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5年内无法居留2年 太空人接离境令剧增

发表于 2012-6-3 18:01:59 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2012-6-3 18:31:05 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2012-6-3 18:31:21 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2012-6-3 19:28:43 | 只看该作者
adaa 发表于 2012-6-3 19:31 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif


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发表于 2012-6-3 19:35:29 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2012-6-3 19:59:46 | 只看该作者
Thanks for your loyalty to the nation, but these guys are so eager to see some punishment that makes me feel sorry for them. These "citizens" are trying to disgrace Canada with bias and jealousy, and my concern is and always be who should be responsible for the failure of immigrant and refugee policy, and why you guys actually think blaming these poor people makes things better?

There are so many ways to "Protect Canada's interest", such behavior is the worst. And so many laws and values are respected, but "too mean to understand" is definitely not one of them. Someone was disappointed, not me.

"Plus je connais les hommes, plus j'admire les chiens", no more 极品 immis please.
griffiel 发表于 2012-6-3 18:34

I'd much appreciated if you deliver your ideas in your mother tongue. Frankly I don't quite follow what you are trying to say. Who are indeed disgracing Canada? Those following the law with honesty and integrity, or those just wanna take advantage of Canada's mercy and generosity?

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发表于 2012-6-3 20:27:58 | 只看该作者

5年内无法居留2年 太空人接离境令剧增

本帖最后由 griffiel 于 2012-6-4 10:54 编辑
I'd much appreciated if you deliver your ideas in your mother tongue. Frankly I don't quite follow what you are trying to say. Who are indeed disgracing Canada? Those following the law with honesty and integrity, or those just wanna take advantage of Canada's mercy and generosity?
5 past 6 发表于 2012-6-3 20:59 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

Question 1:“no more 极品 immis please”, "failure of immigrant and refugee policy" ——so who are disgracing Canada? 极品immis and failure policy are. Those 极品immis who just wanna take advantage of Canada's mercy and generosity are only disgracing themselves.

Question 2: If someone legally "takes advantage of Canada's mercy and generosity", who else do you think will "follow the law with honesty and integrity"? At least 极品immis won't. Who made these laws and policies bloody hell out of date? Who is responsible for Canadian people and national benefit? Who lost the game with cheaters and whose debts honest people has to pay? Who should be blamed most? ——Maybe you could follow me now?

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发表于 2012-6-3 20:43:48 | 只看该作者
Question 1:“no more 极品 immis please”, "failure of immigrant and refugee policy" ——so who are disgracing Canada? 极品immis and failure policy are. Those 极品immis who just wanna take advantage of Canada's mercy and generosity are only disgracing themselves.

Question 2: If someone legally "takes advantage of Canada's mercy and generosity", who  else do you think will following the law with honesty and integrity? At least 极品immis won't. So maybe you could follow me now?
griffiel 发表于 2012-6-3 21:27

Those 'unqualified PRs' have nothing to do with our immigration policies, ok? They simply did not meet the residential requirements to continuously qualify a legal PR. If you have a justified reason for your extended absence, CIC has an open channel for evaluation and re-consideration of your case. We are all reasonable people in Canada.

If you wanted to make a point on a particular issue, stay with the issue you are talking about. For those ordered to leave Canada, I have no sympathy but cheer because they deserve the consequences of disregarding the law.

End of debate.

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发表于 2012-6-3 20:59:57 | 只看该作者

5年内无法居留2年 太空人接离境令剧增

本帖最后由 griffiel 于 2012-6-3 22:17 编辑
Those 'unqualified PRs' have nothing to do with our immigration policies, ok? They simply did not meet the residential requirements to continuously qualify a legal PR. If you have a justified reason for your extended absence, CIC has an open channel for evaluation and re-consideration of your case. We are all reasonable people in Canada.

If you wanted to make a point on a particular issue, stay with the issue you are talking about. For those ordered to leave Canada, I have no sympathy but cheer because they deserve the consequences of disregarding the law.

End of debate.
5 past 6 发表于 2012-6-3 21:43 http://bbs.51.ca/images/common/back.gif

A legal PR? If we don't talk about immigration policies, please tell me what "legal" is based on? Cheer for the coming policies if you must, but do not trust to hope. The law is the law, you can say it, but these policies have failed, and you know why? Yes, cause the law is the law quote, again... ha-ha, more failures followed by a long train of failures, mark my words.

No debate yet, end of what?

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-6-3 21:26:07 | 只看该作者
A legal PR? If we don't talk about immigration policies, please tell me what "legal" is based on? Cheer for the coming policies if you must, but do not trust to hope. The law is the law, you can say it, but these policies are failed, and you know why? Yes, cause the law is the law quote, again... ha-ha

No debate yet, end of what?
griffiel 发表于 2012-6-3 21:59

So what exactly is your point from the following?

1. Those who received 'departure order' are unfortunate' but deserving?
2. The issuance of 'departure order' is totally wrong?
3. CIC is a piece of shit?
4. This government is anti-immigration?
5. My plan failed because of the recent reforms on immigration policies?

Name more if you wish.......to help me understand and carry on this interesting dialogue :smokin:.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-6-3 21:54:11 | 只看该作者

5年内无法居留2年 太空人接离境令剧增

本帖最后由 griffiel 于 2012-6-3 22:57 编辑

1. Those who received 'departure order' are unfortunate' but deserving?
I don't know them, no comment.
2. The issuance of 'departure order' is totally wrong?
The law is the law, but law can be improved, it's not about R/W but worse or better.
3. CIC is a piece of shit?
Out of line, dude. CIC just isn't good enough, sometime bad, and what do you think?
4. This government is anti-immigration?
We don't need an embossing or stamp.
5. My plan failed because of the recent reforms on immigration policies?
Reforms: better Later than never, but it would be worse, alas...
My plan? never better, thank you for asking.

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发表于 2012-6-3 23:29:56 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2012-6-4 07:22:41 | 只看该作者
law is law

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发表于 2012-6-4 23:02:53 | 只看该作者
game is a game .....want to play ,,have to return.............

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发表于 2012-6-6 11:11:25 | 只看该作者
griffiel 发表于 2012-6-3 14:45


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