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楼主: 华人岛主
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发表于 2015-4-15 21:56:50 | 只看该作者
Psychiatrists: Wynne’s early sex-ed program is ‘sexual abuse’

TORONTO, March 3, 2015 (LifeSiteNews.com) –The new elementary school sex education curriculum just unveiled by Ontario’s Liberal and lesbian premier, Kathleen Wynne, is a “disaster,” and amounts to “sexual abuse,” according to psychotherapists interviewed by LifeSiteNews.

“Any action which sexualizes a child before he or she is ready is sexual abuse,” said Dr. Robert McDonald, a retired psychotherapist and medical doctor. “Therefore so-called sex-ed for children before puberty is an act of sexual abuse.”

Children learn by imitation and repetition, McDonald said. If they are informed about masturbation they will experiment with it, find it pleasurable, perfect it and many will pursue it obsessively. “Like pornography, if young boys learn about it too young they will become addicted,” he said. Their schoolwork and social lives will suffer and their relations with girls their age will be distorted because they will view them as sex objects and not people.

Nobody knows better than a parent what is right to teach a child at any moment, said Dr. McDonald. “What disqualifies Kathleen Wynne from teaching sex to my children is that she is not the parent of my children. I am the parent and I have the right.”

Dr. Rick Fitzgibbons, who is founder of the Institute of Marital Healing in Pennsylvania and developer of “forgiveness therapy” for helping troubled marriages, told LifeSiteNews that if a mental health professional pushed homosexuality or transgenderism on youth the way Ontario’s sex education curriculum does, without warning them about the health risks, “they would be guilty of malpractice. I wonder if teachers can be sued for malpractice.”

The new curriculum teaches children to accept homosexuality as normal, and something they are born with and cannot control and that, while virtually no consensual sexual activity is wrong, communicating negative ideas about someone else’s sexual activity, orientation, or gender identity is definitely wrong.

“You could be sued for this if you were a psychiatrist,” said Fitzgibbons. “It’s not just malpractice but morally wrong not to inform students about the health risks.” He cited a new American study of 180 transgender youth showing thrice the rate of depression, suicidal thinking, and anxiety that their peers experienced.

And lest this be deemed to apply only to pre-operative transsexuals, he cites a 2010 Swedish study showing the same problems among those who had a “sex change.” “You can’t cure unhappiness by mutilating your sexual organs,” said Dr. Fitzgibbons, who says his professional experience is that transgenderism is not innate but a response to unhappy circumstance. “I have one young female client who is being bullied by her female peers. She thinks if she became a male it would make her more powerful.”

Many studies show co-habiting also increases health risks, said Dr. Fitzgibbons, with more depression and spousal battery for example.  Homosexuality brings many risks too, such as cancer at a much earlier age. “But do you think the school curriculum will warn students about that?” he asked. “Hardly.”

Peter Jon Mitchell, a researcher at the Ottawa-based Institute of Marriage and Family, told LifeSiteNews that sexual activity for many Ontario parents was “deeply ethical” and associated with “a lot of closely-held beliefs.” These parents are bound to come into conflict with the sex-ed curriculum because it appears to have only one ethical constraint: that sexual activity must be consensual. “That is certainly necessary,” said Mitchell, “but it is really a very low moral standard.”

“Many parents believe sex should only happen within a healthy relationship, but consent is not a marker for a healthy relationship,” Mitchell added. “It can happen without a relationship at all, for example, in a one-night stand.”

The curriculum teaches about abstinence but follows quickly, Mitchell notes, with advice for those who aren’t abstinent about how to do it safely. “That is certainly a mixed message.”

“Sex education is a tool,” said Mitchell, “but it is a pretty dull tool. Research shows that parental values and their relationship with their kids is the most important factor affecting teenager’s sexual behaviour.”

One thing that makes sex-ed so dull a tool is that each student is maturing sexually at a different rate, Mitchell said. The curriculum, with tens of thousands of students at each grade level, is not flexible enough to address this difference. Even a teacher, with 20 to 30 students, cannot address it. “That is why parents should be the prime sex educators.”

