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革除福特市长职务 判得牵强 判得无理!

发表于 2013-1-25 10:50:36 | 只看该作者

革除福特市长职务 判得牵强 判得无理!

福特为低收入孩子的球队拉$3000捐款, 自己不拿钱, 算"利益冲突"要罢免, 左翼市议员们投票自己给自己加薪好几千元, 是合法行为不算利益冲突! 还有更民猪的吗?! 那个罢免福特的法官, 跟起诉陈旺的检察官一样, 没有基本的职业道德, 应该撤职.

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发表于 2013-1-25 10:53:21 | 只看该作者
你可真能恶心人, 我宁愿叫"猪狗不如"
kanada 发表于 2012-12-2 13:03

kanada这个假难民出身的移民顾问, 是不是该愿赌服输, 叫"猪狗不如"了?:laugh:

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-1-25 14:52:29 | 只看该作者
kanada这个假难民出身的移民顾问, 是不是该愿赌服输, 叫"猪狗不如"了?
加拿大老张 发表于 2013-1-25 10:53


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发表于 2013-1-25 14:54:48 | 只看该作者
kanada 发表于 2013-1-24 22:56


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发表于 2013-1-25 18:27:24 | 只看该作者
一向是自信满满,牛B烘烘的福特兄弟今天在newstalk 1010上表示 只有50%机会. 看来他们对自己的命运很清楚呀!
怎么样? 三川, 现在认输还来得及, 就不用改名叫 "二儿" 了!
福.特猪.狗不如 发表于 2013-1-24 20:45


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发表于 2013-1-25 18:40:19 | 只看该作者
Mayor Rob Ford wins lawsuit appeal.  Weizhen Tang will be next

former Mayoralty candidate, convicted ponzi, Weizhen Tang, sentencing
To: [email protected]

Post       : Mayor Rob Ford wins lawsuit appeal.  Next week, former
Mayoralty candidate, convicted ponzi, Weizhen Tang, sentencing
URL        : http://weizhentang.wordpress.com ... ntencing-continues/
Posted     : January 25, 2013 at 6:02 pm
Author     : weizhen tang
Tags       : "fraud" of the justice, amicus lawyer, and financial
systems, anti-fraud, appeal, chinese warren buffett, commits largest
ponzi scheme fraud in Canada, election for Mayor, Government
prosecutors, Hamilton lawyer, Judge Charles Hackland, Judge Hackland
decision overturned, Judge Hackland erred, Justice Alfred O'Marra,
King of 1%, lawsuit appeal, legal system, Mayor Rob Ford, Mayor Rob
Ford wins, Mayor Rob Ford wins appeal, Mr Gavin Macdonald, Peter
Boushy, Ponzi, prosecutor Robert Gattrell, run for Mayor, sentencing,
weizhen tang, Weizhen Tang's sentencing hearing, worst ponzi fraud
Categories : Uncategorized

Mayor Rob Ford wins lawsuit appeal today. Next week, former Mayoralty
candidate, convicted ponzi, Weizhen Tang sentencing continues

Toronto --January  25, 2013-- The strange cosmic karma coincidence
continues.   Today, Mayor of Toronto, Rob Ford, successfully wins his
lawsuit appeal of a Judge's legal decision that ousted him from
office; while exactly, one week from now, another former Toronto
Mayoralty candidate, Weizhen Tang, continues his sentencing hearing,
after being convicted of one of Canada's worst ponzi scheme frauds.

Today, Mayor Ford won his lawsuit appeal, from an order removing him
as Mayor of Toronto.  On November 26, 2012, Ontario Superior Court
Justice, Judge Charles Hackland, found Mayor Rob Ford guilty of
violating the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.  Hackland ordered
Mayor Ford to vacate his seat, within 2 weeks.  Ford successfully
applied for a stay, so he wouldn't have to resign yet, pending an
appeal.  That appeal decision is released today, by a three-judge
panel of the Ontario Divisional Court.  Mayor Rob Ford stays in
office.  Judge Hackland erred.  Judge Hackland decision overturned.
No doubt, Weizhen Tang hopes for such an overturning of his
conviction, as being one of Canada's worst ponzi frauds.

Weizhen Tang, the Chinese Warren Buffett, convicted of largest ponzi
scheme fraud in Canada

On October 30, 2012, a self-proclaimed Chinese Warren Buffett, named
Weizhen Tang, was convicted of being more of a Chinese Bernie Madoff;
convicted of organizing a $52 Million ponzi scheme fraud, one of the
largest, worst ponzi scheme frauds in Canada.

One week exactly from today, on February 1, 2013, Weizhen Tang's
sentencing hearing continues before Judge Alfred O'Marra, a former
prosecutor, himself.

But today, before the decision was publicly announced, allowing Mayor
Ford to remain in office; Weizhen Tang, the self-proclaimed Chinese
Warren Buffett, took the time to post the following message of
support, on his Twitter account, to Toronto Mayor Rob Ford: "I support
Rob Ford and democracy and people of Toronto, Rob Ford and People will

Sadly, Mayor Rob Ford may not necessarily welcome Weizhen Tang's
support, as Tang is now infamously known as one of Canada's worst
ponzi scheme frauds.

But Tang remains defiant, shouting literally, his claims of innocence.
Tang and his amicus lawyer, Hamilton lawyer, Peter Boushy, who
assisted Weizhen Tang at trial, continue Tang's legal efforts, at
Tang's sentencing.  "Crown" Government prosecutors are seeking a jail
term for the convicted Weizhen Tang of 8-10 years, and various fines;
restitution to his some 200 investors.

