这几点很有道理,谢谢分享!前面的网友说的到位,哲学是提出问题,而宗教是解答问题。西方哲学和东方哲学好像还有点不同。东方哲学比方老子,他是有点宗教和哲学是结合。西方哲学的核心是围绕人。“我是什么?我们是什么?” 哲学家就人的本性有很多讨论。大哲学家弗洛伊德说过这么一段: Men are not gentle friendly creatures wishing for love but a powerful measure of aggressiveness" . 哲学家对人性的认识应该说不错,但是missing 根本的point 就是:人为什么有这些本性,而人的始终是什么? 而宗教的出发点恰恰就是从人的初始和终极来探讨。
did you learn this from your middle school in China? I donot understand why the philosophy is essencial for all science. do we need to know the philosophy when we study math or physics? your answer is so similar with what I learned when I was a middle school student in China. I donot thind it is right.