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楼主: 有风无月
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发表于 2004-9-28 16:09:51 | 只看该作者
I think you got the point.

I have been through a lot of pain in the past 6 years. Many unfair things have happened to me. That was why I didn't even think the thing that we were arguing about was a big deal.

How much pain?? More than you can imagine, probably.

I learnt to deal with things, to fight back when I could, and I won, most of the time, but this is not the point. More important, I learnt to tolarate more than I could ever do before.

However, there is one thing I have never wanted or done before, that is to show my pain, my scars to everybody on internet, and I have never cried about    'People, please, help me, or back me up'.  

Why?? Because it just doesn't work. It only makes you not trust in yourself.

After all, we are all adults, and responsible to our own actions and consequences. We will have to learn to deal with things independently.

I am just sick of seeing so many crying babies here.

No saying how successful I am, I am sure there are so many successful people out there, and they never complain in public.

I am just proud of myself, and do not see anything wrong with that.

I am having some personal opinions. You don't agree, fine with me.  :O

Next time, all of the people who said things to attack others, learn some manner before you come up to internet. Stop your personal attacks, and learn how to state your opinions.  
发表于 2004-9-28 23:15:29 | 只看该作者
I think you got the point.

I have been through a lot of pain in the past 6 years. Many unfair things have happened to me. That was why I didn't even think the thing that we were arguing about was a big deal.

How much pain?? More than you can imagine, probably.

I learnt to deal with things, to fight back when I could, and I won, most of the time, but this is not the point. More important, I learnt to tolarate more than I could ever do before.

However, there is one thing I have never wanted or done before, that is to show my pain, my scars to everybody on internet, and I have never cried about    'People, please, help me, or back me up'.  

Why?? Because it just doesn't work. It only makes you not trust in yourself.

After all, we are all adults, and responsible to our own actions and consequences. We will have to learn to deal with things independently.

I am just sick of seeing so many crying babies here.

No saying how successful I am, I am sure there are so many successful people out there, and they never complain in public.

I am just proud of myself, and do not see anything wrong with that.

I am having some personal opinions. You don't agree, fine with me.  :O

Next time, all of the people who said things to attack others, learn some manner before you come up to internet. Stop your personal attacks, and learn how to state your opinions.  

You speak fantastic English, anyway.
That's true actually.
发表于 2004-9-29 09:17:03 | 只看该作者

To: 南山秀才

Thanks for your compliment.  
发表于 2004-9-30 14:45:42 | 只看该作者



Only 一面之词.

Forget it, and you will be happy. You have to learn how to think in Canadian way, or go back to China.

So, you think that is Canadian Way?
For my experience, that most happens at Chinese or Asian person owned Clinic.
发表于 2004-9-30 14:46:13 | 只看该作者

回复:To: 南山秀才

To: 南山秀才

Thanks for your compliment.  

But you will not have our respects, never.
发表于 2004-9-30 14:54:55 | 只看该作者

回复:Be tough

Be tough

Get a skin, be tough.

There are thousands of unfair things in the world that happen on daily basis. Will you protest each of them?

Learn to cope with the new life, and learn to laugh at small things. Use the energy to do something more productive, for God sake.

Do you know that idiom, "Crying Baby always gets candy"?

The Ugly Chinaman, speak out now!
发表于 2004-10-1 08:23:59 | 只看该作者


OK, but that is your call. No point to argue with you.

You thought you were qualified to represent all others, so you said the word 'OUR'. I am afraid you cannot do that, because nobody asked you to represent them.


回复:To: 南山秀才

But you will not have our respects, never.
发表于 2004-10-1 08:34:36 | 只看该作者

回复:回复:Be tough

Sure I know of the idiom. I feel it is so ironic when you used it in this situation though.

Great!! Somebody would like to be a crying baby, and get some candy. I guess I cannot stop him.


回复:Be tough

Do you know that idiom, "Crying Baby always gets candy"?

The Ugly Chinaman, speak out now!
发表于 2004-10-1 08:48:41 | 只看该作者


You wanna know why?

First, because the guy was late, and at that moment, he was wrong. He made an appointment, and he should have been there on time.

If he apologized, OK, at least he showed some manner, at least he knew he was wrong, and maybe he could have been forgiven. But NO, he didn't. He didn't even think he did anything wrong. Moreover, he found many excuses for his own action and question later.

This is a typical self-centered way of thinking. It might work in China, but doesn' work here.

Everybody has to wait in the line in clinic, and this is a common sense. Citizens have the right not to tell anybody their names, and that is common sense too.

He questioned the clinic after he was late, and got pissed because he didn't get what he wanted. He started picking on the clinic staff, and asked her name. What on earth he thought he was? A cop? What a joke!!

All of the above are the Canadian way. It doesn't matter if it happened in a Asian clinic. If you don't know, at least, you could learn from it.



So, you think that is Canadian Way?
For my experience, that most happens at Chinese or Asian person owned Clinic.
发表于 2004-10-1 13:28:11 | 只看该作者
Hi, Upper stair, get angry?
complaining about what people say against your comments?

Then to be the way you called Canadian Way or Go back to China!!

Doubting if you were involved in it or you were witness.

I was once in a native Chinese lady's clinic in Mississauga, my appointment was 1:30 pm, and doctor didn't show up until 2:30 pm. I asked the receptionist what happened, what I got was a cold face and only "I don't know", which I never experienced in Weston person's clinic.
The doctor was late for an hour, keeping more than seven patients waiting for her, and she didn't even bother to apologize to them when she finally was there.

Asking you, is that Canadian Way or Chinese Way, to treat patients or customer?
发表于 2004-10-4 09:08:50 | 只看该作者

Are you joking?

I wasn't angry, just disappointed at you. That is all.

I tried my best to explain whatever I know to you, because you were asking about the canadian way, and I hope you would get it. It seems you just don't. I was just wasting my time.

Remember, others being rude doesn't mean you have to be rude back. If you are, that only make you look bad.

I choose to be a better person when I meet a situation like that, and forgive other people's ignorance.

Again, if you choose to be a rude person, go ahead. That is your choice, not mine.

This is the end of the story............


Hi, Upper stair, get angry?
complaining about what people say against your comments?

Then to be the way you called Canadian Way or Go back to China!!

Doubting if you were involved in it or you were witness.

I was once in a native Chinese lady's clinic in Mississauga, my appointment was 1:30 pm, and doctor didn't show up until 2:30 pm. I asked the receptionist what happened, what I got was a cold face and only "I don't know", which I never experienced in Weston person's clinic.
The doctor was late for an hour, keeping more than seven patients waiting for her, and she didn't even bother to apologize to them when she finally was there.

Asking you, is that Canadian Way or Chinese Way, to treat patients or customer?
发表于 2004-10-4 13:33:20 | 只看该作者

回复:Are you joking?


Again, if you choose to be a rude person, go ahead. That is your choice, not mine.


Don't slap on your own face yourself.

go back to china
You just chose the rude way yourself.

If you say that to anyone here, you only can have for return is: "Go back and XXXX yourself."
发表于 2004-10-4 19:31:26 | 只看该作者
潇潇--女人 已经接近成佛的境界了,包容万物。
发表于 2004-10-4 22:34:11 | 只看该作者


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