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さようなら Happy End(Goodbye Happy End)1

发表于 2016-2-11 10:31:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
さようならHappy End(Goodbye Happy End)
                                                                                                                                                          By Celia
A normal day, at Canada, Toronto, a normal place, Celiou, anormal person, (but acted unnormaly at that moment) calmly stood on the top ofa tall building, and ready to took a leap. But she doesn’t know, there’s twogirls, Lydia and Akasha, who does the same thing as her.
“It’s time to end! “She thought: “All those endless rumoursof me, which I had chosen to ignore, and those bullying just because of I haveno parents! It’s not fair! ”
“ENOUGH!” She yelled and took a leap.
Wind swirled beside her, and she felt free. Suddenly, sheheard a voice said: “Do you want to die, or start a new beginning with twogirls like you, Celiou?” “WHOA! She blurted out. “Who are you? How did you knowmy name?” she thought. “That doesn’t matter now, and I WILL tell you later, youonly have a couple of seconds, make your decision NOW! That voice whispered toher quickly.
“OK, if you can. Celiou sighed sadly. And a second later,she felt light as a feather, and free as a bird. She watched her body fell andfragmented, it’s just like a dream! But a new feeling appeared in her brainsoon: half excitement and half nervous. “I’m gonna start a new life, with twogirls like me, but the problem is: how to greet them and what should I do if Iquarrel with them about a question or something? And by the way, what if one ofthem speaks a different language? They could come from ANYWHERE in the world!”She felt more nervous. “Don’t worry. One of them speaks Japanese, but she canspeak English too, and I’m pretty sure you’re good at Japanese.” The voice saidwith a reassuring voice. “OK, well, so when do we arrive? And what’s your name?Celiou asked in a tired voice. “Oh, yeah, almost there. And my name is Charlotte.”That voice, no, Charlotte said.
“Here we are!” Charlotte said excitedly.
“Huh? Where? Celiou asked.
“There!” Charlotte brought her to the ground gently, Celiousaw her body appeared, then, Charlotte pointed to an old doll shop, and itsname is “If The World”. But that didn’t brought her eyes. The thing thatbrought her eyes is Celiou saw a teenager stood in front her, which is verytall, and wearing a blue denim skirt, a bright golden necklace, a pair ofcrystal earrings, and brown boots which had tassel on them. Her brown hair isvery long and smooth and her skin is pink.
“WOW!” Celiou’s mouth dropped: “You looks … SO FASHION!!!!”
“Really?” Charlotte said incredibly.
“YEAH!!!!” Celiou said: “you’re the kind of girl I dreamedto be!!!!”
“Oh, OK.” Charlotte nodded. “But that’s not the point, the others are waiting for you, c’mon!” Shesaid anxiously. Celiou, suddenly felt nervous again, followed her awkwardly.
Celiou and Charlotte headed to the doll shop. Celiou’s heartbeat really fast, and when she entered the doll shop, she saw two people satbeside a round table, one of them seems like an American, and another isproperly an Asian. And what made her a bit comfortable is they both looked sonervous like her.
“OK, so this is our last person.” Charlotte said: “And whydon’t you introduce yourself, girls?”
“Shoooo.”Celiou took a deep breath and said: “OK, so I’mgonna start.”
“My name is Celiou. And I have no parents, just because ofthat, my classmates kept bully me. And Charlotte told me that a person speaksJapanese, and I do know how to speak Japanese, so I can help. That’s it.” Shefinally finished and sat down beside the table.
About ten seconds later, the person seems like an Americanstood up, and started introduce herself.
“My name is Lydia Granger, and same as Celiou, I was beingbullied by my classmates, and that’s because I look like a famous person in my school.”Lydia gave Celiou a wry smile.
And theyre both waiting for the last person.But she just sat there. Soon, Celiou remembered she can speak Japanese, so shewhispered by the last person’s ear, “あなたはそれがちょうど私に言う言うことができない場合は、私が翻訳することができます。Whichmeans if you can’t say that just tell me, I can translate it for you. But shesaid, “I can do it, it’s OK.” Then she started, “My … name is … AkashaMatsumura, I wanted to die because my … dad … and … my mom … wants a …son…”Akasha buried her head into her arms and she cried.
“That’s OK, you have us!” Celiou comforted her and shesmiled, “And your English is good!” Celiou passed her a pack of tissue paper.
“Thanks.” Akasha opened it and she wiped her tears.
“Hey,” Lydia said, “I just found that we have one thing incommon, and that is our life is TOTALY UNFAIR during we were BORN!!”
“Me, too.” Celiou and Akasha said at the same time.
“Hmmm, girls, it’s time to tell you what’re you gonna do.”Charlotte said. “You’re gonna complete a mission ONE BY ONE. OK? And when aperson is completing it the other two people can watch her. And … have youheard about black fairy tales?”
“What was that?” Akasha asked.
Its 黒のおとぎ話. Celiou said.
“Oh, thanks! I’ve heard about that, it’s quite sad.” Akashasaid.
“So, everybody had heard about that?” Charlotte asked, “Andwhat you’re gonna do is to be a character in the black fairy tale world.” Shesaid, “And Celiou, you’re gonna be Little Red Riding Hood.”
“Wow,” Celiou frowned, “So I’m gonna kill my … grandmother?”
“Yeah, and that’s because your mother said you’re gonna getmany heritages.”
“Well, but who WANT them?” Celiou said in a disdain voice.
“I don’t want them either, but that’s your mission, dear.Charlotte said sadly.

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