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发表于 2015-4-15 22:06:52 | 只看该作者
西风纵 发表于 2015-4-15 21:25

大家为什么反对新大 ...

我还真没那么激动,犯得着生气吗?到是你这么气急败坏, 也是受过高等教育的,心里脏,嘴巴更脏。你不用装,你就是!别总拉着“大家”, 我还就针对你这几个人!

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发表于 2015-4-15 22:25:37 | 只看该作者
5 past 6 发表于 2015-4-15 15:10
菲律宾妹子不要钱嘛?你还一遍遍的去。本来想你去趟迪拜拍个金马桶回来看 ...


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发表于 2015-4-15 22:27:19 | 只看该作者
一念万年 发表于 2015-4-15 22:06
我还真没那么激动,犯得着生气吗?到是你这么气急败坏, 也是受过高等教育的,心里脏,嘴巴更脏。你不用 ...



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发表于 2015-4-15 22:38:17 | 只看该作者
西风纵 发表于 2015-4-15 21:03
根据那个一念万年的看法:你不喜欢同性恋,就是歧视同性恋;你不想让你的孩子成为同性恋,也是歧视同性恋 ...


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发表于 2015-4-15 22:45:31 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 西风纵 于 2015-4-15 22:48 编辑
beter 发表于 2015-4-15 20:16
你知道为什么同性恋会有今天,因为,他们中的确有很多天才级的人物,当他们在经济,科技领域拥有了一定的 ...



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发表于 2015-4-15 22:45:53 | 只看该作者
一念万年 发表于 2015-4-15 22:06
我还真没那么激动,犯得着生气吗?到是你这么气急败坏, 也是受过高等教育的,心里脏,嘴巴更脏。你不用 ...



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发表于 2015-4-15 23:00:27 来自触屏版 | 只看该作者
weinberger 发表于 2015-4-15 21:28
这不一样啊,希特勒,斯大林,老毛都是独裁者,虽然权倾一时,但也始终生活在被人民推翻和政变的恐惧中, ...


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发表于 2015-4-15 23:16:08 | 只看该作者
两声叹息 发表于 2015-4-15 23:00
恐惧的内容有很多,我们省长如果有恐惧的话,应该不是她的政权被推翻,而是和她的个人经历有关。 ...


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发表于 2015-4-15 23:56:41 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 克 飞 于 2015-4-16 00:00 编辑

”张三“、”窗窗“和”克飞党妈万岁“代表了文革中的三种人。分别是制造仇恨, 煽动群众和颠倒是非。

他们三个人领导了51网这次轰轰烈烈的  反教材=》反韦恩 =》反自由党  =》反同性恋=》


反人权 =======》反华人的运动.

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发表于 2015-4-16 05:50:43 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2015-4-16 06:11:28 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2015-4-16 06:13:07 来自触屏版 | 只看该作者
一念万年 发表于 2015-4-15 21:14
反同分子就是这么信口雌黄! 你可以不喜欢同性恋!但你不能以各种恶毒攻击同性恋为手段达到你自己的目的 ...


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发表于 2015-4-16 10:53:52 | 只看该作者
weinberger 发表于 2015-4-15 19:27
那大家理性的想想韦恩和自由党这样做到底为了什么? 为了权?她已经有了。为了钱?搞这事也揽不到钱吧。 为 ...

我最开始跟我老婆说这个事的时候, 我老婆的第一直觉就是你说的这个  ‘“为了推广同性恋肛交为自己正名,为了报复社会”

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发表于 2015-4-16 13:07:21 | 只看该作者
不想让孩子成为同性恋就是歧视同性恋?不想得爱滋就是歧视爱滋病人贝?不想生病就是歧视病人贝?不想化妆就是歧视化妆的贝?these ppl have really gone retarded, haven't they!?! 一切反自然的知识和行为 IS DOOMED TO FAILURE。比方说同性恋,我不歧视同性恋,和我没有一毛钱关系。但世界都同性恋了,想绝种阿?!因为个人原因,因为被人给予的权力,以拳谋私,想怎么地就怎么地,和希特勒一样,注定被社会,被历史唾骂,成为历史的罪人。不要让别人在你的groove上吐痰擤鼻涕!

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