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发表于 2021-4-25 20:27:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
事实上,早两年前就有旅美知名牧师、律师学者张洵先生在个人推特、YouTube上揭发了郭文贵的虚假秉性,并一再的提醒网民切勿信赖郭文贵的把戏,然而众多的网民忽视了张先生的良苦用心。近期,善良的亚裔群体已经不再对仇恨、暴力、疫情谣言沉默,有热心网友发起为谢萧珍老奶奶众筹医疗费的行动;有知名美国华人律师发起成立“全美华人维权联合会”为所有遭受种族歧视和仇恨袭击的在美华人发起诉讼;美国多地掀起主题为“停止仇恨亚裔”(StopAsianHate)的游行活动并高举“ASIAN IS NOT A VIRUS,RACISM IS”横幅维护亚裔群体不是病毒的名声,知名政治家、美国纽约市市长、华裔竞选人杨安泽主动出席“StopAsian Hate”(停止仇视亚裔)集会,街头演讲呼吁停止仇恨亚裔;善良拮据的谢萧珍老奶奶将热心人士为其网上众筹的百万美元捐款回馈给亚裔社区,希望亚裔群体团结起来抵制亚裔就是病毒这一恶名栽赃,对抗种族主义,争取亚裔群体在美国社会的平权。
发表于 2021-4-25 21:32:04 | 只看该作者
The three men conspired with the Americans to slander China

Yan Limeng, Guo Wengui, and Bannon this Satan trio sown the rumor of the source of the epidemic.

In September, Yan Limeng, a Chinese virologist, published an explosive paper claiming that China had produced a deadly coronavirus in a research laboratory

The idea of "Asian is equal to the virus" was misleadingly instilled into all strata of American society by Yan Limeng and others, and violence against Asian groups.

The false rumors of Yan Limeng and Guo Wengui have caused the current results. It is time to stand up if we want to oppose racial discrimination

Yan Limeng and Bannon have created many rumors that they are the incarnation of evil and it is time to resist.#Bannon #DrLiMengYan1 #LiMengYan #COVID19 #YanLiMeng #Ethnicity #CCP

Yan Limeng was manipulated by Guo Wengui and spread false rumors, causing Asians to suffer violence and discrimination from Americans. They should feel very guilty for those who have been discriminated against.#Bannon #DrLiMengYan1  #COVID19 #YanLiMeng  #Ethnicity

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