本帖最后由 中 加 关 系 于 2012-6-26 16:40 编辑
Why do you REPEAT your POST # 39 demanding I make my sexual orientation public, why do you reiterate and stress your speculation on subject as private as sexual orientation about me, another member of general public, after I had directly showed my objection to your personal question in initial post #38?
I am offended by your rudeness, and certainly appalled by the way that you were persistently trying to dog another individual's personal aspect protected with the overall privacy. You are stalking and making harassment, don't you know that?
I am telling you again, stop your rude and offensive behavior.
Gust101 发表于 2012-6-26 14:39
你不说自己是同性恋还是异性恋, 大家从你上面的N个帖子里也能猜出来. 顺便说一句, 你的中文差到关键时刻必须用洋文才能表达的地步? |