的市场,例如多伦多和温哥华。”翻译得正不正确,请无忧了斧正。)

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发表于 2012-10-15 19:46:48 | 只看该作者

9月房产年同比下滑15.1% 比8月大幅上升

本帖最后由 Essogas 于 2012-10-15 20:55 编辑
本人经常来看帖子,只要有房子信息的,我总能看到有几个熟悉的面孔(网名)在这里发表他们自己的观点,本人不评论,我只是参考性的表达,多伦多的房价,处于下跌的前夜,这是事实,现在有一些华人经纪手中的楼花正在急于出手,什么大跌价阿,什么回国急出手阿,这些都是一贯的骗人的手法,想买房的,或钱不够的,暂时不要急于听信这里的谣言进入楼市,房子是买来住的,有能力买就买,最好不要现在买,也不要当这个冤大头,自己看,自己到市场调研,我可以准确地告诉你,我不了解东区,我可以告诉你多伦多西区,Burlington 那个区域现在的新房子就在17-25万的范围,新房子,如果确实想买房子的,是为了自己居住,可以自己去看房子或直接登记购买,没有必要去挤进所谓豪宅60万以上的区域,很多房价虚高,不值那么多钱,让那些有钱的人去享受那种虚高的资产,以满足所谓富人区的富人的自我资产满足。
Edward63 发表于 2012-10-15 18:26 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

让你一说对Burlington的房子还真赶兴趣, 新房才17到25万,GO Train一通, 房价应有上涨空间 (忘问你多大的新房了? 能否指教?), 可是到mls.ca上一查, 单车房的旧房都过了30万了, 正常双车房的怎么都要四五十万,60多万的房子也停普通, 绝算不上豪宅,  不比多伦多便宜多少(好在不难验证, 上www.mls.ca打入 Burlington, Ontario既可查询), 是你的房价有问题还是我的眼睛有问题? 你说的此价莫不是Condo吧?

很confused, 请指教

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-10-15 20:35:26 | 只看该作者

9月房产年同比下滑15.1% 比8月大幅上升

本帖最后由 Essogas 于 2012-10-15 21:39 编辑

最后一段:"The Canadian housing market has clearly lost some of its lustre," he notes, adding that he does not expect a widespread national correction. "The bulk of the correction will be concentrated in markets we feel are particularly overvalued, such as Toronto and Vancouver," he said.(大概意思是:“很明显,加拿大房屋市场已经失去了一些光彩,”他提到,补充说他不预期全国范围的修正。“这个修正会集中在我们感觉到已经明显地被高估的市场,例如多伦多和温哥华。”翻译得正不正确,请无忧了斧正。)
建华 发表于 2012-10-15 20:45 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

我感觉这次房价应该会跌, 缺钱的, 等房价跌了10%以上抓紧机会买一个可心的, 然后也在属于自己的窝中盼着房价天天涨,真正有钱的其实也无所谓涨跌, 都是账面上的数字, 更何况大多数做的都是长线,(象无忧了同志) 不在乎短期起伏, 无非是多挣少挣的问题, 个人处境和经济情况不同, 心境自然不同, 从此文中得出的结论自然不同, 可以理解

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-10-15 20:58:02 | 只看该作者

9月房产年同比下滑15.1% 比8月大幅上升

本帖最后由 建华 于 2012-10-15 21:59 编辑

1. Not only are home prices too high the homes themselves are way too big. It seems the people building them want little dream mansions when a small home similar to those built after WW2 would be more than enough.

2. $355,777 is beyond my belief as an average price of houses. I bought my 3-bedroom home in suburban Montreal 20 years ago for $91,000. No wonder people are carrying such massive debt.

3. This is the beginning - Price corrections will follow. The sooner the better, the price has been skyrocketing and as we know, the higher it flies, the greater the fall.

4. If the sales of homes are "falling dramatically" then it does not really matter what the price is.

The value of a thing is not based on its price; it's based on the willingness of people to pay it. That willingness is dropping like a stone, as are sales, as will prices.

5. And who should you trust more than the Canadian Real Estate Association when it comes to these numbers...maybe that lawyer who was handing out business cards in the Emergency Room of your local hospital.



使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-10-15 21:02:52 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2012-10-15 21:03:23 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-10-15 21:10:07 | 只看该作者
让你一说对Burlington的房子还真赶兴趣, 新房才17到25万,GO Train一通, 房价应有上涨空间 (忘问你多大的新房了? 能否指教?), 可是到mls.ca上一查, 单车房的旧房都过了30万了, 正常双车房的怎么都要四五十万,60多万的房子也停普通, 绝算不上豪宅,  不比多伦多便宜多少(好在不难验证, 上打入 Burlington, Ontario既可查询), 是你的房价有问题还是我的眼睛有问题? 你说的此价莫不是Condo吧?

很confused, 请指教
Essogas 发表于 2012-10-15 20:46

burlington许多区是富人区, 尤其靠近湖边的。许多退休的人士喜欢住那里。 现在,George Town的房价相对而言便宜些。 再过几年, 就不好说了。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-10-15 21:15:53 | 只看该作者

9月房产年同比下滑15.1% 比8月大幅上升

本帖最后由 Essogas 于 2012-10-15 22:29 编辑
burlington许多区是富人区, 尤其靠近湖边的。许多退休的人士喜欢住那里。 现在,George Town的房价相对而言便宜些。 再过几年, 就不好说了。
MONEYWEATHER 发表于 2012-10-15 22:10 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

那到底有没有17到25万的New House? 有的话有多大?能给个链接么?

怎么我查当地价格下来的感觉此贴作者象个在Burlington卖Condo楼花的?还是个没挣到钱的卖楼花的, 60万在他眼中就成豪宅了? 那岂不是咱世家宝50%以上华人房主在住豪宅? 更不用说Markham, 至少也得80%以上的豪宅, Richmond Hill那得是100%的豪宅了

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-10-15 21:18:58 | 只看该作者

9月房产年同比下滑15.1% 比8月大幅上升

本帖最后由 Essogas 于 2012-10-15 22:21 编辑
burlington许多区是富人区, 尤其靠近湖边的。许多退休的人士喜欢住那里。 现在,George Town的房价相对而言便宜些。 再过几年, 就不好说了。
MONEYWEATHER 发表于 2012-10-15 22:10 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

George Town 是Brampton再朝西北的地方么? 前几天开车去过, 到处是工地, 全是洋人, 不太喜欢这个地方

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