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保健无需医药之一:Dry Sky皮肤干燥?

发表于 2020-10-24 12:06:39 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
保健无需医药 Let’s our systems keep us health and bee hap2py 让我们的系统保持我们的健康和幸福。

皮肤干燥表明您的分泌系统 secretory systems受到压力。皮肤是身体的第三层保护层。第一层是您的气场。第二层是您的体油。


肥皂等“护肤产品”破坏了您的气场和皮肤油脂,必须消费各种护肤产品来“保健”。百姓皆谓我自然 - 自信,不信“保健”产品,我每天只用水清洗皮肤和头发。当我手上或身体被油等用清水无法清除时,我才使用肥皂。淋浴时,我先用温水清洁皮肤,然后用冷水使我打冷颤,以便产生皮肤油,最后,我做全身按摩来干燥自己,而且像狗一样摇头甩干头发。


让我们的系统保持健康,[google; bee hap2py]。

Dry Sky 皮肤干燥??

保健无需医药 Let’s our systems keep us health and bee hap2py.

Dry skin are telling that your secretory systems 分泌系统 are stressed. Skin is one of the third layer protections from outside of your body. The first layer is your aura 气场。 The second layer is your body oil.

Your aura work like the blue aura of the earth. When a meteorite is coming from out spaces, the blue aura burning it energy to protect the earth. Without its blue aura, the earth is lifeless as the moon. Your aura let you feel the temperature changing to protect your body. When it's hot your secretory systems make you sweat. When it's cold the systems make you chill to produce skin oil.

Skin products such as soap take your skin oil away. You have to put body lotions to replace your own oil. I only use water to take care of my skin and hair daily. I only use soap when I have oily or dirty hands. I use warm water to clean my skin first at shower. Then I use cold water chill my body to produce my skin oil. I dry my body by massaging myself. I shake my head like a dog after showering to dry my hair.

I use my systems to take care of my skin and hair. My only problem is my dry heel. I have to use lotions for them.

Let’s our systems keep us health and 【google bee hap2py】.

保健无需医药之一:Dry Sky皮肤干燥?
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