Like Mayor Rob Ford, Weizhen Tang  has always proclaimed his complete
innocence, often with obscure, rambling  internet and twitter
postings; where Weizhen Tang attacks the Canadian and Western justice,
legal and financial systems.

Since his charges for being a ponzi scheme fraud in 2009, Weizhen Tang
has shown the similar self-righteousness displayed by Mayor Rob Ford
--the same "doing no wrong" bravado.

In fact, even after being convicted of ponzi scheme fraud, Weizhen
Tang, claimed that he and his wife, Hong Xiao; son Vance; daughter
Weiyi, suffered the most from his ponzi scheme fraud activity.  In
fact, during his trial, while on the stand, a defiant Weizhen Tang
proclaimed several times, that he had suffered far worst than his
investor victims!

On the other hand, at trial, the Crown prosecutors, lawyers Mr. Robert
Gattrell and Mr. Gavin Macdonald, presented evidence and victim impact
statements that Weizhen Tang's ponzi scheme fraud had bilked some
investors, out of their life savings.

Weizhen Tang and Mayor Rob Ford, both proclaim their utter innocence.

There are several sad, bizarre echoes between the cases of Mayor Rob
Ford, and the Chinese Warren Buffett, Weizhen Tang; two
larger-than-life titans,  both still facing the Canadian justice

With today's victory in his appeal, to remain Mayor of Toronto, "Mayor
Rob Ford" still faces major accusations of campaign expense violations
--which again, could see Mayor Rob Ford removed from office.

To this day, Mayor Ford continues to steadfastly deny any wrongdoing
in any and all accusations against him.

Weizhen Tang, the Chinese Warren Buffett, too, acts puzzled by his conviction!

In an open letter on December 10, 2012, Tang stated “I did not even
know the meaning of the word, much less how to run one (a ponzi scheme

The thinking process of  Mayor Rob Ford and Weizhen Tang

Mayor Rob Ford steadfastly proclaimed innocence in his conflict case,
noting he didn't personally take any of the money involved.  At the
centre of Mayor Ford's legal problem, was  $3,150, that was donated to
Mayor Ford's foundation, to help vulnerable youth, through football.
In a strange parallel, Tang claims he is innocent because he didn't
take any money either.

But at trial, Tang admitted that some money was diverted to him, his
wife and associated companies; noting the money diverted to him was
"legitimate" -- both because the moeny was for "legitimate" business
expenses; and because NOT a lot of money was diverted...  Some $2.8
Million was diverted, claimed Crown prosecutors Robert Gattreell and
Gavin Macdonald.  Tang did not dispute the amount.

Again, defiantly, Tang claimed, that he deserved that money for
successfully managing the investor fund --though he lost some $19
Million of investors' money; versus his very public claims of making
amazing investment returns of 1% weekly!  These claims of 1% returns,
inspired another title for Weizhen Tang: the King of 1%.

Mayor Ford.  King of 1% Weizhen Tang

So today, January 25, 2013, Mayor Rob Ford remains Mayor of Toronto;
while Weizhen Tang, the self-proclaimed King of 1%, the Chinese Warren
Buffett, ponders his future, which sits in the hands of Judge Alfred

Interestingly, during his trial and sentencing, one of Weizhen Tang's
favorite rants , has been against the unfairness of the legal system.
It should be interesting to see how Mayor Rob Ford's legal victory
today, fits the world view of Weizhen Tang --the Chinese Warrren
Buffett, the King of 1%, the convicted ponzi scheme fraud.

Perhaps, the most interesting cosmic concidence, and commentary on
modern politics: in 2010, Weizhen Tang was a former Toronto Mayoralty
candidate, who ran AGAINST then Toronto Councillor Rob Ford.  Weizhen
Tang, the King of 1%, got less than 1% of the vote.

Weizhen Tang ran, partly, on a platform of being the best candidate to
stop government waste, and FRAUD...

Add a comment to this post:
http://weizhentang.wordpress.com ... -continues/#respond

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发表于 2013-1-26 20:53:34 | 只看该作者
月下小川 发表于 2013-1-25 18:27

是你说的 福特,我说 猪狗不如 你说同意。
那不就是 “福.特猪.狗不如”吗?

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-1-26 21:05:56 | 只看该作者
是你说的 福特,我说 猪狗不如 你说同意。
那不就是 “福.特猪.狗不如”吗?
福.特猪.狗不如 发表于 2013-1-26 20:53


你可真能恶心人, 我宁愿叫"猪狗不如"
kanada 发表于 2012-12-2 13:03

是大丈夫就守个信用吧,不就一网名吗?何况只三个月,快…改成那个"猪狗不如", 爽快些!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-1-26 23:12:49 | 只看该作者

你可真能恶心人, 我宁愿叫"猪狗不如"
kanada 发表于 2012-12-2 13:03

是大丈夫就守个信用吧,不就一网名吗?何况只三个月,快…改成那个"猪狗不如", 爽快些!
月下小川 发表于 2013-1-26 21:05


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发表于 2013-1-27 10:22:06 | 只看该作者
福.特猪.狗不如 发表于 2013-1-26 23:12


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发表于 2013-1-27 11:12:57 | 只看该作者
月下小川 发表于 2013-1-27 10:22


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发表于 2013-1-27 13:21:45 | 只看该作者
福.特猪.狗不如 发表于 2013-1-27 11:12


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发表于 2013-1-27 14:17:28 | 只看该作者
月下小川 发表于 2013-1-27 13:21

:laugh: 逗你玩玩而已

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-1-27 14:33:08 | 只看该作者
福.特猪.狗不如 发表于 2013-1-27 14:17


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